Who are the real racists - Imus? or the people who cry racist?
2007-04-12 19:51:41 UTC
Because of three "words" a talented person losses his job of 40 years! I don't believe we let these things happen. There should be organizations to defend people from the NAACP and African American groups that continue to pull the race card. Who are the real racists?

Ever hear a black comedian and their words and thoughts of anyone not black? Ever listen to the lyrics of some of the rap music out there? It's foul and repulsive. Anyone making headlines about any of their "words"? There should be.

Enough is enough already. What makes these people complain about so much - so special? Where are the people we need to stop them from whining all the time?

Black people are not the only people in the world that have an injustice done to them, but they seem to be the only one's complaining all the time. Sorry, but it's true. Will it ever stop?
Fifteen answers:
Jim C
2007-04-12 19:59:07 UTC
I think both sides are guilty in their own way.Most people are prejudice in their own way either because of skin color or it could be against overweight people etc.
2007-04-12 20:07:00 UTC
there will always be racism, I get a bit what you're saying though because I am white, well half. I'm also actually half Arab, but I hide behind a white face as my good friend teases me all the time. So, you can imagine the comments I hear all the time about blowing up all the rag heads and leveling the middle east.

The only difference is that I don't look arab, so the people saying this to me are not trying to be mean as those who are racist that say things to be mean to others by intentionally being rude to those who are obviously different. Although dammit, we are all different! Thank God!!!Unfotunately people (as I said before) will always not like someone for either their color, nationality, beliefs, lifestyle, hairstyle, music style, and etc..... There is injustice everywhere, everyday, but in reality, most people are kind (the ones I meet)---live in AZ.

Last thing, you should check out the religion and spirituality forum on Y Answers, now there's some real action going on religious differences...... It'll never change.. :(
2016-10-18 05:01:53 UTC
Don Imus's perspectives on race and faith are nicely popular, everybody whos ever considered the instruct inner most factors about howard sterns upward push in radio would have considered the scene the position he dis respects stern and robin his african -american newsreader, interior the corridor of the stations he worked he advised racist and anti semetic jokes and reported them as jews and used the N- bomb so apologizeing at this overdue date is only a ploy for rankings and sharpton is the ideal man or woman to have on ,,,its like the script of a south park episode on 2 weeks in the past the position between the dads shall we pass an N-bomb then truthfully kisses Jesse jackson Butt cheek on television its like he saidm i visit make funds by being a racist ,,
2007-04-12 20:09:43 UTC
It's true that using the "N" word in rap music is wrong and it promotes the continued negativity and also makes people of other cultures think that it's acceptable among the Black community. But the truth is this, those were women, regardless of skin color, hair texture or whatever! And for you to be female and just find fault with the racial aspect of it, not be offended that he could have made that comment about you because of your gender, I find amazing! Small minded people keep racism going, ( and they come in all colors). The media spun this story their way and all of you bit right into it. I am more offended that he made those statements about positive women, doing positive things. For example one of those girl is class valedictorian, another is a future lawyer. And I being a Physician applaud them regardless of what color they are, because of their efforts to become positive citizens, INDEPENDENT WOMEN. And that's what makes this more disgusting the fact that they are doing something with themselves that is or should be respected, and to have someone come along and stereotype them as a joke...

As a women you should be equally outraged no matter what color you are, step away from the race card that the media and everyone is looking at and think about if it was you, or your daughter that this statement was made about!!!!
2007-04-12 20:02:35 UTC
What black people are you refering to that are complaining so much. AL and Jesse? Ok they don't count. Lets get something straight, most black people could careless. But what white people do is they listen to people like Al an Jesse and Rap singers and people like that that makes up 5% of the black population. I'm sorry but those people don't speak for the majority of the population. Most black people could care less what is said by white people or anyone else to that matter. Sounds like to me you are sterotyping every black person on earth. Well you are wrong, so people don't care. They just want peace and fairness. And reality is that it will never happen, at least not in America. And that is something that most blacks realize. What you and your "friends" don't realize is that, the REAL black people are the ones you see working hard at what they know best. Go and ask them, and the response will probably be " I could care less, he was not refering to me". LOL
GL Supreme
2007-04-12 20:30:48 UTC
Let's not mince words or understanding...IMUS is a racist and a sexist. He is a shock jock that came to fame after switching his show format to be more political. What was so talented about the guy?

He should be fired. I mean if Don Imus worked at McDonald's and the Rutgers' womans basketball team came in and order hamburgers and fries, and Imus responded "wow, you are some nappy-headed ho's", he would be fired. Why should the fact that is he on TV and/or radio change that?
2007-04-12 20:02:20 UTC
Eventually it may simmer, but it will not stop. Their is too much money to be made by keeping race relations at a cold war state. The NAACP says it is for racial equality, yet they allow Miss Black America without protest. The Congressional Black Caucus is anouther institute of racism with is put up with in the very halls of Congress nonetheless. If their is to be racial equality, then it needs to be equal and not ust equal from one race's point of view.
Mr. Fantastic
2007-04-12 20:02:50 UTC
Well, you should walk up to one of your black female friends and call her a nappy-headed-ho. See what happens, I doubt if they like being called that. Not to mention - I'm getting sick and tired of females in general asking ignorant question in relation to the Imus story. I personally don't think Imus meant any harm by it. In fact, as an African American I wasn't offended by the comment. More of the disrespect, and deformation of woman's rights. I think the man has issues with woman in general.
2007-04-12 20:01:59 UTC
It'll never stop. As long as there are white people, black people, mexican people, asian people, whatever sorts of people in the world, there will ALWAYS be the race card. Blacks try to have the upper hand due to slavery of their people, and attempt to take it out on many whites. I myself have been accused of my family owning slaves -- My family immigrated here way AFTER Slavery was abolished. Many "Black Power" people do not realize that not EVERY white man's family owned slave and not EVERY white man's family owes them anything.

You cannot punish today's people for what our ancestors did. Every race has been discriminated against and abused throughout history. Some races just tend to take it out a whole lot more than others.

In my town, white people are a minority. I am passed up for many jobs, scholarships, and even entry into colleges because I am so outnumbered by other races.

I'm all for diversity -- But jesus christ. I agree. A lot of these "We need to be repaid for what happened to our people" races need to just shut the hell up -- What's done is done. NOTHING ANYONE DOES TODAY will be able to make up for the mistakes of our past.
swamp elf
2007-04-12 20:10:04 UTC
I never listen to Imus or the rappers. I consider all of them filthy mouthed pigs.=----there is positive and negative racism. You use your race as an excuse.Or you blame others because of RACE. when people want to be mean they will find a way
2007-04-12 20:02:49 UTC
I have read and we now have power so the tables have turned on the those whom have done so much to all those all over the world and this is non stop!

you see the powed allows us (blacks) to do what whites were at one time allowed to do and there is nothing noone can do about this!
2007-04-12 19:58:56 UTC
no it won't stop, so you might as well foget about it and move on with your life. im black and i've had a lot of racists comments directed towards me, but now i realize that there isn't anything i can do about it.
2007-04-12 20:05:28 UTC
2007-04-12 20:12:03 UTC
uhm...Imus is the racist. sheesh!
2007-04-12 19:59:20 UTC
so true and all imus did was tell the truth , look what it got him. how sad we have become................

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