I would give Alex Jones an hour-long TV show at 7:00 PM while most Fox viewers are watching American Idol or football. This could possibly bring in a new demographic while not alienating viewers who would vehemently disagree with Jones. Overall, I wouldn't mess too much up considering it's success as a network. Perhaps play re-runs of The Apprentice as well. Or have an hour of country and classic rock videos. Anything to celebrate Middle America.
Honestly though, Fox News is successful enough already that I think changing things up might be unnecessary.
Smokies Hiker
2016-01-24 09:56:00 UTC
Nothing! I've been watching FOX news for many years. They're the only news broadcast that actually discusses both sides of the stories and invites those with opposing views to come on the show and state their views. That's the reason FOX News has been #1 for so long. I can't remember the last time I watched CNN for any facts.
2016-01-28 17:18:15 UTC
Nothing! I've been watching FOX news for many years. They're the only news broadcast that actually discusses both sides of the stories and invites those with opposing views to come on the show and state their views. That's the reason FOX News has been #1 for so long. I can't remember the last time I watched CNN for any facts.
2016-01-25 12:24:52 UTC
That would mean I was a billionaire so I would be a totally different person than the man I am today and I probably wouldn't do much as Fox News is by far the most successful news channel today so I wouldn't change much with my cash cow. I would tell Bill O'Reilly what an arrogant fool I know him to be, but he would not be out of a job as the guy gets amazing ratings. I know this isn't the answer you wanted but it is the most honest answer you will get so go ahead and give it your ultra slow minded liberal thumbs down of ignorance!
2016-01-24 09:55:37 UTC
I'd dump the bimbos, hire actual investigative reporters, hit hard news with all the main answers as to who, what, when, where, why and how. I put a stop to 'news casters' interviewing each other. I'd investigate banks, insurance companies, churches, government organizations and political fat cats and their PACs. There would be no weeks of BS about lost aircraft, 'Donald Trumps', dead entertainers or such distractions. I'd make no friends. I'd expose as much dirt as possible and document every accusation with hard proof. George W. Bush DID skate on his military service and he did let Cheney's posse start a war. Big money has bought out 'our' government. The climate will be a major factor in every aspect of life on this planet much sooner than later and there may be no actual way to deal with it. Population will smother this planet and our physical and social infrastructure has been ignored way too long. 95% of Americans are getting poorer and 5% are getting richer with no 'turn around' possible...that WILL be our world and it should be reported. It won't be, but it should be!
2016-01-26 08:20:37 UTC
Give Russell Brand a show and bring back all the old fox saturday morning cartoons that made life worth living. Like Eek the cat, Bobbys world, Super Dave Osborn. As well as the Dinosaurs. Then have Russell run the rest of the programming when the kids aren't watching.
Then I would use that and fund projects to help people and put that **** on the news.
2016-01-25 09:22:35 UTC
First thing I would do is I would not hire females solely based on their cute looks and figures and wearing short skirts all the time.
Second thing is I would give some leeway with the shows able to have a margin when they want to go to commercial break, not this mandatory segments they have now.
Third is I would get rid of "Fox and Friends" and fire everyone on that show. That show is so pathetic I turn to Morning Joe on MSNBC.
Fourth I would have a new show taking the place of Megan Kelly's timeslot having a conservative and a liberal hosting the show, much like "Hannity and Colmbs" used to be.
2016-01-25 08:59:29 UTC
George W. Bush DID skate on his military service and he did let Cheney's posse start a war. Big money has bought out 'our' government. The climate will be a major factor in every aspect of life on this planet much sooner than later and there may be no actual way to deal with it. Population will smother this planet and our physical and social infrastructure has been ignored way too long. 95% of Americans are getting poorer and 5% are getting richer with no 'turn around' possible...that WILL be our world and it should be reported. It won't be, but it should be! who lie about it and want to silence it, stare lovingly at Julie Banderas, flirt shamelessly with Joanne Nosuchinsky, hang out with Greg Gutfeld, and then sell the network back to the people running it now, since I'm not interested in being in charge of a news network.
Tom Carpenter
2016-01-27 07:41:16 UTC
Try and add Some Good News Reports too Balance out all of the Bad News Reports on a Days and Weeks Events for the USA people to see and hear Best Wishes America in 2016......
2016-01-23 19:17:55 UTC
I would start a Fox News straight news channel with more reporting and less opinion on prime time.
2016-01-28 10:03:50 UTC
If I owned Fox News I'd give everyone a raise because I love them all. They have the smartest people and the most beautiful ladies of any channel.
2016-01-25 12:43:08 UTC
Make its programming less entertainment based and more serious. I'd keep it in the conservative vein, as there needs to be a source for a different view point from the otherwise mostly liberal media outlets, but keep closer to the facts and less sensationalism, more like CNN but with it's conservative values reflected in what news it covers and it's reactions to said news. But no more let's have a talk show where it's only opinions and outlandish claims.
2016-01-23 19:15:45 UTC
I would be rich and be ranking in the money. There is nothing I would change because Fox has the largest number of people watching it and is really the only place for people to go to see the other side of things from MSNCB and CNN. Why would I want to change a winning idea?
Wow I would also be powerful
2016-01-27 05:51:12 UTC
I would leave it in the mud-slinging slug fest that it is. I CHALLENGE those of you with OPEN MINDS to watch FOX news for at least a week, then compare it to other news sources. NOTHING compares to FOX news because they give BOTH sides of an issue and let YOU decide you love/hate relationship with it. the problem with people who hate Fox news, is they HATE someone who opposes their point of view. I have spent years watching CNN, and other news sources, and they are flat out pathetic compared to FOX.
2016-01-23 19:44:38 UTC
I'd laugh even more at the liberals here who lie about it and want to silence it, stare lovingly at Julie Banderas, flirt shamelessly with Joanne Nosuchinsky, hang out with Greg Gutfeld, and then sell the network back to the people running it now, since I'm not interested in being in charge of a news network.
2016-01-25 17:31:52 UTC
I would attempt to educate the more deplorable part of the American population by showing up-to-date U.S. Healthcare documentaries and other reports that explore the cultural, religious, and political influences behind world affairs without being biased.
It's amazing to me just how many people aren't informed at all about their own countries politics, economy, and culture. Everyone has a right to an informed opinion; no one is entitled to animosity.
2016-01-25 08:54:14 UTC
Hire Michael J. Fox and Samantha Fox and have the Fox & Fox Show.
2016-01-26 01:55:54 UTC
I'd make it NON PARTISAN for one thing. Far too many networks in this country that take sides
The News should always be IMPARTIAL, sadly we don't get it from Fox, and certainly not from MSNBC
2016-01-24 22:04:01 UTC
Turn into a unbiased news network, and make it that when a Hannity and O'Reilly ask a question to a "Democratic strategist" they cannot interrupt until the answer is completely given no more interuptions above answer.
Debra H
2016-01-28 17:45:48 UTC
Fire Meagan Kelly. Then take Fox back to how it was in the beginning when they were struggling for a spot. They are getting more and more like the MSM.. and that is sad.
2016-01-24 04:41:42 UTC
Less Bimbo reporters and more hard corp news reporting.
Run at least two to three investigative reports every six months.
Reports that could and would topple government procedures.
And Big Business procedures.
2016-01-24 07:59:05 UTC
Fire Gretchen Carlson and get rid of Alan Colmes an have more than just four stories being reported all day for starter's
2016-01-28 15:56:06 UTC
I'd turn it into a game show where people took turns verbally bashing the republican candidates for 2016. Then I would disband it and sell it to the Democratic party to see how outraged Republicans get when propaganda is shoved down their throats.
2016-01-23 19:17:19 UTC
Nothing. It attracts dumb rednecks from middle America who chew tobacco and sing honkie doodle cracker all day long.
Like these fine white gentlemen.
Fox News makes millions off these dumb white people. I wouldn't change it for a bit.
2016-01-24 05:56:38 UTC
Same as ALL other MEDIA's - Left , Right - American and Foreign - MSN, BBC, FOX ! BS, lie, whine ... say what so many IDIOTS want to hear and make MONEY ... they all get Voluntarily Stupid to listen , believe the BS and make lots of money :( sad but true !
2016-01-24 21:22:39 UTC
No guarantee but I hope I'd be more objective than Fox or HuffPost!
2016-01-23 19:14:55 UTC
Keep it like it is so it would remain the #1 news channel like it has been for the last 15 years or so..
2016-01-24 07:36:28 UTC
give it to a actual fox and see if he can make better news reports
2016-01-24 11:07:32 UTC
If i could, I would make the news more uplifting, but that doesn't keep the ratings good. Even though I could change things, I would probably keep it the same because hell, I'm getting millions of dollars off of the previous person's good decisions.
2016-01-23 19:38:25 UTC
The main thing reporting used to be was to give the reader/viewer information from both sides without trying to sway them to one side or the other just report the story. With any news outlet that's what I want. Honest information on a story/report without a slant to one side or the other.
2016-01-25 15:31:35 UTC
All of Fox News is all wrong. Its to self centered. to involved in it self, than the news, that should be reported. Tell and say the news and never mine about your opinion that no one cares about. I WOULD FIRE EVERYONE AND START NEW. my pompous employee Bastards fine a new job. everyone of you stand in front of me and you will hear 2 words
" Y O U R F I R E D " that made me feel good!!!!.
2016-01-24 13:04:34 UTC
Help grow heroes more than glorify thugs and murderers. Kids don't have to watch violent games or shows, the news teaches them what really works.
2016-01-23 20:11:10 UTC
Turn it into a news outlet instead of misleading Republican noise machine. And I agree with WG - Hire Rachel Maddow. She is a liberal but is honest.
2016-01-24 08:56:28 UTC
Play Better shows
2016-01-25 19:07:06 UTC
Just throw in the Ad Council ads with paid programming on weekends, so that helps myself with life. And on the other hand, I guess that's about everything with little change.
2016-01-24 14:58:32 UTC
I'd use it spread the truth. Get people's eyes open before it's too late, viva la resistance.
2016-01-25 09:06:56 UTC
Certainly lose the bimbos.They sit there with legs wide open and SAY they're selling News but that's not what they advertise.
2016-01-25 16:38:07 UTC
The only thing I would do is rename it Fox Comedy Network. The programming would remain exactly the same.
2016-01-23 19:15:08 UTC
I'd change nothing. It's more popular than any other news source in America.
2016-01-24 09:34:57 UTC
The Stallion
2016-01-25 12:43:26 UTC
Keep it the same, maybe put Sean back at 9:00 and replay The Five at 11:00.
Ursus Particularies
2016-01-24 13:48:32 UTC
I would sell it to CNN for preferred stocks and money in 40 / 60 ratio.
The remainder of my plans are secret.
2016-01-25 20:22:18 UTC
Shut it down and rebuild an ethical News caster
2016-01-26 11:57:43 UTC
I would hire the most beautiful and shapely women that I could find and have them report the news wearing nothing except bras and panties. The ratings would go through the roof and I would be rich beyond my wildest dreams!!!
Mr. Wizard
2016-01-26 02:16:39 UTC
Push my investigative reporters to aggressively find all the hidden dirt on The Obama's they can find; the people deserve to know the full extent they have been LIED TO by Barry and Michelle!!
Tad Dubious
2016-01-25 07:32:09 UTC
Vicia, I would sell it immediately. I do not want to own something like that. I would give most of the money to worthy causes and wash my hands of it.
2016-01-24 02:53:51 UTC
I'd fire everyone and hire young people right out of college with no experience.
That's how I lost my job... I'd like to continue the ritual.
2016-01-25 13:24:29 UTC
I would ask Megan Kelly out on a date
2016-01-25 19:25:08 UTC
Hand it over to Donald Trump and Sarah Palin and watch the hilarity ensue.
2016-01-23 19:17:25 UTC
Go on air and give a message to the viewers essentially saying that they have been brainwashed by corporate/GOP propaganda, and then give the channel to Democracy Now.
Wicked Garden
2016-01-23 19:24:06 UTC
Fire everyone and then hire people like Rachel Maddow-people with advanced degree's in politics.
2016-01-26 14:49:33 UTC
I would take off every segment that has to do with celebrity gossip. Honestly, people, mind your own life instead of stalking theirs :/
Vinegar Taster
2016-01-25 18:16:04 UTC
Make an alternative news channel out of it ...
2016-01-26 03:06:22 UTC
news only
2016-01-24 17:58:20 UTC
Its realy the only network with unbiased news. The reporters act natural and free from pressure.
2016-01-24 07:30:54 UTC
I would start telling the truth, something FOX is allergic to.
2016-01-26 09:15:08 UTC
I wouldn't know what to change, it's fox.
2016-01-27 00:08:22 UTC
get rid of the Liars who only give news that sells and get back to Honest reporting
and stop with ugly weather Girls
Chetta Atkins
2016-01-23 19:16:13 UTC
Fire all the editorial staff and commentators. Keep only the tech crew members who say, "I hated working here and everybody else who worked here all along, but I needed a paycheck."
I was wrong once
2016-01-23 19:17:24 UTC
I'd make lying and inciting voilence against policy. That's about it.
2016-01-24 15:24:41 UTC
I'd bring back Colmes or bring in another liberal to balance Hannity.
2016-01-29 09:38:14 UTC
Sell it to Obama and move to Texas
2016-01-25 19:49:40 UTC
I'd change the name to FRN (Far-Right News) and get rid of the "fair and balanced" slogan. I wouldn't silence it, I'd just make it honest.
2016-01-23 19:40:58 UTC
Slap liberals around the way they like it. IOW, kinda, sorta wassup right now, no I'ma sayin', hon?
2016-01-25 02:10:11 UTC
I would see how fast & for how much I could sell it for. I know nothing about that type of business to manage it. Bad fit for me.
2016-01-25 15:42:10 UTC
Fox is perfect just the way it is.
2016-01-25 10:53:41 UTC
Target Liberals MORE!
2016-01-24 00:57:50 UTC
Keep it for posterity to see how the News can be manipulated, slanted and distorted !
2016-01-24 13:50:22 UTC
Be that 1% of elite that controls are world.
2016-01-24 13:36:30 UTC
i will hire Ed schultz to run fox
2016-01-24 20:45:01 UTC
bring back X files and find happiness in my new marriage Congrats Mr. Murdoch
2016-01-26 11:31:56 UTC
I would Keep the newscasters local.
I would have unknown newscasters and guest speakers for both side of the issue.
2016-01-23 20:35:02 UTC
Rake in all the money they make.
Buy MSNBC and make it real news channel and fire Rachel Maddow.
2016-01-24 17:31:09 UTC
I'd turn it in into something less crazy politized
2016-01-24 06:04:22 UTC
Eat it and make poop
Cept Megan Kelly
2016-01-25 15:37:21 UTC
Make sure all the newcaster are hired on their brains. Not looks. Make the programs are educational and fun.
2016-01-27 16:35:39 UTC
I would change it to an all-nostalgia channel. No blonde over-inflated bimbos would be allowed, at all.
2016-01-24 19:27:15 UTC
Get rid of the Jews employees and hire the Germans.
2016-01-25 20:59:55 UTC
I'd sell it and retire to Aruba.
2016-01-26 13:29:11 UTC
I would take the money and fire everyone because they're a bunch of morons
2016-01-24 18:05:26 UTC
Shut it down immediately
2016-01-26 07:57:59 UTC
Sell it for a lot of money and retire !
2016-01-23 20:00:21 UTC
Nothing different If it is not broke don't fix it.
2016-01-23 19:13:58 UTC
Why would I make any changes?
It is making money and appealing to its target audience.
2016-01-24 13:32:48 UTC
2016-01-25 08:20:39 UTC
Keep getting rich.
2016-01-25 06:04:35 UTC
I would make it a channel that spreads awareness about everything.
2016-01-25 21:18:31 UTC
Light it on fire and push it over a cliff
2016-01-23 20:08:00 UTC
I would hire only blonds with long legs.
2016-01-23 19:32:08 UTC
Leave it alone. We need at least one media outlet with a (semi-) conservative bias.
2016-01-24 05:51:38 UTC
Shut it down
2016-01-25 22:42:42 UTC
Sell it
2016-01-25 14:58:59 UTC
Sell it
2016-01-25 08:20:25 UTC
I would report on the issues that actually have relevance and meaning.
2016-01-26 04:33:49 UTC
FIRE Sean Hannity and replace him with Kermit the frog!
2016-01-25 10:01:41 UTC
I would make sure Liberals get what they deserve, criticism.
2016-01-24 18:44:33 UTC
Fire Shepherd Smith. He's too liberal for me.
2016-01-24 12:58:35 UTC
sell it while it's still valuable, like any sensible investor
2016-01-26 00:58:23 UTC
I'd run it into the ground... Oh wait, they already did that.
2016-01-27 14:12:51 UTC
Sell it and with the money do some charity.
2016-01-25 08:21:46 UTC
If I was the owner I would stop the lie of media
Women's Studies Graduate
2016-01-23 19:14:26 UTC
It should be banned from the airwaves as hate speech.
2016-01-23 19:14:48 UTC
Drown it in a bathtub.
2016-01-23 19:21:59 UTC
Take out the jewish and christian elements and make it more pro white.
2016-01-29 10:12:04 UTC
Make Trump the CEO
2016-01-23 21:23:33 UTC
I would probably answer to this question saying what i ll do with it :)
Cookie Crazy
2016-01-26 15:29:45 UTC
Sell it and get money
2016-01-24 10:22:49 UTC
Remember you asked this when you grow up.
2016-01-23 19:21:29 UTC
Nothing, it's just fine the way it is.
2016-01-25 16:29:31 UTC
Sell it for more money
2016-01-25 07:05:48 UTC
Stuff it up Uranus.
2016-01-24 16:37:25 UTC
Mike G
2016-01-26 18:22:50 UTC
I would pee into a cup and drink it backwards.
2016-01-25 15:55:41 UTC
I'd cancel it.
Jack W
2016-01-24 16:58:24 UTC
I would have sex with Kimberly Gilfoyle. or whatever the hel her name is
2016-01-25 11:32:50 UTC
I will try to give my best
2016-01-25 17:36:34 UTC
broadcast myself
2016-01-25 04:45:25 UTC
I do not long for it.
Sharon S
2016-01-25 21:02:45 UTC
It is a winner so would leave as it is.
2016-01-26 16:54:02 UTC
I while sell it and be rich
2016-01-25 16:28:10 UTC
I would share the money that I earn with you all:)
2016-01-25 14:13:25 UTC
Fire most of the chatter boxes and the liberals
2016-01-23 19:13:24 UTC
deport to mexico
2016-01-24 07:35:09 UTC
I would have promoted my business :P
2016-01-27 10:15:02 UTC
start chasing chickens... but for me just sell it
2016-01-24 11:18:40 UTC
2016-01-25 10:51:14 UTC
Tell the truth
2016-01-26 06:01:35 UTC
Throw it on the ground.
2016-01-24 01:41:30 UTC
2016-01-24 02:07:52 UTC
Mike W
2016-01-23 19:24:23 UTC
Sell it, and retire.
2016-01-25 16:23:41 UTC
Fire everyone who favors lying.
2016-01-24 01:11:27 UTC
sell it to murdoch
2016-01-26 06:28:39 UTC
close it down
2016-01-23 19:26:37 UTC
Streaming live porn
2016-01-23 19:14:51 UTC
change it to a liberal channel
New here
2016-01-25 16:45:45 UTC
Rake in the cash baby, rake it in!!!
2016-01-25 10:18:19 UTC
I would fire the Megan woman
2016-01-25 21:23:54 UTC
Bill Cosby type things..........
2016-01-25 10:38:56 UTC
Make a small skit for actors trying to be out there in our "try outs" of just Idk acting
2016-01-26 01:52:12 UTC
Hire the "fūck her right in the pussy" guy
2016-01-27 03:17:05 UTC
Fire the Barbie biotch.
2016-01-26 18:16:35 UTC
Shut it down. . .
2016-01-28 12:24:34 UTC
make it libertarian
2016-01-24 06:49:53 UTC
cancel it
2016-01-28 02:24:54 UTC
Sell it !!!
2016-01-25 15:00:39 UTC
buy CNN
2016-01-24 18:34:09 UTC
keep it
Spread God And Love
2016-01-25 19:37:45 UTC
i would **** everyone off
Weasel McWeasel
2016-01-25 13:07:33 UTC
something like this...............only LARGER..............
2016-01-25 13:18:35 UTC
burn it to the ground
2016-01-24 01:18:51 UTC
burn it to the ground
2016-01-25 21:58:04 UTC
Destroy it
2016-01-26 11:07:53 UTC
2016-01-24 14:47:31 UTC
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.