Those who control the means of communication wield great power.
Television is used as a tool for control and manipulation.
In all societies where TV has become a dominant communication media those who control the content of programming have a potentially massive influence on the people of their society.
The human being has a terrible weakness when it comes to the 'visual valium' that TV represents - and like the drug - it is addictive.
Whilst some may argue that there is educational content on the TV - this is often put-over in a biased, partial and/or dumbed-down manner. No surprisingly perhaps because we have been encouraged to look for thrills and titillation as part of our regular TV fodder – not education.
Given what is a generally unsatisfying life for the vast majority of people - dull and undemanding work; lower pay than would be liked; less stimulation and challenge than is good for us - it becomes all to easy for the mass of society to resign themselves to living vicariously through the media images they are fed.
Where the state governs TV output it is used to reinforce the messages that political leaders require - in order for them to know that their subjects have only one understanding of what is 'true' in the world about them.
In so-called 'free society' - like most of the Western world - the same game is played in an arguably more 'subtle' form. We all know what we should aspire to because we are beset by images of so-called 'celebrities' that we have been shepherded into seeing as 'role-models'.
Our lives are virtually 'remote controlled' by the constant reaffirmation of what we should be trying to aspire to. Yet noone seems to question (at last very loudly) the moral state of society where people who can kick a ball hard, or hit one with a stick or a bat - are paid grossly exorbitant amounts of money for their 'skill'. All this whilst half of the world subsides into ever more despairing poverty.
We as a species are prone not to want to face cold hard facts - especially when nice cosy images can make us stay at home slumped in a warm armchair with a fresh can of lager and a bowl of crisp - being berated for the unhealthfulness of our existence, or told how we ought to clean our homes more efficiently, or parent our kids more responsibly, or decorate or walls more adventurously. Or else we are regaled with tales of those who 'made the big escape' and made a run for both money and sun by moving abroad...some small part of the 'dumbed down viewer' transposes themselves into the 'dreamlike images' - perhaps satisfied with the thought of 'one day that will be me' ..then sleeps for 7 hours and rises again to spend another pointless ay shuffling papers, selling shoes, flipping pizzas, ...whatever.
Today TV truly is the opium of the masses - where half the population is 'scared' into staying indoors by images of what the other half of the population are doing - drinking, fighting, stealing, fornicating...noone now need remain 'inured' to the supposed realities of 'life' in the cities and suburbs...TV exposes it all and the ‘seamier’ the better…for the ratings! (and hence the advertising revenues)
And for those who have long tired of the distasteful images of the dire state of the 'real world' as painted by 'the (so called) news' ...there is a soft-core diet of soap-drama-pap that is meant to sort-of reflect life 'as it really is'...
The pointless drivel that fills our screens in ever more endless varieties and with ever more frequent repetition...has eaten away at the typical family's ability to communicate with each other.
Colleagues, friends and family...when conversation occurs between endlessly about fictitious characters OR equally 'fictitious' sporting personae...noone talks about anything challenging or important...because that would require having to think about things that are too painful and depressing.
Meanwhile those that seek to rule, to exploit and to take financial advantage for their own ends are free to do so at will - as the hypnotised masses like helpless rodents mesmerized by the rhythmic swaying of the cobra of corporate greed - allow themselves to be swallowed whole...
TV sells us the dream - that one day we, or our offspring at least, might aspire to great things...we need that ridiculously stylised, and stupendously overpriced sports footwear to 'be someone'; we need the latest swivelling-bodied, wafer thin, pebble shaped mobile telephone; we need to coat ourselves with toxic cocktails of body care products, cosmetics, eyeliner and conditioner...because that is what we are apparently 'worth'!...
And whilst the ‘television’ (as object) grows ever wider and ever thinner - it tends to becomes merely a simple dimensional divide between our real lives and what our lives could be …One day we will step through - like Alice through the looking glass and our lives will transform magically into that which is ON TV...SORRY…what do I mean one day!...This is now, this is what is happening, this is 'reality TV'!...We have become Uroboros...swallowing our own tail in a never-ending parody of perpetual self-canabalism...
And so…TV is full of pap and futile, puerile, titillation so that we are distracted from the true horrors of the world we are creating –
-A world of such insidious disparity that millions of children die in one country whilst we bemoan the death of one child in our own.
-A world where daily the 'lungs' of the Earth are ripped out to make way for more genetically modified soya to be sown, or more growth-hormone-sodden beef to be reared.
-A world where those countries who are the 'have nots' snap ever more avidly at the heels of those that are the 'haves' - with no acknowledgement that those ‘that have’ already consume VASTLY more than their own fair share...thus making the desires of ‘those without’ not only a folly...but an impossibility!
-A world were one nation is home to ever increasing numbers of human-beings so grotesquely obese - that for a person to be 20, 30. 40, 50, or more stones of almost immovable blubber is becoming almost another acceptable form of normal...
…and no-one really questions what is going on...As long as it occasionally makes…GOOD TV!