most days at work are spent in my van as a delivery driver and i listen to the radio now there is a station called talk sport which is grate till 10 o,clock am when some guy buy the name of jon gaunt enters the air waves now first and foremost i listen to talk sport because of what it says on the tin its a sport station were people talk about sport no music just a talk phone in then enters gaunt a man who started with nothing ended up on drugs went bankrupt well nothing wrong with that but now he has made his fortune all he does is slag of the very thing he was tough on the work-shy,tough on the scroungers,why not tough on the pedophiles,tough on the muggers,no not gaunty not now he is loaded he wants protection from the very thing he was ..junkies..Why do i listen you ask??..its not him its the only station were people can phone in and discus a topic plus there is no music .Anyone can front a program like that just have the days newspapers in front of you and fire away