Why does Fox News constantly lie to the people? Here’s yet another example of ‘creative editing’ to make Obama look bad.?
2014-09-22 05:41:27 UTC
How could it be that every time Iraq comes up on Fox News, they conveniently forget to mention that GW Bush signed the agreement to be outta there by the end of 2011? Malaki wanted us outta there. GW signed it. Obama followed that timeline.
Are there any honest Republicans left?
27 answers:
2014-09-22 09:35:56 UTC
Why does Fox News "constantly lie"? Because cause you pick and choose what you want to hear or what you are spoon-fed about Fox News. Fox News has talked about the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Bush made with Iraq in the closing weeks of his administration. It's been commented on. There was even a Fox Documentary a month ago where the SOFA was mentioned. I'm pretty sure I learned about the SOFA from Fox News years ago now!
Even though there was a SOFA, the door was left open for a new agreement to be made. Obama could have pressed the issue, but he didn't. Obama wanted out of there in the worst possible way. Not only did he not push for a new SOFA and pulled troops out. Diplomatic staff and any advisors that could still shape Malaki were cut to the bone. Obama wanted Iraq to be ancient history as far as he was concerned.
What other things are you wrong about concerning Fox News and their "constant lying". The purpose of your question and mindset is to convince yourself of something you simply want to believe. Fox News is a thorn in the side of Liberal interpretation of the world.
2014-09-22 05:50:04 UTC
Actually FOX brought it up a lot during the time Obama was getting ready to withdraw from Iraq, because Obama was making the withdrawal out to be HIS success... never acknowledging that his timeline was the same as GWB.
That being said, there is a difference between a gradual, progressive withdrawal and just pulling out. "Timelines" are not carved in stone. Military leaders ALL said that leaving Iraq too fast with Al-Malaki still in power would be disastrous... which it was. Obama could have put more pressure on the Iraqi government to get Al-Malaki out of power, because it was obvious that he was corrupt and rapidly alienating the Sunnis.
2014-09-22 05:53:23 UTC
You don't get it...Obama could have argued for a new SOFA but didn't because he thought once we left everyone would love the U.S. Also he could have bombed them...Malaki also begged the U.S. for help when ISIS was taking over Iraq....Obama did NOTHING...and do you actually think that if Obama wanted to do anything in Iraq he needs permission?...we could send troops in there rite now regardless of that SOFA agreement...h3ll we are getting ready to go into Syria rite now and with no permission from the Syrian government...so get it right before blaming FOX NEWS for reporting Obamas blunders...
2014-09-22 05:47:50 UTC
Actually, it was up to Obama to renegotiate the status of forces agreement in 2011. Malaki, Obama's generals, and state wanted something on the order of 30,000 troops left in Iraq-a force sufficient to have prevented what has occurred now. Obama was going to leave 3,500 in Iraq--3,500 were meaningless as far as Iraq security went--Malaki knew this wasn't worth the political capital he'd have to spend to have a SOFA approved. Obama knew this as well.
Truth hurts doesn't it--Obama wanted out--he left under the guise of no SOFA--when it was his refusal to leave any significant troops there. History has shown now what a unmitigated fool Obama was.
2014-09-22 06:10:10 UTC
It's amazing how stupid people a who cannot distinguish between the withdrawl of combat troops and an agreement for stationing troops for stability and training. The long-term troop presence was to be a separate agreement, even under Bush. It was the signal failure of Obama to have not secured that, and all the current crises in Iraq can be laid to his ineptitude and feckessness.
Peace Through Blinding Force
2014-09-22 07:16:26 UTC
Sorry, but Obama drastically altered the deal over Iraq's objections.
The agreement was to hand-off control to Iraq and for us to remove whatever forces Iraq could replace with its own, leaving others in place as needed until Iraq was ready to replace them.
According to Obama's BOAST in October 2011, Obama went to Iraq to demand WE RETAIN COMBAT CONTROL and when Iraq rejected that, he responded by eliminating the SUPPORT we'd agreed to keep providing.
No, my source is not FOX, it's the OBAMA.WHITE HOUSE.
2014-09-22 06:46:29 UTC
A mediamatter blog site as a source? Try the enquirer next time. I saw more "creative editing" during the Bush years on the part of MSNBC and CNN than I ever did from Fox.
2014-09-24 09:56:53 UTC
By 2011, it was obvious that Iraq was far from ready to protect its own citizens, and that the leader of the state was incompetent. That is why we blame the president. We would not blame him for a speculation of what is going on in 2018, in 2018, but we would blame someone who said he went on a 2014 projection.
2014-09-22 05:57:21 UTC
When a network has a strong political agenda behind their news operations, it makes for some dangerous situations. Fox News contributes to the decline in America far more than people having access to abortions.
2014-09-23 18:22:51 UTC
They don't, or the President Obama appointed FFC tsar would have them off the air in 24 hours flat, as per Draconian FCC rules!
To suggest otherwise to directly insult and disrespect President Obama and the head of the FCC!
2014-09-22 21:32:02 UTC
Fox News is paid to present a perspective. It has hired the professionals
to act like gym body builder coaches who stand back, talking, while their
listener sweats from pain to pain. Gain is not what Fox News produces
if you consider the twice elected President Obama accomplishments.
What listeners are being trained for is accepting grief from naysayers..
2014-09-22 06:58:31 UTC
And what you keep forgetting is Obama, against the advice of every one of his military advisers, pulled us out of Iraq prematurely. He sat back and watched ISIS invade, and REFUSED to give them air support that could have stopped them.
If he had just kept a base open in western Iraq to defend against just this sort of thing, things would have been different.
So quit trying to blame Bush for this!!!!!! It just won't fly with Americans. Obama screwed it up...let him fix it.
2014-09-22 05:45:16 UTC
Bush, Panetta, and everyone with a brain wanted the US to have a continued presence in Iraq to prevent precisely the kind of chaos it is now experiencing. Obongo wanted the US to leave. Get it? Bush, Panetta, and everyone else with a brain were correct, as it turns out, and obongo was wrong. Deal with it.
2014-09-22 19:42:26 UTC
Why do you suppose that Fox News has t lie about 0bama, when there's nothing to lie about! The world already knows that 0bama has no intestinal fortitude. So why does Fox News have to do any "creative editing" to make 0bama look bad when 0bama can do it on his own!
2014-09-22 09:27:11 UTC
The agreement is not exactly the way you describe it. But the answer to your question is that Obama himself is the one bragging that he brought the troops home and finish the war, as he promised during the presidential campaign
2014-09-22 05:45:32 UTC
Their slogan is 'Fair and Balanced' that's all u need to know that Fox are blatant liars--theyre literally feeding u bullsh*t before they even misconstrue the news to fit their crooked agenda
2014-09-22 06:56:45 UTC
Because they asked if they could and the world allows a news station the right to lie.
2014-09-23 04:34:02 UTC
They are a conservative news source and they put a conservative spin on all
the news and expect the people to follow them like sheep. So far, unfortunately,
it is working for them.
2014-09-22 05:50:03 UTC
Try morning Joe while your at it you get to see a rich cracker who failed congress rant and whines about Obama. He says Obama is not doing enough about ISIS/ISIL.... Todays opinion was lets strip the NFL of tax exemption status because some colored football players hit their wives. I am guessing but he would not want the US catholic church stripped of its tax exemption status because of pedophile behavior.
2014-09-23 08:03:38 UTC
That is the writers falt maybe he just does not like Obama, and any thing he writes is going to make Obama look bad. just change the channel .
2014-09-22 07:25:56 UTC
So I take it you get all your news from MSNBS, that well known unbiased source of truth and wisdom. No wonder you are so ignorant of who really screwed up royally in Iraq.
2014-09-23 15:08:38 UTC
the republicans literally own and operate foxnews. and they hate obama. for a variety of reasons, including racism. so they promote the gop agenda, they lie, they falsify facts, and their news is simply a group of obama haters spouting off over and ovr and over and over. not only are they against obama and dems, they are not all that fond of women as a whole. interesting how any woman in the country would vote republican after all that has been said, but with foxnews spinning their version, who knows how women will vote this year.
2014-09-22 05:45:35 UTC
Why do Libs constantly lie by not telling the whole story?
Maliki didn't want US troops totally out but O'Bama insisted on ridiculous conditions!
2014-09-22 05:48:00 UTC
I notice that it doesn't bother you when MSNBC does the same thing though. Why is that?