2009-11-30 15:51:52 UTC
the teacher was forced out and the school is now run by and for muslims.
Is this new hate filled society one can expect in future as more and more radical muslim students
call jews pigs and non human and suffer no consequences.
Only the victim is persecuted and humiliated, in this case the jewish teacher, who went out of her way to be non judgmental in our so called multicultural society.
For these god awful student creations filled with hate and bigotry to come to canada and be mollycoddled is shameful and an indictment of our society.
Not one student supported the teacher, of course.
And there is nothing else to this other than what it is , pure hatred and age old anti semitism.
no amount of teaching values to these brainwashed caricatures is going to make an iota of difference.
they are taught these disgusting beliefs from childhood, and are infiltrating the west.
I am ashamed to be canadian when this happens and the authorities punish the vicim.
Growing anti semitism is the flavor of the day once again, and the beginning of the 21st century
does not bode well for jews or israel.
Any ideas???