2012-04-21 08:06:54 UTC
I merely think Julian Assange is being politically abused as a man by Obama because women find him attractive he was mildly no more Embarresment than 2 lots of soldier's vulgarity to urinate upon dead and wrap body parts as offence to Islam O'bama lies about being Islamic from his dad fake priests damning America and yet just because O'bama cant protect America from himself he persicutes Australian Julian Assange with jurors chosen a grand court in Virginia?
Why has julia been so badly traitoress to Australia why a Marine Division of Marines why one Australian protester? What can poor Julian Assanges life be worth? He's not Jesus nor a Messiah Complex? Oh tie a million yellow ribbon around Australian Parliament House he's a righteous man not proud but noble!
What would Julian Assange be as terror to diplomacy even if human life is sacred? How can murder of one contientious objector be denied freedom of speech for political crimes!
Because Julian Assange chose a country who believes in diplomatic accountability? Should we be excempting lawyer's politicians doctors and religiously zeilous fundamental or devout believers or exclude secular gender bias where does the vast majority of crime come from? If America were a Christian Nation instead of either Macarthiest or Nationalistically rabid? It's not Christian to forgive a unethically moral journalist to force murder for non use of a condom in Sweden for equity laws on entrapment? Does Julian wish to convert for absolution to Roman Catholicism to NOT use a condom and is there a legal come back on it? I don't know? What's the Holy Father in Rome's view on Julian being state murdered in America for unprotected sex in Sweden do two wrongs make it right? And if Mitt Romney was elected would the Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's Thomas Spencer-Monson identify ahead of election if Julian Assanges murder of the one to save the many is something POTUS would have to be obedient to? Also we know O'bama already does this as a psuedo Christian Muslim visa vie Julian Assange isn't Osama Ben Laden but given America Allows BSky News to use emails found by it's citizen Rupherdt Murdoch's M for make you go Mmmmmm supports O'bama don't he?
Given Julia Gillard invited a Division of USA Marines to get Julian when Osama only had 3 helicopters? He's revenge? Can we go to China to deal with Mitt and Tony Inc? Vs Russia n O'bama with Athiest Julia man hating?
I hope His Holiness Pope Benadict xvi for beseeching mercy for journalism holding crimes against humanity accountable by fleeing persicution? Where is any force for good any altruistic values? Pretty much its 80% of the Australian viewing audience's opinion I really cannot let a "good man die by murder