Which NATIONAL news station (Fox, CNN, etc....) is the least biased, in your opinion?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Which NATIONAL news station (Fox, CNN, etc....) is the least biased, in your opinion?
826 answers:
2008-04-18 20:48:13 UTC
comedy central.

2008-04-18 20:48:07 UTC
all news is biased sadly.
joy bell
2008-04-18 20:51:32 UTC
C-Span no commentary. Just the event itself.
2008-04-18 20:51:00 UTC
2008-04-18 20:49:53 UTC
National Public Radio (NPR)
2008-04-18 20:49:33 UTC
Idk...I can only say that FOX is the most bias. When I'm in the bathroom getting ready, I can tell when my mom has Fox on without seeing the TV screen because the things they say are so obviously bias, ridiculous, sensationalized and one-sided.
2008-04-18 20:51:21 UTC

it all is!

BBC i guess, but it isn't american.
2008-04-18 20:54:45 UTC
pbs or cspan...
2008-04-18 20:48:29 UTC
2008-04-18 20:52:13 UTC
All of them are biased & care about going along party lines. Thats what makes the newscasts of today so unbearable to watch.
2013-11-23 16:36:43 UTC
I would add that it is EXTREMELY sad that 12 years after 9/11 the general public is still so ignorant of background facts needed to frame the news. 89% can not put HALF of 10 middle eastern countries in their proper place. Less than 10% could give an elementary simplistic view of the differences between the two "main" wings of Islam. On and on... It is nothing short of pathetic. We don't have news channels, we have "shouters." One very interesting observation was when people were asked if there were any similirities between the three religions AND if they had any of these similarities written as part of the Bible, Koran, and Torah. Over 90% of Islamic followers knew there were strong similarities and commonalities. Only slightly less Jewish people knew slight you could call it the same. Yet, less than 20% of "Christians" were aware of these similarities and commonalities. PBS is by far the best source for news, CNN has actually improved greatly in my opinion. Fox and MSNBC both deserve to be in the sewer. They are just plain stupid. I don't mind Opinions, but they are beyond honest mistakes. They are a disgrace. Its is sad that a program can be called the news when they are nothing more than hateful propaganda.
la man
2008-04-18 22:47:23 UTC
BBC America. They have a news hour several times a day, and they cover a great deal of the world in that hour without BS, so they're not biased towards the USA when reporting the news of the world. The commentators they have on are real experts and not celebrity authors. Overall they're quite balanced, probably because it's a foreign news service looking at our politics and news from an outsider viewpoint. But the channel is available through cable providers across the USA just like CNN or Fox, so I still consider them national.
2015-10-15 06:14:38 UTC
Commentaries are supposed to be biased, while the NEWS is supposed to be just the facts, nothing but the facts, and all the facts. A NEWS broadcast can be biased by not reporting certain facts, not just with what is reported. Heard any good news out of Iraq? Herd about the comebacks on Wall Street? How much have you heard about the interest rate cuts and falling mortgage rates? Herd about the LOW unemployment rates. We heard about the 2% inflation, BUT remember the 12% inflation of the 70's. We hear about the high National debt, but never about the falling debt ratio. We hear that unemployment is up, but not that it is still below what is considored below full employment. We hear about rising prices, but not about rising income levels. What's not reported shows biased too. BUT NEWS is a commoddity that has to be sold, so IF IT BLEEDS IT LEADS will always be with us.
2015-11-02 04:17:38 UTC
The owners of these networks have certain views and opinions of different things and the word goes out to the minions from on high and that networks coverage of events is then influenced totally by the owners desires. It's just that CNNand Fox owners have different views and political ties and these are expressed over the medium they own and we are spoonfed the crap that best reflects each of these views. The power that a media magnate usurps for himself is awesome; witness William Randolph Hearst's vendetta against Orson Welles years ago when he didn't want the Citizen Kane movie released. It basically ruined Welles' career. So I dont think there IS a network that is less biased that the others...they all have the same agenda..toput THEIR views across and they all use the same methods to do it.If there is a difference it is one of viewpoint, not method.
2008-04-19 05:29:59 UTC
I think the Daily Show, with Jon Stewart is the only really unbiased news show out there, because he makes fun of EVERYBODY, evenly. And rightly so.

Fox, ---you must joking........they should just end EVERY program with "Heil BUSH!"

Cnn----I don't get why everyone thinks this is a LEFT Leaning station. If I had a NICKEL for everytime they played that clip of CLINTON hugging Monica with that STUPID beret on.........

Geezzzzzz...........I would own all the nickels in the world.

If they were doing a story about starvation in Zimbawe....they found a way to run that clip three more times during the story. Every time they mentioned Clinton's NAME,---for >>>ANY<<<< reason, they ran that clip. For YEARS!

and people still think this stations favors the democratic left?

maybe once. upon a time, .......but have you watched ANDERSON COOPER lately? Tell me that guy ain't a FLAMING republican.......practically SPITS every time he is forced to even utter the word, "democrat" or Hilliary.

No, I'm sticking with the Daily Show......and the Colbert Report.

Raw news is as biased as the person who owns the station and controls what makes the airwaves or not.
2016-10-19 06:37:09 UTC
Unbiased News Stations
Lard T'underin Jeysus !
2008-04-19 05:16:01 UTC
I thin it works like this: The owners of these networks have certain views and opinions of different things and the word goes out to the minions from on high and that networks coverage of events is then influenced totally by the owners desires. It's just that CNNand Fox owners have different views and political ties and these are expressed over the medium they own and we are spoonfed the crap that best reflects each of these views. The power that a media magnate usurps for himself is awesome; witness William Randolph Hearst's vendetta against Orson Welles years ago when he didn't want the Citizen Kane movie released. It basically ruined Welles' career. So I dont think there IS a network that is less biased that the others...they all have the same agenda..toput THEIR views across and they all use the same methods to do it.If there is a difference it is one of viewpoint, not method.
2008-04-19 00:47:35 UTC
There is, and always has been, only one news broadcaster that fits this description precisely. I mean, of course, the British Broadcasting Corporation, which you may know as the B.B.C.

The B.B.C., under the terms of it's own articles of incorporation, is not permitted to have bias in the national political sense of the word, and, of course, is not a commercially or government funded organisation. The B.B.C.'s basic funding comes from a licence fee paid by all television receiving households in Britain.

It might be worth while pointing out, that to non-American correspondents, using the word NATIONAL to mean only the United States, is highly insulting. There are a few nations apart from the United States. A fact of which an unfortunately large number of ignorant, and some would say arrogant, Americans, seem completely unaware.
2016-03-16 14:35:56 UTC
I would say public TV PBS and radio NPR are by far the most unbiased....they pride themselves on getting into the story and covering it from all angles...and some of the most educated people turn to both PBS & NPR for daily news. The daily broadcast of the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer is a highly-respected one-hour news broadcast that runs down the top stories of the day, then provides an in-depth look at issues with guests who often have opposing viewpoints. Public broadcasting loves to host a good debate!
2008-04-19 03:33:19 UTC
Well, if one watches long enough (before the brain dies) then, for me, it is CNN. They cover more international news and actually, on poverty situations. "They" also listen to political candidates and views, etc, with somewhat more tolerance. Fox????? This biggotted, biased purchased franchise from the far right billionaires, etc attacks, attacks, kills and then attacks somemore..any inerviewee who opposes Fox's bottom line: Make sure America is controlled by the wealthy and the Republicans.

But, now that I read the reports about the CNN CEO"s who regularly defend theier "brothers and sisters" in the corporate headquarters who also run Fox? I say, they are all gutter trash. And you and I will NEVER hear the truth about our failing economy/world..only what "they" want you to hear. Anyway you look at it, American citizens, at least, are just meat to be used however the big brother media and politics wishes to use us.
Lionheart ®
2008-04-19 05:36:02 UTC
Wow, 464 answers when I logged on. I've never seen that many. How does one pick the best?

I have watched all the national news channels for the past 20 years and I have found that PBS and the C-Span channels show all sides of the news. Indeed, C-Span shows many controversial lectures on it's Book-TV, that can't be found anywhere else. The citizens of this country must ensure that funding continues for these fine networks.

The three main news networks try to maintain fairness in their choice of news and how it is presented. Glen Beck and the entire Fox News Channel are so biased to the right, I'd call them fascist. Democracy Now! is so far to the left that it shows a hatred for all things American. CNBC, MSNBC, and CNN, try to deliver unbiased news. They usually have opinion shows that range from far right to left.

I have also found that the BBC and CBC are biased to the left. And Spain's shortwave broadcasts show a hatred for the U.S.
2008-04-19 04:43:55 UTC
TV news is ok for checking in on the weather forecast (sometimes accurate), but I think I would second the other user's comment about the Daily Show (sadly, you can actually get more real info from John Stewart than you can from Charlie Gibson or Barb Walters.

If you get BBC, they have a world news broadcast series that I feel is very informative and unbiased compared to what you see on all of the American based news channels.

Here's a funny activity that I do sometimes: when you really focus on what news anchors are saying (word for word) you realize just how little time is spent talking about truly factual information. Most of what they say has a subjective twist that has been imposed on it.
2014-10-31 15:04:02 UTC
because they do strive in nearly everything they present to show both sides. They leave things open-ended so that you make up your own mind. The others all draw conclusions and pretty much say you're an idiot if you don't agree with them. CNN is the most biased and it's sad that the rest of the world judges us by that yardstick. No wonder they hate us.
2008-04-18 22:33:40 UTC
The fact that news is biased helps me remember what a great country I get to live in . Free. Besides the fact that yeah all news is biased the least would probably be CNN. The most liberal MSNBC the most conservative Fox. Fox is on a whole other level though. Bush should just give people like Hannity and O'reilly cabinet positions.

to further answer your question though... BBC or C-span. BBC only because it offers an outside non partisan view. It has nothing really to gain...
2008-04-18 21:59:38 UTC
C-Span if you are asking what channel (station) is least biased. Fox is the least biased for news, BUT they do have programs that are very biased. CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, NPR are all biased with both their news and programs. Remember there is a difference between a news program and THE NEWS. Commentaries are supposed to be biased, while the NEWS is supposed to be just the facts, nothing but the facts, and all the facts. A NEWS broadcast can be biased by not reporting certain facts, not just with what is reported. Heard any good news out of Iraq? Herd about the comebacks on Wall Street? How much have you heard about the interest rate cuts and falling mortgage rates? Herd about the LOW unemployment rates. We heard about the 2% inflation, BUT remember the 12% inflation of the 70's. We hear about the high National debt, but never about the falling debt ratio. We hear that unemployment is up, but not that it is still below what is considored below full employment. We hear about rising prices, but not about rising income levels. What's not reported shows biased too. BUT NEWS is a commoddity that has to be sold, so IF IT BLEEDS IT LEADS will always be with us. You just can't sell NO-ONE Mugged to-day in @^$#%*.
2008-04-19 09:49:07 UTC
All news stations are biased. Although fox and the right would say that the media is to the left [and yes, to the far right, they do appear very liberal, they are right when compared to the average American ideals], most television media is on the right. Although, there is no real thing such as an unbiased position. Even the center is a bias. [well, I guess there could be unbiased reporting, if a stations were to acturaly look at both sides for once.] my answer PBS...
2008-04-19 08:58:29 UTC
Fox News is the most conservatively biased and MSNBC is the most liberal biased of the cable news stations.

I'm gonna go with CNN because, even though I'm in general a conservative, I actually enjoy watching the news on this station and I'm rarely offended by any of the political viewpoints because I think most things are presented in a fair manner.
2008-04-19 07:42:41 UTC
That's very hard to say. Each person will view the networks according to their own biases, so they will naturally gravitate to the one that seems to agree with them and call that one fair.

Since I moved, Fox isn't part of my regular satellite package anymore, and I haven't gone to the trouble and expense of adding it, so I haven't watched it in almost a year. I used to enjoy it, and feel that it was more or less balanced on the news programs, and conservatively biased on the talk shows with conservative commentators.

I don't usually watch CNN or MSNBC or the networks because I find that most of even what they call their straight news is liberal propaganda.

If I listen to conservative talk radio, and read the internet, I find that I can somewhat filter the truth out of the TV media.

I would have to say from my perspective and previous experience Fox is least biased. But I would add a disclaimer saying do NOT get all your information from any one source--use the internet and stay informed and use critical thinking to put it all in perspective! There is a "Matrix" mentality going on to some extent, giving people what they want them to think and hiding other very important truths.
2008-04-19 00:31:55 UTC
While it is true that all news carries a bias, I find that Fox tries to show both sides of the issue more so than other channels. The three major networks, ABC, NBC and CBS are very biased toward the left. CNN is more reliable than those three but Fox is the best in my opinion.
2014-06-15 19:51:32 UTC
Fox is the worst by far, I realize that I do lean a bit left, but it's just complete right-winged facism 100% of the time. Half the time, it's just random hardcore conservatives spouting their mouths off on issues they know nothing about. I get especially steamed whenever I see them bashing a video game that no one reporting the story has ever even researched, much less played.
2008-04-19 09:15:36 UTC
If you watch both CNN or Fox on any given day within the same span of time, you will find that the are equally bias. No matter when you turn on those News networks you will most likely see some opinion drive news broadcast not just the news as it is. If you want non-bias news then try the AP or UPI.
2008-04-19 07:29:11 UTC
There is no other network that has a show that has hosts from both sides left and right (Hannity and colmes) then Fox news network. It really shows the difference between the two parties, While Hannity will only stand-up for and defend his personal views weather its a conservative view or not, you often see colmes cringing while defending a view he know is wrong but will defend to support the liberal party view (thats kinda sickening) All you libby's should give Fox news a try you'll get all the same news as any other network but FNN will continue on and tell you the rest of the story instead of chopping it up or ending the story when it turns to oppose the leftist views Its what news should be. A complete coverage of the whole story so you can get a complete and honest truth, which then in turn helps you make a complete and educated opinion of whats really going on in you country and your world.
2008-04-19 04:58:13 UTC
They're all biased, mostly right-wing (Fox is the most glaring example, but even CNN and the rest are beholden to corporate interests). For home-grown new organizations, ABC is probably the least biased but it's still funded by corporate interests.

BBC is probably the least biased, though it's not based in the US.
Thomas T
2008-04-19 09:54:19 UTC
C-Span, PBS, BBC and CBC are the least biased. FOX is clearly the worst and most biased network. When they use two guys to give "both sides" they some how manage to get an incompetent moron to portray the so-called "liberal" side. He does not do a good job. The catch phrases "we report, you decide" and "fair and balanced" have to be the most ironic statements ever communicated.
2008-04-19 07:38:34 UTC
The least biased one will be the one that most agrees with your opinions. I enjoy CNN which is pretty liberal and I am conservative but FOX is kind of boring. I just contradicted myself, maybe, but I like CNN but i know it's biased. But, Glenn Beck and Nancy Grace both seem pretty conservative. But then again, Anderson Cooper (on FOX I believe) is just sooooo darn cute.

The bottom line: hold the remote and when you get bored with one switch to the other. ; )
2008-04-19 03:44:49 UTC
None, that is why I read news on various news services on the internet( forget AP they are just as bad as the tv) and get as much live news as I possibly can.

Like this week only EWTN was showing live the entire trip on Pope Benedict, they weren't commenting over the speeches and didn't make stupid comments later on that had nothing to do with what he said.

If you constantly watch these news shows they form your opinions for you. Like TASS used to form the opinions of the Russian people in the old Soviet union and most people dont' think that is true!
2008-04-19 02:08:47 UTC
Depends on the individual reporter, and presenter of the news, but as corporative body, the large media organizations have a very distinct bias on what they want people to watch - set by the editors and owners with their own agenda. Don't be misled into thinking that you are living in a free state either-News editors get notices from the security agencies to block stories all the time - whether they submit or not depends on the individual story and the benefits/problems ratio.

You might want to have a look at "NewsWatch" website (Link provided below)
2008-04-19 08:28:18 UTC
Fox. Here comes the thumbs down already lol. Even Bill has been reporting good things about democratic candidates. I have heard him come to the defense of Obama and Hillary a few times. I have heard him say things against republicans as well. Unfortunately he is labeled by so many that people don't watch enough to hear. Hannity and Colmes shows both sides as well. I watch CNN and hear little good about McCain and a lot about Hillary and Obama, Isn't that Biased?
2008-04-19 08:04:18 UTC
I would say even though these days most news stations are biased I find CNN is the least biased. CNN tries to stop itself from being biased.
Alex M
2008-04-19 07:12:52 UTC
All stations have an element of bias in them partly because the sponsors or shareholders in these stations are biased.BBC will never report a good story about Zimbabwe;Aljazeera is biased against Israel,it will always paint the Jewish nation as sadists and anti Islam,voice of America will never tell you about the atrocities committed by American military at Guantanamo Bay on terror suspects;CNN is very economical with the truth when it comes to U.S issues.I don't know much about Fox but my take on this has always been to listen to several stations and in their effort to outdo each other i get clear picture of the news item.
2008-04-19 09:13:09 UTC
They are all owned by rich media moguls who seek to drive news rather than cover it. All of these news organizations have a vested interest in maintaining intimate links with the newsmakers that they are supposed to be watching over like hawks. This type of coziness (along with the recent rounds of media consolidation) has lead to an atmosphere where the fox is guarding the hen house. The media is supposed to be a potent force that keeps the politicians honest and exposes hypocrisy, but, as we have seen, the major media outlets are the last people we should expect to rock the boat (since access seems to be what they are most concerned about). Fortunately there are alternatives to cable news and network news. Democracy Now is an alternative news source that covers a wider variety of events. Democracy Now (an hour long show 5 days a week) covers national and International headlines and then it goes on to cover between one and ten stories in great detail each program. Most news outlets cover the news with soundbites and sensationalism. News sources like Democracy Now actually take the time to go in detail on each story they cover. Mclatchy is another one that does a decent job in the current environment of polarization and politicization. Not to leave out NPR and PBS, because they have done well to survive and maintain their integrity despite the current climate and pressure from the White House and Congress to eliminate them all together.
Stan Dalone
2008-04-19 07:45:09 UTC
That's a tough one. They're all biased, as you say. (Fox is the most biased of them all.) And, they're all biased toward the *right*. The "liberal media" is a myth that the Republicans have cultivated in this country. If you think about it, none of the mainstream media does investigative journalism any more. And they don't ask our leaders the tough questions any longer. For real investigative journalism, you have to use the Internet nowadays.
2008-04-19 07:20:30 UTC
NPR National Public Radio is your only best bet, FOX,CNN and those others are all owned and controlled by the beast, therefore they wil always be slanted to protect their interests...I think Fox is the worst, and Bill O'Reilly puts so much spin on the stuff he covers that it could be considered a fantastic curve exact contrdiction in his claim to a "No Spin Zone"...He has is opinion and you are not allowed to see it another way, we will be relentless in selling his No Spin.....something like 37% of the people that get their news from Fox News, thinks that Iraq had something to do with 9/11 and that there were WMD's...
Pan Zagloba
2008-04-19 05:15:38 UTC
They are all like the Keystone cops, ridiculously falling over each other to repeat the most asinine stories. It's all corporate news with individual biases. Everyone has to decide which corporate bias they feel best about. If you're a dem/lib/independent, you watch CNN. If you're repub, you get spoon fed Fox drivel.
2008-04-19 03:36:37 UTC
I think Fox is the least biased because they do strive in nearly everything they present to show both sides. They leave things open-ended so that you make up your own mind. The others all draw conclusions and pretty much say you're an idiot if you don't agree with them. CNN is the most biased and it's sad that the rest of the world judges us by that yardstick. No wonder they hate us.
2008-04-19 10:09:15 UTC
CNN. By far is less prone to be biased.

In the last few days CNN is vetting Obama's baggage.

CNN is not owned by political one sidedness but by consumer ratings.

It does what it does for the ratings and commercial ad sales.
2008-04-19 09:42:48 UTC
Fox News Channel is the least biased as per your original question of a national news-station. It still leans to the left more than it should.
2008-04-19 09:32:19 UTC
Wow! What response. I have never seen so many thumbs up and down on any other question. But what's the point for this survey, Will the numbers really make a difference in this election year. I see my choice has already been thumbed so i will just leave my comment. Thank You.
2008-04-19 08:30:22 UTC
National Public Radio, they are the least biased and they give all perspectives on an issue. But the other news stations out there are just ran by corporations and are sell-outs to foreign investors.
Teresa (SFECU) -†- pray4revival
2008-04-19 08:14:28 UTC
That's like asking which of these demons is the least evil.

But.. if we have to choose, I'd say Fox. Despite the claims by liberals that it's totally biased to the right, they take much the same stance as the rest on many issues.
2008-04-19 06:46:55 UTC
They're all equally biased. Anytime a human being takes a position on something, it's a bias. It's hard to report stories without bias simply because the reporter is an objective observer who inevitably fills in the blanks with assumptions and conjecture.
2008-04-19 06:36:29 UTC
CNN and MSNBC are definitely the most biased to the left. Fox news is the most balanced because they hit both the left and the right hard consistently. It is accused of being biased on the right by other news networks. They are jealous of its higher ratings and success.
2008-04-19 00:28:54 UTC
Actually, I think they're all pretty much equally biased. Fox just makes theirs public knowledge. The rest pretend to be unbiased.

So, to my mind, that makes Fox the least biased - only because they let you KNOW that they're biased right. The rest are insanely left-wing...

So, even without that, I'll still say Fox. I've seen them do some lefty stuff as well as their usual hard-right stuff. Overall, I'd say they're SLIGHTLY less biased than the rest of the stations.

The rest are a joke. Most of them pay for and publish, straight-up, terrorist propaganda.

2008-04-18 22:33:39 UTC
I agree with someone else here who mentioned C-SPAN. They report the news the old fashioned way, without all of the BS spin. Because of the 24 hour news cycle and the pressure to generate news and viewer interest, CNN, FOX, and MSNBC all "create" news that they feel will draw in viewers. FOX News, for example, tends to cater to a conservative leaning audience, while CNN is more left-leaning (and they truly are madly in love with Obama). MSNBC is a little less biased, but it depends on the show. If I had to rate the three, where 1 means very conservative and 10 means very liberal:

Fox News: 3

ABC News (Nightly, national): 6-7

NBC News (Nightly, national): 6-7

CBS News: 7-8


CNN: 8 (with the exception of Lou Dobbs, which leans conservative, and the sister station Headline News' "Glenn Beck"; Headline News is slightly less biased owing to the fact that it has traditionally had less of the spin-meister programming).

C-SPAN is about a 5, neutral. Also, consider watching Canadian or European news if you get it, they almost always abide by professional news ethics, unlike the American news stations that are about as bad as tabloids.

Note: Bloomberg TV and CNBC aren't specifically general news, as they focus more on economic issues; they are generally good about leaving out the political spin. Since they often include general news summaries, both are OK if you want a quick run-down (with less spin).
John Doe
2008-04-19 08:48:30 UTC
Fox is concervitiave and CNN is liberal for an un biased opinion watch both takes on a story and you decide.
2008-04-19 06:47:38 UTC
National Public Radio.
2008-04-19 06:30:42 UTC
BBC is least biased. I think this is because the expanse of the Atlantic allows a particular detachment--few or no conflicts of interest. Some people find their lack of sensationalism dull to watch. People also shy away from BBC because it does not ever cover American Idle, dog shows, highlights from recent musicals, openings of new ice cream shops and other tripe that passes for news here. And for most people, watching BBC means turning on some public broadcasting station.

Because the BBC has covered the Bush presidency and all of it's scandals and wars without reservation, many conservatives would call it biased. I heard one conservative radio shock jock call it "British Bolshevik Commissariat". When they covered the Clinton presidency and all of it's scandals and wars without reservation, nobody much noticed or said anything.
Middle Mass
2008-04-19 05:56:12 UTC
Try using the Drudge Report instead. All major news stations are unfortunately biased.
2008-04-19 01:18:49 UTC
I know this sounds odd, but for world news that is unbiased you can't go past al jazeera (you can view it on line) Suprisingly they tell all view points. As for American news, although I am an Australian we too are subjected to many of your networks (especially the early morning 'current affairs' programs - I use that term loosely). Out of the ones we see - ABC, CNN, Fox, etc I think PBS is your best bet they seem to give an overall view plus they even show the pictures of US soldiers that have died overseas EVERYDAY, something that is glossed over on other channels in US and Australia. The picture quality may be much to be desired but it has all the details.
Allan S
2008-04-19 00:37:30 UTC
National Public Radio
2008-04-19 09:57:47 UTC
All news stations are biased in one way or the other, some less than others though.

I'd recommend BBC news. They do have some reputation for fair and balanced reporting on international matters.
Tom S
2008-04-19 07:22:18 UTC
All major American news organisations (1) drive a political agenda to sway public opinion and affect the election results in their favor (2) oversensationalize and dramatise news events to boost ratings (3) perform only selective news reporting

Unbiased comprehensive concise television news reporting is a thing of the past.

The BBC comes closest to what news reporting should be like. American news is more about "American Idol" and "Dancing with the Stars" updates than about finding out what's happening in the world. In a nutshell it's trash.
2008-04-19 10:05:26 UTC
I don't know which is the least in the USA but in the UK BBC is the least. I am wondering, why does everyone make fun of Fox? I haven't seen it but i assume it must be biased from what i have heard about it.
2008-04-19 09:16:10 UTC
I think youre best off listening/ watching a few. Im pretty liberal with some major exceptions (im pro life) I watch cnn, read the times and TRY to sit through Fox. This helps because fans seem to just quote the station, and you can point out that youve heard it all....verbatim
2008-04-19 08:48:56 UTC
There is no such thing as news that is not biased. Though in my opinion FOX is the most and CNN or C-Span tend to stick to some forms of the facts making them them the most acurate.
2008-04-19 08:22:23 UTC
Fox is one of the worst, owing to Murdoch. No wonder the Poms (Brits, to you Yanks) in Fleet Street called him: "The dirty digger". You really need international RSS feeds, from the BBC, and Australia's ABC, to achieve balance, because all US ones are biased (remember Watergate: the Washington Post was the ONLY newspaper in the whole country which persisted with the story: all the others were "persuaded" to drop it).
2008-04-19 06:25:50 UTC
Well, its a given to anyone with a brain that Faux is the most biased, but all of them are biased, really. There really isn't any investigative reporting left. Its all become a tabloid freak show.

When the top stories are about Britney, Paris, effing flag pins, etc, you know nothing of any value or importance will be presented to you.

When I had cable, my only choices for news was CBC (Canada) and BBC (UK, of course!).
2008-04-19 06:21:25 UTC
Wow, what a bunch of brainless zombies. All the news organizations work together to keep YOU ignorant. None of them are really liberal or conservative, they just pretend. You know, sorta like the Democrats and Republicans in Congress pretend to debate things, while the intelligent among us know that they're all on the same side (which happens to be the side opposing US).

Just for the record, the correct answer here is C-SPAN.

Comedy Central comes in at a close second.
2008-04-19 05:47:11 UTC
I only watch Fox. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC are all too far left for me. I truly believe that some garbage does not need to be seen or heard. It doesn't do good or do bad - it is just worthless news. I truly hate wasting time.

I love Hannity and Colmes. Al and Shawn take the unbiased out of biased!!! They react as we feel. So you can relate either to one or the other. Great way to present unbiased news, especially at election time.
A Leo _n_
2008-04-19 00:36:46 UTC
I t0Oo say they are ALL (biased) !! So I guess I'd still try to turn to the >ones< that I THINK might do a`little less cutting away from the goings ons !?! Or maybe it depends on which one I might turn to & watch the longest at any given momment or story!?! I have the FOX NEWS channel, CNN,CNBC,CSPAN,FOX 24`hr. news channel (etc)~!!. & then some!!. `'R'`r.r`r,r',.
2008-04-19 00:18:51 UTC
PBS.. they air BBC News and DWI European Journal as well. Since most of them have their sources from Associated Press. Once I was watching ABC News, they showed a guy dropping his baby from third floor down, to save him from the fire. For ABC, this is just a hero parent, there is no whys for the fire. I watched the BBC News on PBS about 30 mins later that day.BBC reported the same news. And they reported that it was a racist attack against a minority group (Turks) in a German town, and those people were trying to jump out of the window as that parent dropped his baby third floor down and people on the street caught the baby... Journalism???

Broader society does not buy actual news... For most Americans, news includes just local weather, local crime and local attractions... Does anyone need more than that??? then watch PBS or listen NPR....
2008-04-18 21:29:16 UTC
Since we can't really measure their amount of bias (for we as humans are quite biased), I cannot say there is a least biased one because if I were to say what I find is the best new channel, many people are going to disagree and we have this liberal vs. conservative news channel feud. (Isn't politics the bees knees?)

It's all bias and more bias.

On top of that, I find the News these day more leaning to "what stories are going to get us the most ratings" instead of "what do the people need to know".

So a solution: look at a variety of news stations and see what they disagree and agree upon, the facts and reporter opinions. Make YOUR opinion based on the FACTS and if most stations agree on something, you can be pretty positive that it's true.

Ultimately, there is no least biased station.
2008-04-19 09:46:17 UTC
They aren't biased-they are CONTROLLED & by the same handful of crooks that control obama, mccain, clinton & bush, & that is the corrupt bankers (fed) big business (ins. & pharma) & the military industrial complex. Unfortunately that appears to include PBS.

Try Republic Broadcasting Radio & News With & be prepared to hear some things that mean you need to stand up & be counted.

Demand paper ballots & open counting as required in the Constitution.

Demand that bush/cheney be impeached as required by the Constitution.


Dr. Ron Paul for President.
2008-04-19 08:57:41 UTC
It's hard to answer this. They are all biased in some way. I would throw out there CBS News, they are about the only station that doesn't run a meganews channel.
2008-04-19 08:07:14 UTC
You would have gotten the exact same results of this question if you had asked "Are you a Democrat or a Republican? A Liberal or a Conservative?"

They are all biased and the truth is, your party affiliations will bias each individual as to how they answer this question because people will always hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see.
2008-04-19 07:33:06 UTC
C-SPAN, NPR (National Public Radio) though they have a very slightly left view at times they are quite fair, PBS (like the News Hour with Jim Lerrer (sp?) etc.)

Also, as long as the subject isn't about England, then the BBC is good too.

Fox is very right, CNN, ABC, and a few others who's names I've forgotten are pretty left
2008-04-19 05:41:00 UTC
Well I think probably fox is the least biased but I really like CNN > Glenn beck, Nancy Grace, and the morning headlines news...

So I guess since they are both really biased, it only really matters if they are biased on the same issues you are...
2008-04-19 05:14:40 UTC
Its definetly CNN , they turn everything around to make Obama look good. I think CNN has a bunch of manipulating snakes working for them! Obama has done the stupidest things! He has not answered HOW he will change the most important issues. Fox - of course they see Obama in the light for who he is-they do get alot of Obama supporters on to defend him- but they lose the argument cause the questions are REAL questions , so they are made out to be bias, but they are just honest about him! I still watch both of them just to see the WAY different stories on how they percieve the candidates.
2008-04-19 01:28:47 UTC
I think they all are pretty biased. They report what the people want to hear -- it's all about getting the ratings to them. This is especially true when it comes to the situation in Iraq. It's very rare that you hear the news report any of the good things that are being accomplished by our troops over there. 99% of the time all you hear is the negative... but that's what gets them the ratings.
Homer Z. Crowder, IV
2008-04-18 23:21:55 UTC
Living in Vietnam for the past 18 months, it's interesting what news is allowed here over the airwaves:




USA Today


International Herald Tribune (New York Times/Washington Post)

I would love to be able to watch Fox News here. I am a conservative (was a liberal for over 25 years) and wish I could see how the other side of the news is.

And, like many of the other answerers on this list, I believe all news is biased. All news!
2008-04-18 23:13:48 UTC
None. They're all ridiculously biased. I suppose it depends on which subject you're looking to gain information on. Most of the news is severely biased towards the liberal opinion. Fox News just slants theirs towards the conservative persuasion. (sometimes to greater extents than others). They all claim to be fair and balanced and will have those shows like Crossfire or Hannity and Colmes where they have two reporters of opposing political view points. The trouble is they always have a very strong personality with a wet noodle, so it's not very unbiased.

I tend to just check online news and skim for facts only. Newspapers tend to be just as biased as new channels too, but at least you can get the info at your pace.
rogue chedder
2008-04-19 08:37:23 UTC
The Onion News Network
2008-04-19 08:34:43 UTC
fox is more conservative, cnn more liberal. C-Span and public radio is the least biased i'd think. but if you want a truly unbiased approached to the news the best thing to do is read multiple newspapers. newspapers, although maybe slightly less current than media, are more objective and by reading it you can be more objective. different newspapers takes care of bias. but if you're determined to watch the news, perhaps watching both stations to even biases out and come to your own decision is best.
2008-04-19 06:15:35 UTC
Every station has their biases, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. The danger comes when a station hides their biases (or objectives) under the guise of genuine journalism.
2008-04-19 06:07:28 UTC
I find MSNBC is the least biased. They recently showed a Documentary of David Wilson/Family Tree and it was extremely moving. I don't think any other station would have ever given that Film/Documentary the time or day but I'm so glad that MSNBC did. For that they get my out most respect and I will continue to watch their station.
Mister R
2008-04-19 05:22:33 UTC
Fox is the least biased. The rest lean left. At least FOX will give both arguments.

CNN ~ Clinton News Network

NBC~ Nothing But Clinton

ABC ~ All Bill Clinton

CBS ~ Clinton Broadcast System

NPR ~ Never Praise Republicans
2008-04-19 05:07:54 UTC
Top 3:

1- National Public Radio (NPR)

2- BBC-America

3- C-SPAN (Not really a true news outlet. They let you watch the event unfiltered from beginning to end.)

Bottom 3:



- Fox
Fancy That
2008-04-19 04:09:09 UTC
CNN is about the best. Fox is so biased that the BBC was unable to air some of their stories because they violate Brit tans regulations for unbias news.
kamal s
2008-04-19 02:28:30 UTC
I think the ones you stated in the question are the ones who are most biased.

The most non-biased news company is the BBC, simply because they don't get money from anywhere except the taxes that people pay in the UK to watch TV, so they don't have to be anybodys' dogs.

Notice how BBC never shows any commercials?
healing wings
2008-04-19 00:25:18 UTC
Actually, the most unbiased is probably your local station that presents facts, rather than opinions. The national entertainment shows vary as to percentage of opinion, such as MSNBC Chris Matthews 24% his opinion, The O'Reilly Factor 97% his opinion. The war in Iraq 73% opinion rather than fact on Fox, compared with 2% opinion for CNN and 29% opinion for MSNBC. (based on the Project for Excellence in Journalism 2005 State of The News Media). So if you want to form your own opinions based on facts, consult CNN.
2008-04-19 10:20:54 UTC
FOX is the least biases but that also makes it the furthest away from the news on the other channels. Liberals hear their liberal news on every other channel and then turn to FOX and hear something a little different and say its ridiculous.
2008-04-19 08:44:17 UTC
CNN is the least biased station. Fox is so Republican, that they are really sadly biased. They report what they want to report, in a gross and vulgar way. ABC is not solely news, but I generally don't agree with their views.
2008-04-19 07:55:45 UTC
I find CNN to be the least skewed. They offer a lot of straight news and some commentary.

Fox literally reads from the White House's talking points. Every day.
2008-04-19 07:33:45 UTC
Fox News Network
2008-04-19 06:56:32 UTC
They are all biased, Fox is more conservative and CNN is more liberal, the best thing to do is watch a few different show from each station and pick the ones you like the best.
2008-04-19 02:02:42 UTC
All news are biased in some way. And you do realize that they only air what they deem 'important' sometimes. That right there is bias/opinion.

Ex: when Paris Hilton was in jail, she was on the news more than news about the economy. WHY? It brings money and ratings up.
Kimberly W
2008-04-19 10:05:46 UTC
I watch all the three big ones (Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC) and I would say MSNBC is the least biased of the three.
2008-04-19 10:13:46 UTC
National Public Radio just reports the news without adding comments.
Sofia's mami
2008-04-19 08:09:08 UTC
I have lived both in Europe and in North America and in my opinion BBC is the least biased and you can also get in North America as well the NPR (National public radio) stations just give you the facts straight forward!

I love both!
2008-04-19 04:46:32 UTC
The least biased and most listened to and watched news service in the world is the British Broadcasting Corporation - The BBC is trusted around the world for it's unbiased news coverage of events as they unfold : -


BBC News 24 - Live Internet TVBBC News 24 - Live Internet TV On MMD Factory Pages. - 12k

BBC World Service - World Service International news, analysis and information from the BBC World Service. In-depth news and sport with audio, video and forums. - 24k
2008-04-19 10:03:50 UTC
CSPAN is clearly the least biased, but also the least entertaining. CNN is a tad too left, and Fox is pretty blatant about their right-wing lean. I find that of the major networks (CNN, MSNBC, FOX) MSNBC is normally the one that does not clearly pick sides. MSNBC only picks on Fox, not republicans or democrats. but CSPAN is still the purest.
A Human Bean
2008-04-19 09:57:31 UTC
ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN are all very left wing in their bias. You basically can't trust a word they say to be true. They only give you part of the information to uphold their belief system.

FOX is mildly left wing and usually gives the whole story. Some people claim they are conservative, but that is simply not true. They are just less liberal than the rest.
Rex K
2008-04-19 09:01:47 UTC
Perhaps it depends on what you consider as biased..It seems to me bias of some sort appears on most. On the news talk shows..Fox always announces or qualifies their guests as "Fox Contributors" which means they are scripted & pre-paid..CNN does the same usually..Sometimes they are all rather sickening..Which is Least is more than difficult to ascertain.
2008-04-19 05:38:15 UTC
The least biased news channel is Star Maza
2008-04-19 05:34:53 UTC
Tough call, they all seem equally tilted.

BBC America has a pretty objective national news show. Sad that another country has to be the one to put together something that doesn't seem biased left or right too much.
2008-04-19 04:56:45 UTC
To an extent they are all biased. A lot of the news coverage is geared to gain political support for our country's leaders. For example the news coverage we got for months saying that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when they didn't. It was so the Americans would support Mr.Bush in attacking Iraq. If you want unbiased news the best route to take is to seek it out of this country; I recommend BBC. They are very neutral in their coverage.
2008-04-19 03:12:15 UTC
So, you're asking our opinion about others' being opinionated?

No one is unbiased, least of all the news, but people tend to be even more biased for or against the various networks, depending on their political inclination. I say Fox is less biased, but I'm a conservative so one would expect me to think that. A friend of mine says Fox is the worst, but he's liberal so there's no surprise from that direction either.

I recommend getting your American news from other countries, like the BBC. I'm sure they're biased also, but it's more likely to be in a way so different from our own media that you may actually get some quasi-reliable information.
2008-04-19 02:18:36 UTC

They all have opinion based talk shows. It's entertainment not news.

In reality, most people are bored by news. People who think Fox or NBC are not biased are in denial and obviously devoted to the Republican or Democratic party.

They are shills.
2008-04-19 01:59:34 UTC
I think that CNN is the least biased, the news is up to the minute, and the presenters are fantastic at telling the headlines and reporting from abroad , news about different situations that happen in different countries all over the world, and they give a good coverage of what is really happening in the world, All the discussions on CNN are really excellent and there is no bias documentaries every thing is taken with a serious style and their comments are true and one can believe them with real proof , Yes I can say that CNN is a genuine station at least for me i donno know what other people think of CNN
Daniel E
2008-04-19 01:27:31 UTC
I keep hearing "FOX is fair and balanced because they show both sides"

What I see of FAUX News is a well spoken Right Wing nut-job and a talking monkey, slobbering over the microphone, wearing a donkey button, who spews the most unintelligible garbage known to man.

I also see people claim FAUX News is more trustworthy because they don't claim to be unbiased... but their "Trademarked Motto" is "Fair and Balanced" how is that not claiming a non-bias

Rupert Murdock founded the FAUX News Channel, in his own words (paraphrased because I don't feel like looking them up) because everybody else is liberal and we need a Republican counterpoint. But his dream has taken the beast so far to the right that it ceased being news and is less trustworthy than The Daily Show... A Comedy Show that follows a show where morons play doctor(Scrubs).

FAUX is not News. Try BBC for a truly neutral standpoint.
2008-04-19 01:13:07 UTC
I would go with NPR or something on PBS. Most are biased though and aren't about reporting news so much as distorting it, using it to entertain people whilst deciding their opinions and the course of history.
2008-04-19 00:53:04 UTC
C-SPAN is scrupulously unbiased; the centrist media (CNN, ABC-NBC-CBS) try hard to be even-handed, but since reality has a leftist bias, may slip toward the liberal side. Air America exists solely to try to shout down the conservative noise machine (good luck, guys!); FOX exists solely to carry out the bidding of powerful wingnuts and allow the no-opposable-thumb crowd to get their ya-yas out. Al Jazeera is waaaaay to the right, and the Beeb all snooty leftist (and nancy boys besides). It's enough to drive you to distraction
2008-04-19 00:41:15 UTC
As a news Guy of fifty plus years I can answer that. ! I worked as a reporter for Murdoch when I was 15 in Australia, no one in the news biz is more biased than him. He is a billionaire, controls most of the press in Australia and runs his organization with an iron fist.!!! There is no independent opionionated freedom within his journalistic empire.! He became a US Citizen, not because he likes America, but as an arm of the racist Australian right wing wealthy, so he could manipulate US public opinion, that's why he acquired the NY Post and the Fox network, he has as much loyalty and patriotism to the US as the Alice Springs rock.(lol) He is typical of the small group of two faced, double talking, Aussie white racist dictatorship group of fascist bullies, whose only agenda is manipulation of the American masses through public opinion and with shows like American Idol,etc. he is achieving his goals to a certain extent. When he took over the Post, he imported a bunch of alchoholic, obedient, brown nosing, Aussie reporter morons like Steve Dunleavy for instance, his pet nose hound who would take the devil to lunch to concoct a story.! Fox tv like it,s Sky counterpart, is nothing more than a platform for Murdoch, through his blindly obedient, extremely partial, editorial staffs, to rant and rave his personal dillussionary philosophies upon the American and International viewers.Therefore CNN is the best bet for any chance of impartial reporting. And I note that some people are recommending BBC, don't make me laugh!!!Gimme a break!!!(Must be BBC insiders doing this).....No one in the UK is more biased in it's reporting than BBC. (Like most of the extremely anti-semitic british press and media, Just look at their terrorist leaning sympathy in their very one sided reporting and views on the Israel palestinian conflict alone) As an independednt member of the uk and American press and media, I can assure you that BBC, which rips off the public by extorting a large fee from everyone with a tv to pay an annual license, whether they watch BBC or not and most avoid there pathetic, boring, rubbish and repetitious programmed crap.!!! Like Fox, they are a bunch of numskulls and talentless incompetents. masquerading as a broadcast network.!!!
2008-04-19 10:29:14 UTC

Sometimes it depends on the person talking.

I like morning Joe - he seems to be in the middle and has a lot of common sense.

Robin Meade (CNN) is also great. I also liked Don Imus - wasn't afraid to speak his mind, even though it got him in a bunch of trouble. He had the input of a lot of politicians and others - really knew what was going on.
2008-04-19 08:53:00 UTC

CNN and Fox are the two MOST biased news stations I've ever encountered...they might as well be called propoganda machines, since they are so biased that it's scary!

Good Luck!
Simply Ώ
2008-04-19 08:03:23 UTC
MSNBC by far. CNN has decent coverage but they still only report so much FOX reports everything but still has a biased slant. My advice is to watch a combination of CNN and FOX, stay away from MSNBC, ABC.
tom s
2008-04-19 07:56:48 UTC
Great question. As you say, they are all a little bias (well, some a lot bias).

By my experience, FOX is the "least" bias. First, they do show multiple sides and opinions. Also, often, when a particular show is bias, they pretty much say it up front (contrast this to many other news stations that just report their "News" without any suggestion that there is a bias).

I know to a "Liberal" FOX seems "Conservative", but interesting, to a "Conservative", it often seems "Liberal".

FYI: Personally, I'm "Independent", though probably more liberal than Conservative, I prefer to be unbias and just take each issue for it's merits.

It will never be easy to get an unbias view, but good luck and be safe.
NC Girl
2008-04-19 05:35:32 UTC
IMO the only one that is blatently biased is Fox News becuase they are overly conservative. Of them all, I like CNN though I know that they still don't have the whole truth and you would have to go to another country to get that.
Justin H
2008-04-18 23:07:05 UTC
I think the best is PBS. The various anchors may have their biases, but the programs do a decent job of balancing the issues (at least this was the case when I had cable and watched the news on a regular basis).

To be honest, I miss Tom Brokow and Peter Jennings. They brought a stature and dignity to network news that is largely missing today.
2008-04-18 21:32:28 UTC
Merriam-Webster defines bias:

3 a: bent, tendency b: an inclination of temperament or outlook; especially : a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment : prejudice c: an instance of such prejudice d (1): deviation of the expected value of a statistical estimate from the quantity it estimates (2): systematic error introduced into sampling or testing by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others

It is difficult to be completely unbiased. People are often biased accidentally. If you have friend A who like oranges and friend B who like apples, and friend A gives you 3 reasons why he likes oranges but you only hear 2 reasons why friend B likes apples... you've just heard biased information, leaning towards friend B! It is very difficult to avoid.

To escape bias, BBC World News America is a great source to view another countries perspective. I also like NBC nightly news with Brian Williams.

Even though it doesn't seem serious... I like Stewart and Colbert on Comedy Central. They definitely show many different ways of thinking about a story.

If you are looking for a 24 hour news station, (I beleive that's what you meant when you said "NATIONAL"..) I would say Fox is the most biased in favor of Republicans and others favor Democratic views.

The best way to avoid bias is to simply watch any news station, and use your own reasoning skills to separate fact from opinion, and also to know when you need to go to another source to view the other half of the story.
Walter M- Barbara
2008-04-19 07:15:42 UTC
I will have to say FOX seems to be the most straight forward as news go!! They have their reporters and their opinions that will never change!! Some people watch by the personality of the commentator alone.
2008-04-19 10:14:20 UTC
I think cnn is the least biased
2008-04-19 09:57:39 UTC
Fox News.
2008-04-19 08:48:42 UTC
Yahoo News
joey nash
2008-04-19 08:13:36 UTC
I don't think you can rely on CBS, ABC or NBC at all. CNN mostly leads to the left (Democratically biased), but you can find a couple of the talk shows that are right down the line and will give you a open-minded view of things. Check out Lou Dobbs. The HNN network has the Glenn Beck show which is mostly mainstream. Often, people think he is right-winged (Republican), but that really isn't true. He just tells the hard-core truth as is. The last station that you might check out is FXNEWS, which gives the best mainstream news. Again, people feel w/shows like "The O'Rielly Factor" that may seem biased w/a Republican edge, that FXNEWS may not be unbiased, but it truly gives the most unbiased news you can find. You may even want to check out the BBC which will give the news w/mostly non-USA biased news.
2008-04-19 07:00:23 UTC

although it's supposed to lean towards the left spectrum, it is the least biased

they do get both sides of the issue in and don't rly try to give their opinions into their stories

CNN is also supposed to be the most reliable and best news station out there

so im guessing CNN will be ur best bet:D
David M
2008-04-19 02:17:25 UTC
NPR- National Public Rehersel
2008-04-19 01:33:51 UTC
Liberals will are against any news station that does not support them all the way. That said Fox leans a little to the Republicans but it does not hold back on Dems or Repubs .If a Repub screws up they will be the first to tell you .Unlike MS NBC OR CNN who hide dirt on Democrats but will bash a Republican any chance they get .But smart people know this .That's why Fox ratings are higher .That's why Republicans are smarter (one of many reasons) And that's why McCain will be President
2008-04-19 01:12:27 UTC
The Daily Show, John Stewart
2008-04-19 00:36:46 UTC
The LEAST biased is kind of hard to answer. I can tell you who the MOST biased is. CNN are as biased as it gets. I seriously watch CNN all the time but JUST BECAUSE I find it amusing that they're so biased. Anyone who doesn't notice it are just sheep. FOX isn't too bad, but they're a bit boring.
Larry V
2008-04-19 00:19:17 UTC
When watching news, I find all about equally biased. In the past I used to think that CNN was fair, but in the past few years, bias and controversial opinions appear to be the new thing.

We still watch it probably most of all - I just don't believe what I hear now. We also watch some Fox, but seldom watch MS-NBC.
2008-04-19 10:11:20 UTC
Congratulations! You have asked the last question ever to be posted on Yahoo! Answers Media & Journalism.

R.I.P. Yahoo! Answers: 12/8/05 - 4/18/08
2008-04-19 09:36:56 UTC
Fox is ridiculously biased, theyre very conservative, though all the anchors do is flirt with each other and give their opinion. MSNBC is very liberal, biased, but at least they speak the truth.
2008-04-19 08:36:05 UTC
Fox is definitely the most biased. I know CNN tends to be slightly liberal, but I believe that they do a fairly good job of covering both sides equally.
2008-04-19 06:52:32 UTC
John R hit the nail on the head; my question to all you goobers is: why would you give him a "thumbs down" for his answer??? Did he something wrong or untrue? No! Did he say something that anyone with half a brain wouldn't agree to? No again! So why the thumbs down, people? Somebody please explain this to me so I can try to understand how the thinking process across our great land got to be so warped.
2008-04-19 06:13:01 UTC
Comedy Central
2008-04-19 00:56:11 UTC
If I were to make a list of news stations from least biased down to most biased...

1-Any Canadian news station



4-ABC would just keep going, with FOX waaaay down the bottom
American Dissenter
2008-04-19 00:22:48 UTC
I used to think it was CNN and now I have my doubts about MSNBC as well.

All but they have ignored Dennis Kucinich , especially Mike Gravel.

All have ignored what has started over 3 years ago, Outsourcing/Offshoring of US jobs to foreign countries.

None in the US mainstream media and politcians the investigate roots causes of the current recession,underemployment,underpay, lousy medical and dental insurance.

Do a Yahoo search on this: 1) Sam's Club 6625+US military veterans and 2) Sam's Club 6625+US politicians

THE GROWING RANKS OF POOR. by billybobjoe57
2008-04-18 23:52:54 UTC
The Weather Channel
2008-04-18 22:40:35 UTC
National Public Radio
Máire Siobhán
2008-04-19 08:45:41 UTC
If you want the least spin, go to the Associated Press as a source. They stick to the rules of basic journalistic reporting in their releases, and you can read their news write ups online.

After that, McClatchy Newspapers does the best job of keeping bias out of their news writing. Their front page headlines by state are online at

I think print reporting assumes a higher level of intellectual participation from the consumer than broadcast media, and so the print media panders less (depending on the ownership) to the unwashed masses.

The broadcast media is looking for ratings and advertising revenues big time. They can no longer afford not to whore themselves out for those things. They operate at a much higher level of revenue need than print media, so take that into consideration when evaluating them as a news source. News it's not: Think entertainment.

Look at the ownership of ALL media, and determine who is calling the shots behind the scenes. That will tell you where the bias is for each. In big companies it's harder to trace, but well worth it to understand what you're getting from whom, and who is trying to shape your opinions, and why.
Warren D
2008-04-19 08:42:26 UTC
These channels are actually international channels as opposed to national, though they have several different services.

All tend to be somewhat biased, but I think Fox News is probably the least biased of the major US-based general news services. They do try to balance liberal and conservative panelists and commentators. I think part of this is reflected in their popularity.

As a world news source I also very much like CNN's Headline News, which tends to report straight facts. I have tried to watch other services such as BBC but have not really been able to judge as fairly as I would like. BBC tends to be liberal (I've actually been interviewed on BBC radio) but I would have to hear a lot more to say they are indeed biased liberal.

I haven't heard that much from Sky News, but my general impression is they are reasonably unbiased.

CNN's services also include the Weather Channel, which is unbiased when it sticks to weather reporting.
2008-04-19 10:35:10 UTC
the thing w/ being a national station, newspaper, website, etc. is that they are influenced by one or the other party's money. There is no such thing as unbiased news anymore. They spin stories however the person who signs the check tells them to.
2008-04-19 10:32:13 UTC
2014-06-03 06:53:36 UTC
They all have some bias in them.Fox is a food news-source as is Cnn
2008-04-19 07:39:37 UTC
See thats the problem, all news stations are biased. But, I think NBC is a good one. They 'usually' give you the straight up facts.
Jean B
2008-04-19 06:10:27 UTC
In my opinion, since the McNeil Lehrer report on KPBS went off the air there is no such thing; however, it is definitely NOT: Fox or ONN (formerly CNN until Obama became a candidate) .... I would say probably CBS; NBC definitely leans to the right and is pro military, pro Bush admin. pro No taxes for the Wealthy; ABC is constantly changing their minds depending on which way the politcal winds are blowing so you can't trust them to tell the truth

I personally watch LINK TV, Current TV and CBC ( Canadian Broadcasting) when I can get it. The fact that Rupert Murdoch took it off the air on Direct TV tells me it is a network worth watching.

I have turned to Public Radio for my news and then find shows that interest me, such as gardening, home improvement, animal planet, for my entertainment.

Hope this helps somewhat;
2008-04-19 06:09:15 UTC
NPR-National Public Radio

This station is not biased because they look from everyones point of view in a certain situation.
2008-04-18 21:31:20 UTC
No such baby...look at who owns each one and read the book Arrogance-Rescuing America from the Media Elite, by Bernard Goldberg.

The days when there was a right to speech and opinion are gone, when it comes to news broadcasting.

Even these elections have been greatly tarnished with news giving results before the voting ever began.

That's like picking the horse before it even leaves the gate, or telling the end of the story before ever starting it.

The other candidates never had a chance...yet blindly paid for their moment in the spotlight, although the three candidates were already chosen from the beginning on every channel.

We had talks about this in large circles...from listening to the news stations we were able to see who they had already delegated before any other candidate stepped down. It's like watching wrestle mania on tv. It's all a hoax.

John McCain is going to win...not because the people want him to...but because he's been chosen by the elite.

The secret is out...just watch what happens in the months ahead.
2008-04-19 08:10:02 UTC
I believe that CNN is the least biased because if you listen to (and compare them) you can tell by the tone of their voice, and the way they report their stories.
Susan A
2008-04-19 07:30:26 UTC
Fox is the least biased. They are accused of being extreme right wing conservatives because they present stories and viewpoints that are politically incorrect and which obviously point out the benefits of our older traditional American values for which we fought in WWII. They also present commentators and guests who present the opposing sides to those viewpoints. They truly are more fair and balanced than most of the other media outlets. It's a slogan but they attempt to view it as a mission statement to live by - albeit not with perfection. As with any organization, they too have their flaws.

Because FOX presents both viewpoints, whereas the mainstream media outlets normally present the politically correct viewpoints or fail to report important elements of stories supporting traditional American values most of the time, Fox gets labeled unfairly. Our mainstream media outlets have evolved into untrustworthy propaganda specialists who support a socialized model of big govt. rather than the traditional American viewpoint of individual responsibility. FOX presents news you won't hear from our mainstream media outlets.

If you want to know the true news of the world, rely on a varitey of sources such as FOX, CNN, the Drudge Report and other Internet sources to get a total picture. DO NOT rely only on our mainstream outlets or you'll only be receiving a spoon fed politically correct viewpoint. The New York Times, ABC, NBC and CBS cannot be trusted to honestly report the totality of circumstances pertaining to world news and opinion.
2008-04-19 07:24:51 UTC
ALL of the US media is supressed

They only speak what is popular to certain people

Fox is Right

CNN is Left

MSNBC changes moment to moment

so i would say NONE of them are anything but Bias !!

Thats why i watch and read News from other Countries

Such as the BBC and the Jerusalem Post and the Guardian

They tell it pretty much straight whether anyone takes exception or not .

Its Sad thats what the US News use to do !!
2008-04-19 07:05:28 UTC
Actually, FOX is the least.

Most of you think of them as conservative but that's only because ALL the rest of them are Left-Liberal with PBS ( and that's with PUBLIC money ) , MSNBC being the furthest left. Fox has liberal commentators such as Alan Colmes, Neil Gabler and invariably balances its panels and discussions with liberals and Democrats.

NBC and CBS have been in the tank for Democrats and the left for a long time and ABC seemed to be as well until the recent debate when Gibson and Stephanopolous asked Obama some reasonable questions and has gotten trashed for being on the right.
2008-04-19 06:47:40 UTC

CNN was known as the Clinton News Network. ABC, CBS and NBC are all pawns of the Democratic party.

During the last election, a famous now dead reporter was reporting on the election results and a state came in on the Democratic side and he made the comment, "Good, we needed that one." Peter Jennings by the way.
2008-04-19 05:33:56 UTC
BBC i think because they just report their news no more no less.

The most bias is FOX news, they will say WE REPORT, YOU DECIDE, but their actual practice is WE REPORT, WE DECIDE.

the most bias reporter is Mr Bill O'reilly, before you can finish speaking, Mr. O'reilly will automatically react. He is so attached in his opinion that the art of communication and exchange of ideas are defeated. He will not listen to you if your opinion is contrary to his opinion. Yet, listening is a form of communication. That kind of person is stupid and devoid of wisdom. An immature person pretending to know everything.
2008-04-19 04:53:47 UTC
problem is that we think the station's biased according to our own point of view- as a flaming commie socialist radical left winger l prefer CNN because they tell it the way l think it really is, whereby you hate-mongers out there, (no-not you) will prefer a station that would make me sick.

But what if the story that makes me sick, or the one you refuse to believe is actually the truth? Who can tell?
2008-04-18 23:50:40 UTC
There's no easy answer, but if we're discussing a DEGREE of bias, you must also consider the bias towards (and away from) moderation. Since even a lack of ideology is still a perspective, and an absence of prejudice is in essence a prejudice against prejudice, well.... think of it as a wheel, I guess.
2008-04-19 08:03:57 UTC
Headline News
Manda M
2008-04-19 04:42:44 UTC
Fox is obviously far right, CBS and NBC are more to the left.

CNN are closer to middle than anything.

To call CBS, NBC and CNN as lefties are to subscribe to stupid comments by some nutty right wingers from Fox.

You're welcome to research this website which keep record of media personalities on ALL TV news supporting all kind of false thing, you be the judge if they're only supporting the left....which they certainly ARE NOT.

The most unbiased is C-SPAN, Brian Lamb rules
2008-04-19 00:08:32 UTC
Clearly C-Span, without question.

In order of Leftist-bias to Rightwing Bias as follows:

1) Pirate Cat Radio and

2) Pacifica Radio

3) BBC World Service

4) CBS News


6) NBC

7) CNN

8) ABC

9) FOX

Other stations fall within the spectrum, but I can't list them all. Arab Television stations are difficult to rate, because they report different news events.
Very confused
2008-04-19 01:07:23 UTC
i would have to say Fox. Even though it is extremely conservative, it does give some perspective from the other side. CNN however, just gives one opinion for like 20 seconds, unless it has to do with a celebrity.
2008-04-19 09:39:21 UTC
CNN would be the least biased in my opinion
2008-04-19 09:16:26 UTC
MSNBC seems to be the least biased, although they lean slightly to the left. Which is okay with me, since I'm so far left, I'm in danger of falling over.
End The Fed!!!
2008-04-19 08:07:18 UTC
A "little" biased?'re funny. They are ALL very biased.

PBS is the only one who is not....along with CSPAN For they are not corporate owned like the other big 5 are...

....and all 5 are entangled with federal bureaucratic policies that push the elitist agenda..... working toward global government.

ie: GENERAL ELECTRIC --(donated 1.1 million to GW Bush for his 2000 election campaign) ... they own NBC. They have an interest in keeping the war keeps them in business.
billy the kid
2008-04-19 06:31:05 UTC
I watch Fox 11 L.A. and the don't seem to be that biased at all
2008-04-19 05:44:34 UTC
I think Fox is least biased. Fox criticizes everyone.

You go to CNN for daily worship services for Obama.
Monterey Dreaming
2008-04-19 05:01:02 UTC
PBS without a doubt. All the other networks are solely interested in advertising revenue so if they don't think a story will sell, they don't run it. Also, they spin things to their own political and economic benefit.

BBC is also a good source. Try their website. It's a little England-centric, but the coverage of North America is detailed and GENERALLY without any particular slant.
2008-04-19 02:49:32 UTC
I'd have to say National Public Radio (NPR) is the least biased, and Fox is the most biased.
Brad C
2008-04-18 22:24:53 UTC
American news media is controlled by individuals, who really only care about ratings. International new agencies like CNN change their biases in accordance with their audience.

When there's a news story I want to really know about I collect information from multiple sources, and compare them for inconsistencies.
2008-04-19 07:09:33 UTC
Fox News, it's owned by a republican's and they are less biased them democrats
2008-04-19 07:00:03 UTC
All of these stations have a bias. It is like they are all controlled by some kind of special interest, and I don't mean "the people."

Lately, I have been watching Dan Abram's "The Verdict," to get a perspective of both sides of the issues, presidential canditates, etc.

I am going to follow the advise of others who suggest NBR.
Cindy M
2008-04-19 05:46:26 UTC
FOX is least biased and CNN is known for its biased views.
bill g
2008-04-19 05:45:01 UTC
journalism travels a different path of rules and code of conduct to what it used to .

i did a journalist course in far north Queensland (beginners ) for the sake of our newsletter and i went to TAFE college and was tutored by what i regard , as , one of the best in the job --- millie freton .

she taught us how to get a story ( without a third party ) and convey the story and pretty well tell it ( the story ) how it it is .

sadly everyone in todays media are effectively plagiarist's .and they " spoon " it ( the story ) for their benefit --- in effect --- they are mistletoe's .

when millie gave us an assignment --- it was a hands on scenario ( you had to work for it ) and go out there and interview people and actually talk to them .

people do not appear ( but call themselves journalists ) want to do the " hard yards "

i think they are ' tarred ' with the same brush --- just like pollies !!
mary g
2008-04-19 01:17:22 UTC
PBS, specifically the Jim Lehrer News Hour
2008-04-18 23:55:26 UTC
Few stations have real reporters. They use wire services such as Associated Press. That means the talking heads are reading from the same script.
2008-04-18 22:33:13 UTC
Not sure if there is one. I don't know what happened to the who, what, when, where and why of journalism and the sixth W of worry more about the Where can I influence came from. It seems there are not any unbiased news agency anymore they all tend to put in their own spin. Perhaps that is the way of news agencies now and you just need to find the one that supports your opinion or the one you can stomach the most.
2008-04-18 22:27:24 UTC
Simply, there are no news channel unbiased. Your best bet, is to search, using the Internet regarding anything you have interest in. Just do not go to a mainstream network. The National is worth checking out as a starting point.
animal lover
2008-04-19 10:33:16 UTC
I think CNN is the least biased.
2008-04-19 06:08:56 UTC
I find Fox is very well rounded in trying reach other's opinions. I think it's that least biased.
2008-04-19 05:17:51 UTC
BBC News 24
2008-04-19 07:54:48 UTC
FOX by far.

And I know my response is going to get blocked because at the bottom where it shows the lowest-rated answers are all people that have said FOX because the liberals are angry that there's a news channel out there that doesn't hate America.
2008-04-19 07:12:30 UTC
Fox is the least biased and generally gives an opportunity for both sides to offer their point of view. CNN is so left it's not funny,ABC,NBC.CBS pretty much the same.BBC just takes every chance it can to put down the US,including outright lies.(proven and admitted to)
2008-04-19 06:26:46 UTC
FOX is hands down the least biased and also provides the best coverage.
2008-04-19 06:06:27 UTC
they are all being controlled so all of them spew out propaganda. tel enough of the truth with a lie in it seems hardly a news i would want to watch. They both equally lie to us. I have the real news out there and it is not propaganda either. and

if you watch cnn or foxnews then you just can't handle the real truth. if you want your news sugar coated and lies being told then watch them. they just love us so much and wouldn't tell a lie. no the are main stream media why would they lie to us. come on they have now since the 80's and will lie to us to keep us from the real news. research what they say and you see the lies. look for you self don't listen to me. look it up for your self. check out the sites i mentioned.
2008-04-19 04:47:47 UTC
I don't really now any American National News Station which isn't. I think Aljazeera is a very good news station. Americans should try and watch it. Very informative and focuses on the real news.
Just Wondering
2008-04-19 04:14:42 UTC
Fox news is the least biased. They say it is conservative, but that is only becuase the other stations are SOOOOOOOOO liberal, that is makes this one seemed biased.
2008-04-18 23:27:01 UTC
They are ALL biased, but the bias isn't about "democrat v. republican".

The most urgent task for the nation is for people to see how so very much of our "knowledge" is based in media brainwashing that has been going on for about a century now.

And it is not merely a problem with political knowledge.

Not only have the multinational corporations and wealthy global elites hijacked our GOVERNMENT and MEDIA, they have also hijacked our SCIENCE.

The media brainwashing is affecting the way we see every aspect of modern life.

Until people turn off the television, and educate themselves, I see little hope.

Some links for anyone who wishes to tune in to what the media is all about:

The CFR controls American media

And if people have difficulty believing that the media could keep "secrets" from the public, consider that for 50 YEARS the mainstream media collectively propagated the lie that the very existence of the Bilderberg group was a myth. Now we know better!

Bilderberg Secrets Revealed

Consider this chilling quote from David Rockefeller (if you don't know who he is and the extent of his power and influence, some research is in order):

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war, but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in the past centuries. It is also our duty to inform the press of our convictions as to the historic future of the century."

- David Rockefeller, June 5, 1991, Bilderberger meeting in Baden Baden, Germany

Other interesting links

Big Media Interlocks with Corporate America

Who owns CNN, ABC, MSNBC

Media Conglomerates, Mergers, Concentration of Ownership

25 years of media mergers

People must also know that the issues of MOST IMPORTANCE TO EVERYDAY AMERICANS are not reported in the media where those issues conflict with the interest of the multinational corporations who have hijacked the government and the media.

Reps and Dems must unite and fight the real enemy if anything is to change in this country.
Master M
2008-04-18 22:39:23 UTC
I'm laughing - more people said Fox is the least biased, but it got more thumbs down than any other answer.

Um, gimme a thumbs down, I'll say fox.

How can Fox be so biased, they've got Alan Colmes opposite Sean Hannity for crying out loud - and Alan Colmes is GREAT! I LOVE Alan Colmes! Even though I'm not a liberal!

Only news station I see that has two opposing viewpoints...

This one sure got some people fired up....

Does fox have a conservative bias - a bit, but it's not some right wing nazi ultra conservative show that wants to make the church rule america again.....

But this is FUN - how many people got fired up on this one! I LOVE it!

Go Fox!
2008-04-18 21:30:55 UTC
The truth is... they all are.

If you want to take a break from it go watch news from a different nationality (of course all news is biased, some more than others), unfortunately you cant, because you wont understand it.
2008-04-19 09:25:47 UTC
They are ALL biased either conservative or liberal. Except for Fox, most try not to be, but it slips into their broadcasts anyway. When you watch a news channel, you have to keep the bias in mind and look past it to form your own opinion. Keep an open mind and remember that most news channels thrive on sensationalism.
A. H.
2008-04-19 07:03:02 UTC
agree that all news station is biased, mostly Fox News

Comedy Central lol
2008-04-19 06:53:17 UTC
CNN is the least. FoX news is a Propaganda network run by Republicans, for Republicans.
2008-04-19 06:19:45 UTC
When analyzing the commentaries and proffering of the stations I found all the news stations are biased
2008-04-19 04:41:55 UTC
Fox is the least biased of all the major networks and NPR/PBS. I don't know of a newspaper that isn't biased toward the left unless maybe the Washington Post to some extent.
2008-04-19 04:02:46 UTC
The least biassed national station I've watched would be NHK in Japan.

It makes ALL those American stations look like complete jokes.

Sorry, as much as others want it, I DON'T want opinions. I want facts. I have no problem generating my own opinions, and to be honest, I don't even want my own opinions. Opinions aren't reality.
2008-04-19 00:33:49 UTC
they're all biased, fox right of center, all the rest left of center, with msnbc being the farthest to the left. since fox is the only one right of center, everybody believes it is the most biased, since left of center thought is consider 'the norm' by national and international media 'standards'.
2008-04-19 00:30:40 UTC
CBC for Canada has a more world view perspective on things...

Due to its nuetral standing on alot of foreign policy.

But like all news casts, they are biased slightly towards American/British views, be it "western pespective"

Not as much as American TV, but still...

America being our closest neighbor, and the UK with the tied in monarchy.
2008-04-18 23:56:04 UTC
After this election season, I'd say Fox is actually least biased, surprisingly. They have panelists from both parties regularly. The way the networks, cnn, msnbc et al have been an extension of the Obama campaign, is the most blatant bias I've ever seen in the media. Some of the dialogue from these big name "journalists" is insane. There is absolutely no shame. It's disgusting. The fix is in.
2008-04-18 23:47:16 UTC
I doubt anyone will read my answer, seeing as how Y!A is down, and this question already has nearly 300 responses, but I still feel I need to put in my opinion.

First, I am AMAZED people are actually suggesting FOX News to be the least biased! Are you kidding me with this!?!? Fox's reporting is so horribly skewed towards the Right, it's laughable. If anything, FOX News is the MOST biased. Only a fool could not see it. (Sadly there appear to quite a lot of fools).

In regards to an actual unbiased News source, I agree with many who have stated NPR or PBS as being the most reliable source for unbiased journalism. Frontline continues to be my favourite News Magazine for in depth journalism.
2008-04-19 10:12:57 UTC
I like Fox. They usually have shows like Hannity and Colmes that has a "right and left" commentator to interview people. OReilly is good too. He interviews people hard on both sides. It is funny because he will receive and read emails on the air of people accusing him of being left or right. It all depends on your perception.
2008-04-19 09:51:40 UTC
The most unbiased is PBS, the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. As a matter of fact, Bush was so unhappy with their unbiased reporting that he/the Congress cut their funding...PBS prides itself on reporting the story with no political bias...and they delight in telling the story....the don't care whom they irritate, whether it be Republican or Democrat!

They take very seriously their commitment to reporting the news!
address man
2008-04-19 08:11:41 UTC
They're all biased. They just employ different ways of using rhetoric to make it seem like they're not. Some are more successful than others.
2008-04-19 07:27:51 UTC
1st ... Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Very Intelligent man, who does not tell you what your opinion should be.

2nd Runner Up...Robin Quivers on the Howard Stern Show....

Most biased... Rush Limbaugh & O'Reilly. Zero respect for overly spun hate monger grandpa views.
2008-04-19 07:16:13 UTC
you got a lot of answers for this. but none is the least biased. there all biased. American News in general like any other biased. Proganda all around you.
2008-04-19 07:09:10 UTC

Faux Gnus is the most biased.

There is no liberal bias in the USA. In fact, there is no left left in the USA.

I get a chuckle when I hear neo-cons call the Clintons "liberal." Hillary is as Republican as they come and now appears to be working for the GOP.
2008-04-19 06:54:58 UTC
for television i think the least biased is pbs. npr is equally unbiased but they are strictly radio. i think the fact that neither are owned by an enormous money-making conglomerate allows them to focus on just reporting the news rather than trying to sell ad time.
2008-04-19 06:12:24 UTC
Sci Fi Channel
2008-04-19 03:27:11 UTC
There is an organisation called alternative press...u might like to take a look and then get ur own conclusions

This article is on the media control.
2008-04-18 22:11:39 UTC
They're all biased unfortunately. The Un-biased networks are the ones that are not National. Isn't this ironic
2008-04-19 10:21:06 UTC
FOX News shows both sides; "fair and balanced". The left hates FOX News, they hate anything that promotes anything other than their view. Conservatives are willing to look at both sides of every story.
Anthony L
2008-04-19 07:28:24 UTC
All news is biased, but I'd have to say CNN is the least biased.
2008-04-19 04:53:20 UTC
I think CNN -- FOX has a clear right-wing bias, and MSNBC is clearly left-wing. CNN seems to be in the middle of the two, with both liberal and conservative pundits.
Grace Alone
2008-04-19 04:19:46 UTC
sorry to say but all news stations are biased, every single one of them will follow the lines of the owners. Liberal owners : Liberal station and so forth. No station will tell a story just as it is, they must follow the owners political aspiration.
Former Democrat New Independent
2008-04-19 04:13:46 UTC
Most are biased one way or the other, but Dan Abrams' show "Verdict" 9pm weedays on MSNBC is the LEAST biased. He is very fair to all sides.
2008-04-19 02:48:51 UTC
None of them. 90% of all media is owned by a very small group of people. Think you get the real news? AOL TIME WARNER? Jesus you think it would just be ATM I mean W... Richard Merdock... They own all of them... From Newspaper, to magazines, to internet, to tv, EVERYTHING. Wonder why everything has to be DIGITAL. The little guy cannot afford it. They will be whiped off the map.
2008-04-19 01:18:19 UTC
All NEWS is biased. to a lot.

maybe U & i start a new NEWS channel to make it least biased.
2008-04-19 00:15:40 UTC
C-Span and CNN is what I use, and tend to be least bias. NPR is also good, but can be very disheartening to listen to due to how straight-up they are about certain issues, such as the war in Iraq.
2008-04-18 21:04:05 UTC
Everyone says the news is biased and much of it is ... although sometimes people who are strongly biased already want to read between the lines and believe there is a bias, that goes against what they believe it, that is not really there.

However, I think the whole problem could be solved if the news outlets simply DID NOT PRETEND TO BE UNBIASED and announced upfront their political leanings -- that way no one could accuse them of being biased.

Also people need to keep in mind -- whether it's Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ABC or CBS -- all corporate-owned networks are really *baised* towards one thing -- making money. That's why they're in business. That's why celebrity gossip has become so popular lately -- it drives up ad revenue. This is much more important to them than promoting one political agenda over another.

So, while you may not like NPR, PBS or BBC (and they're not perfect) at least they're not telling you what you want to hear/see just to get more dollars out of your wallet.
2008-04-19 09:40:39 UTC
Fox news sucks
2008-04-19 03:52:11 UTC
none, they are biased toward profits.

As far as Fox being biased and the rest are left...they arent

The highest rated ( and only liberal) show on MSNBC was Donahue, which was taken off the air because he didnt support the war
2008-04-19 09:44:27 UTC
I don't think you'll find any truly unbiased news source. Most are liberal (most newspapers with large circulations, CNN, NPR, and the large networks are usually the most extreme). FoxNews tends to lean toward the conservative side. Let me know when you find a truly unbiased one!
Michael M
2008-04-19 09:38:08 UTC
they all slant the new. old days never happend.

but ratings are so important these days.

the anchor wantas to be the news.

watch an old movie Network. Back in the 1970s. Same thing is happening now.
2008-04-19 08:56:48 UTC
I hope you don't have the 'Send me an email when someone answers my question' box checked :)

CNN Is the least biased.
2008-04-19 05:56:43 UTC
CNN.. Fox is FAR to the right and CBS, NBC, & ABC lean to the LEFT.

CNN seems to have some balance... though there ARE a few of their reporters who ARE leftist
Bob H
2008-04-19 05:08:05 UTC
NPR. The right wing lunatic fringe continues to be deluded by FOX5. A bunch of racists and bigots. I guess it's a free country even for the bottom feeders.
2008-04-19 04:07:51 UTC
Can't tell you which is the least biased, but I can tell you that, unless someone is severely retarded, they can tell you that Fox is the MOST biased - no contest.
2008-04-18 23:57:36 UTC
National Public Radio (NPR)

check it out !

good luck it's hard to say but most major news station's are owned by rich old biased men !
2008-04-18 22:13:02 UTC
I think that all of those channels are every biased. I also think that they don't show news they show opinions ( their opinions) in incidents and world events, and that to me is not just wrong, it is also mis communication and miss information. They tell people their interpretations of the world events and unfortunately many people believe that and fall for it.
2008-04-19 10:14:31 UTC
fox news is the least biased
2008-04-19 10:11:04 UTC
Make that Radio Free America.
The Princess
2008-04-19 09:08:52 UTC
2008-04-19 08:32:55 UTC
CNN appears that way. Least biased.
2008-04-19 07:05:07 UTC
Fox News makes an effort to be fair. The others do not go to as much trouble.
2008-04-19 06:46:31 UTC
Resident Heretic
2008-04-19 06:04:26 UTC
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Yes, I know it's "fake" news, but that's the only way a news program can be unbiased.
2008-04-19 06:01:40 UTC
ALL news are biased.

ONLY local (some 10 000 viewers plus, are not)

How can one be biased, by a weather channel?
2008-04-19 02:08:53 UTC
My own personal opinion would be MSNBC, they seem to report the news without all the spin. I don't know about you, but I hate a station that thinks they have to tell you what to think. Know what i mean, we're not sheep for pete's
Wocka wocka
2008-04-19 01:28:27 UTC

Fox leans conservative, CNN leans populist, MSNBC leans liberal. I'd say that CNN is least biased because they at least have more dissenting opinions.
Danny S
2008-04-19 09:23:37 UTC
Fox probably because they always show both sides. For example "Hannity and Colmes" one is republican, the other is democrat. They obviously lean a little more to the conservative side, but nonetheless they still give both sides of an argument.
hello my name is jingle bells :)
2008-04-19 09:12:01 UTC
all of the news
2008-04-19 07:51:45 UTC
Fox is the least biased but I personally like NBC the best. It just depends whether you're a liberal democrat or not.
Mike W
2008-04-19 07:23:04 UTC
I think FOX is the most unbiased when they're in the News mode.

There's lots of folks that watch the Opinion and Commentary sessions which have an obvious Right Wing bias - Too bad they can't distinguish opinion from news. Maybe they ought to go back to MTV for their information.
2008-04-19 07:12:05 UTC
Christian radio stations seem to find less biased news. It's still mostly B.S.

NPR radio has the worst left wing bias of any. They should be taken off the air. Enemies to the country harbor there.
2008-04-19 04:59:04 UTC
The one that reveals why the bridge really collased, AND why April 19 is the most significant day of the year, for those who have eyes to see.

Silly Gal
2008-04-19 01:59:52 UTC
I agree - NPR National Public Radio
Randy W
2008-04-19 00:34:35 UTC
My personal opinion is that CNN is the lease biased. Lou Dobbs is particularly straight forward while I find Nancy Grace to be extremely right wing.
Anonymous Lutheran
2008-04-19 10:01:02 UTC
They are all biased.

However, FOX News is open about their bias. This means that when you watch FOX News, you can take their bias into account when evaluating the stories you see. The other networks simply can't be trusted because not only are they biased, but they try to deny it.

Edit: In answer to the person who said FOX News has morons representing the liberal side, Geraldo is harldy a moron, despite his rather silly résumé.
Edward Cullen
2008-04-19 09:40:42 UTC
CNN is less biased in my opinion
2008-04-19 08:52:56 UTC
The only station I trust now for news (and this probably sounds crazy) is MTV. I feel they are the only channel that doesnt skew news in favor of our current administration.
cheap advice
2008-04-19 08:44:37 UTC
They are both biased, and those biases determine which story you will hear, whose side of the story they will tell, how much of the story they will tell. They are both broke and don't know how to tell the complete truth, only what fits their interests.
2008-04-19 08:05:26 UTC
I have heard CNN called "Clinton News Network" before but I also know that fox news is also crap. I usually try to get news from
Anna K
2008-04-19 07:25:37 UTC
FOX and CNN are right-wing agents of corporate power and betray us with distracting rubbish.

Read a avriety of sources on the net to get a bigger picture
2008-04-19 06:53:26 UTC
Fox. Most others have an agenda and will only report and exagerate if not outright lie on things the things they want you to read or hear.
2008-04-19 06:33:21 UTC
Why doesn't YA seem to be working? The questions are all from 10 hours ago, and have 100 answers on them?
2008-04-18 23:42:48 UTC
NON of the mainstream news networks are fair and balanced. The only news network that ever comes close to being non biased and fair and balanced is Aljazeera English news network. I know what you are thinking. How can a news network owned by the rich Saudis be un-biased? That is exactly what I used to think of them, until I got my satellite dish and after watching them my opinion has changed. I know that some people, out of ignorance, will make comments about that network while they haven't even watched it. But those who have the English Aljazeera news network know that theirs is un-biased, fair, informative, and the highest quality of news. (Their female news anchors/reporters are pretty hot, too.) Just give them a try and you too will discover that all the BIG news bullies: BBC, CNN, FOX, ETC don't even come close the quality of news delivered by ALJAZEERA.
2008-04-18 23:12:28 UTC
Least biased in America is Fox, but not much. BBC is pretty fair in it's reports, gives a lot of US news, usually unbiased because it's nothing to them. Fox here has to keep their advertisers and brass happy.
2008-04-18 23:06:36 UTC
Free Speech TV Also most of the stations in other countries tell the story a bit differently than the ones in the US.
2008-04-18 22:11:39 UTC
After reading all the answers above, it is clear the viewers are as biased or more than the news stations. Just look at the variety of answers to the same question.

If you watch a particular station because you agree with their reporting, it is because their bias and yours agree.

I watch Fox, not because I don't think they are unbiased, but because their reporting mostly parallels my own beliefs. Yes, I know I am biased too.
James V
2008-04-19 08:17:30 UTC
Any news station that existed prior to Rupert Murdoch buying it. Watch the documentary "Outfoxed". It's disgusting
2008-04-19 08:03:03 UTC
There is no truly unbiased NATIONAL news station - but I'd say the closest is Fox News...they slant a little (again little) conservative where as the other major networks are unabashed and very widely liberally slanted. ...the news I want to hear I generally catch on Fox news, but another great outlet is the drudge report by Mike Drudge (I think it's there is no slant that I've seen
2008-04-19 09:17:54 UTC
I blocked fox and abc news. Both are so biased!
Precinct 1099
2008-04-19 09:03:03 UTC
I think all of them are to some degree. I find if I watch several from both sides I eventually can find some truth. But most of it is actually someone else's opinion.
2008-04-19 08:48:43 UTC
Fox is the least biased.
2008-04-19 08:04:06 UTC
The news channel that reflects your personal biases back to you.
2008-04-19 05:23:53 UTC
Google News, ummm not too many as everyone is somewhat biased.
2008-04-19 01:00:12 UTC
BBC ,C-Span, NPR and Press TV. CNN is ok.

Fox is nothing but a GOP tool to spread fear and propaganda. NBC is in the bag for Obama.

" I have the greatest admiration for your propaganda. Propaganda in the West is carried out by experts who have had the best training in the world -- in the field of advertizing -- and have mastered the techniques with exceptional proficiency ... Yours are subtle and persuasive; ours are crude and obvious ... I think that the fundamental difference between our worlds, with respect to propaganda, is quite simple. You tend to believe yours ... and we tend to disbelieve ours. "

Quote from

A Soviet correspondent based five years in the U.S.
2008-04-19 10:00:49 UTC
All are biased. I'd say fox is probably the worst, and C-SPAN is the best.
2008-04-19 09:32:56 UTC
Comedy Central, Bill Maher on Hbo and totally watch the BBC news if you can get it...totally the shizznit
2008-04-19 09:28:28 UTC
NPR...and C-SPAN. Probably the own 2 least biased ones.
2008-04-19 05:22:16 UTC
BBC or Reuters - both are international. For in-country news I would recommend the Daily Show.
Thel T
2008-04-19 03:06:04 UTC
I guess BBC World is least biased
2008-04-19 01:35:32 UTC
I can't answer that except to say watch them all and then listen to b.b.c. shortwave or b.b.c. on line and Canadian ...c.b.c. and fix your own opinion of the worlds news. Also it may not be everyones cup of tea but you can get the other sides opinion by watching Al gezer (spelling)on the is interesting! "Good luck and Good night"
2008-04-19 00:32:15 UTC
CNN for sure. Fox is the most biased. I'm terrified of fox news.
2008-04-18 23:21:12 UTC
I really wish one existed, but sadly, we live in today's world.

What I would suggest is to look at multiple news broadcastings. Not only in one area, but rather different parts of the world. I look at different newspapers and stations from different countries to help pull out the real information.
moiz r
2008-04-18 21:52:13 UTC
all news media are biased as in putting forth a certain viewpoint

the best would be to read all the different viewpoints you can find especially online and then use your own judgement

It would be great if you publish your own viewpoint online on a blog or discussion forum
2008-04-19 10:14:09 UTC
19 action news
2008-04-19 08:47:31 UTC
BBC Worldwide is probably the least biased, but then that is my opinion.
mayooresan j
2008-04-19 06:24:13 UTC
As I know almost all the news agencies are biased and they work for something that thy can make someting!!!
Silent Gams
2008-04-19 05:59:54 UTC
Pacifica Public Radio


Free Speech TV

Enjoy them, for they report the news with the public's interest in the forefront. And THAT'S commendable.
2008-04-19 03:59:22 UTC
I get my news from the Wii news Channel..which is the Associated Press
Slow Hand
2008-04-19 09:10:26 UTC
We all know that all American news is biased. The least biased is FoxNews and BBC America.
2008-04-19 05:27:17 UTC
Cartoon network or Noggin..or just kidding...we have Fox news on all the time....Want some arguing watch the No Spin Factor with Bill O'Reilly.....oiy.......
2008-04-19 04:51:19 UTC
It seems your local news is the least biased but not by much.

And ignore anybody that says FOX is the least biased. FOX news is for sheep.
2008-04-18 23:54:26 UTC
yeah , they are all biased. you just have to choose the one that u prefer. personally, i like MSNBC because they don't feature rude people like Nancy Grace and among others.. CNN always cover the war in Iraq (boring, redundant ****)...
2008-04-18 23:27:32 UTC
I say, watch a few news stations that are on different sides and then average it out with what you feel to be true and use your beliefs and knowledge to discern your own opinions. Don't just live off of what others TELL you. Decide on your OWN.

(But I am really liking how Fox has a new slogan, "Fair and Balanced coverage." they really do cover all sides. But then again, still it is biased. )

This is just me and my fiance, but we LOVE listening to Rush Limbaugh on the EIB network. He is hilarious.
2008-04-19 08:42:35 UTC
Fox, the others are very biased only more subtly.

Good question=star
Tech Cat
2008-04-19 08:32:55 UTC
I usually watch CNN or Comedy Central.
Perfectly Imperfect
2008-04-19 07:20:35 UTC
LOL I agree with Twizzler!

C-SPAN is the winner... I wonder how many people watch it?

It's a great sleep aid. ;)

I think the rest are equally biased- it's the media so we shouldn't expect any less!

2008-04-19 06:12:48 UTC
They are all biased to difffrent things, so it is impossible to gie you an anwer, exactly te reason I don't pay too much attension to their opinions, only what facts can be gathred.
2008-04-19 04:55:07 UTC
In my opinion it would have to be individual anchors instead of one particular news station. however i will say that i believe CNN gives the best details and i find that they are closest to the truth
2008-04-19 04:13:38 UTC
Fox has other shows on it that possibly mention bias things politically, i.e. the simpsons and family guy, so CNN is better.
2008-04-19 01:32:50 UTC
I look at CNN as the American equivalent of

Bbritish BBC or Australian ABC and so would say it is the least biased.
Eric L
2008-04-18 23:51:35 UTC
BBC isn't too bad.

It's different, not as flashy but they like to discuss the effect a certain event has on the rest of the world, rather than fear monger what its going to do to you.
2008-04-19 10:31:09 UTC
Fox News. They are fair.
Jonathan L
2008-04-19 09:49:37 UTC
Comedy central is even biased aganist Rep
2008-04-19 06:13:05 UTC
FOX News Channel is far and above the rest of the media........they claim to be fair and balanced, and after watching them a long time I have to agree. They truly do strive to be fair, and balanced. Good question.
2008-04-19 06:03:49 UTC
All news channels look for the sensational.Then they wear it into the ground.Look what they did to promote the fall of Britney Spears.
2008-04-19 04:37:29 UTC
as a canadian living in egypt (parents working for oil, a lot of americans here) i think aljeezera is the least biased. its a newsteam made up of british, american, and middle eastern people. they express views from all the sides and theyre headline dont express an opinion, the say facts only, not what theyre thinking, or what they think they should do.
2008-04-18 22:45:38 UTC
I always found NBC news to be the least biased besides my local station, which always just gives the facts... not sure if that's true for all local stations or not
2008-04-18 21:54:30 UTC
When it comes to important news and information, I wouldn't believe any of the big media outlets. This is because they are beholden to the whims of their advertisers. Big business and big media tightly control what you see and hear.

There is a small window of opportunity however. When you subscribe to DISH network, you have access to LinkTV (ch 9410) and Freespeech TV (ch 9415). Unlike PBS which is still sponsored by business, these channels are only sponsored by viewers. They are then free to offer the other side of the news, including broadcasts from foreign countries and subject matter that is often controversial.

If you want to see stories from independent journalists who go behind the lines and dig up the dirt on politics, on the wars we are waging, on the tricks used by corporations, and how money controls everything, this is the place.

Just search these names of regularly featured keynote speakers: Norm Chomsky, Greg Palast, Bill Moyers, and Amy Goodman.

Pass it on...
2008-04-19 09:48:30 UTC
I'm with the Comedy Central Posse. God Bless.
2008-04-19 08:32:27 UTC
My vote goes to Fox News.
2008-04-19 05:52:45 UTC
CW- Daily Buzz
2008-04-19 04:52:44 UTC

but if u rlly want to get sum objective news then u'll hv to start watching more than one news channel nd definitely not just newschannels from the u.s.
miss sssss
2008-04-19 02:57:59 UTC
2008-04-18 22:32:03 UTC
BBC, Reuters and AP out of the ones I've seen. Not to say they're not biased too, but less than any other that I'm aware of.
2008-04-18 21:17:07 UTC
None. My husband works in the field and wow. Just.. wow. I've seen things that make me blink from all of them. They all have their biases. None are any more nor any less biased than any other.
2008-04-19 10:00:21 UTC
HA, NOT CNN.........I am conservative so I am biased towards FOX......but realistically they all swing matters in their own way. I watch FOX the most, won't even tune in to CNN....
2008-04-19 09:12:21 UTC
Unfortunatly they are all biased. The least biased in my opinion, is PBS & CSPAN.
Alexandria V
2008-04-19 09:04:50 UTC
I would say FOX because all the other ones lean towards one side of the story over another
2008-04-19 08:03:13 UTC
since i am conservative; my answer would be of course fox BUT i know that all news stations have an angle, best thing for you to do is just watch a different station now and again so you are aware of their angle, so next time you watch them you can be aware of what they are focusing on and what they are ignoring. ;)
2008-04-19 06:53:58 UTC
The least biased would prob. be CNN.
2008-04-19 06:13:06 UTC
I believe fox news. cnn and nbc are both very liberal, whereas fox news bills itself as not having any bias at all.
Bryce R
2008-04-19 05:50:40 UTC
there is no unbiased national news station in my opinoin, but i would say CNN because of the diversity of the people i see on their reports.
2008-04-19 05:00:21 UTC
C-SPAN seems to be the least biased just the facts and little else.
2008-04-19 02:44:20 UTC
closed up from love i didnt need the pain

once or twice was enough and it was all in vien

time starts to pass before you know it your frozen

but something happend for the very first time with you

my heart melts into the ground found something true

and everyone around me thinks that im going crazybut i dont care what they say im in love with you

they try to pull me away but they dont know the truth

my hearts crippled by the vein that i keep on closing

you cut me open and i keep bleeding keep keep bleeding

in love keep bleeding i keep keep bleeding in love

you cut me open

trying hard not to hear but they talk so loud

their piercing sounds fill my ears try to fill me with doubt

yet i know that the goal is to keep me from falling

but nothings greater that the rush that comes with your embrace and in this world of loneliness i see your face

Baghdad Pete !
2008-04-19 01:06:35 UTC
C-Span doesn't put a spin on the news at all, they just let the camera roll and let the viewer make their own mind up - but it is very boring.

But Fox News is most to the central on issues. CNN, ABC, CBS and the others are very liberal. Most folks dislike FOX because they do not like what they are hearing or dont want to hear it. Fox puts the news out and yes they do point out when a republican messes up as well, but c'mon folks you can't always think that your little liberal democrats are always perfect all the time!?!? Compared to all the Liberal News out there, Fox is refreshingly central compaired to the other tree hugging - same sex garbage thats out there !!! Nasty stuff folks, so yeah just keep enjoying your little left leaning news shows...
2008-04-18 22:01:59 UTC
National Public Radio....hands down
2008-04-19 10:25:11 UTC
PBS is the least bias news station and NBC is second
2008-04-19 03:06:05 UTC
I usually watch the BBC or German stations if I want to see an unbiased pov.
2008-04-19 08:13:14 UTC
BBC International. Although CNN is pretty fair too.
2008-04-19 05:02:17 UTC
CNN is least biased i reckon
2008-04-18 23:43:58 UTC
I'll just stick with my local news Channel 11 Eyewitness news
2008-04-18 21:54:09 UTC
I think they are all biased equally terribly in different ways, but at least FOX doesn't really pretend to be unbiased. And, in my opinion, a very needed "opposing viewpoint"...
2008-04-19 09:59:07 UTC
I think they are about the same..Fox is worse..but I get my news on the computer..has a much larger variety
Mickey C
2008-04-19 08:53:32 UTC
C-SPAN, no spin, just straight news. Fox is conservative, CNN goes with what is popular, and NBC stations are liberal.
Lynne L
2008-04-19 08:12:36 UTC
In American Politics and Media the answer is no mystery. Can you handle the truth?
2008-04-19 04:32:04 UTC
You are perhaps forgetting that there is a media monopoly,and therefore there can not be a least biased

radio,newspaper,television news service.If you view the movie "OutFoxed",you wili be aware of the depth of media

bias,and censorship.
2008-04-18 23:23:16 UTC
I think every one has its own cause to be biased
2008-04-18 21:44:59 UTC
Personally, I think PBS because it's an all-around television station. I mostly watch ABC and NBC but out of the few times I have watched PBS I've noticed that there is not as much of a commentary.
Donna B
2008-04-19 07:47:56 UTC
cnn- with Andserson Cooper
Tassos S
2008-04-19 07:45:14 UTC
they're all biased. Fox is Pro-bush and CNN is anti-bush.
Goalie Geetar Grl
2008-04-19 06:31:20 UTC
BBC - sure it's not American , but it's a NATIONAL British news station.

If I were to watch ANY news I would watch BBC or CBC. Or just make your own observations and make your on conclusions.
2008-04-19 06:23:17 UTC
fox, least biased.

cnn is the most biased. (leftist, liberal, socialist, communist,and america hating, just like the democrats)
Young Lady in an old body
2008-04-19 06:12:37 UTC
NPR THe report the news.. Not a lot of hype.. Just the news.
2008-04-19 04:40:12 UTC
You would be best off just reading the AP website at least there the journalists havent thrown in their own "research= (B.S.)"
2008-04-19 04:15:35 UTC
fox news
2008-04-18 21:38:50 UTC
I GO FOr CNN... It Gives Different Views On a Subject But A Biased In a Result. :D
50 yrs. old MM and still going.
2008-04-19 07:52:32 UTC
I watch Fox news, all the time.

I feel they are the most UNbiased news. I believe that because they always have both sides of a story.
2008-04-19 05:11:51 UTC
C-Span, PBS and then CNN the rest don't hide the fact they are either democrats or rebublicans.
2008-04-19 07:26:14 UTC
..notice how all the blacks say Fox is biased. That how you know Fox is NOT biased and tells the truth.
2008-04-19 07:10:41 UTC
I watch the BBC because I want to learn about world events too but if I had to choose one of ours I like FOX.
2008-04-19 06:57:52 UTC
Definitely NPR
2008-04-19 05:54:26 UTC
Try the McNeil/Lehrer hour on pbs...all the others are totally biased...
2008-04-18 23:41:38 UTC
sadly all news stations are biased.

the only exeption is comedy central: the daily show with john stewert and the colbert report
2008-04-18 23:18:36 UTC
BBC America
2008-04-19 07:33:09 UTC
Fox News. They bend over backwards to be fair and balanced, however, this results that they sometimes over report extreme opinions. They are biased vis-a-vis balanced reporting about Israel, i. e. they are without any critique to policies and actions by Israel and by Neocons, who have loyalties and interests contrary to the United States overall interests.
Helen W.
2008-04-19 06:19:39 UTC
Least biased...NPR.

You didn't ask about most biased, but that's FOX, hands down. "Fair and balanced" my a**.
2008-04-19 05:44:48 UTC
okay... BIASED usually means - NOT ADHERING to your view. If you're watching the news and YOU FIND YOURSELF SHOUTING at the screen... then they are BIASED.

If you're watching and SMILING and NODDING then they are NOT.

For me FOX gets everything RIGHT (not biased) ABC gets everything WRONG... very biased.
2008-04-19 02:27:07 UTC
Most of all are biased but not all
2008-04-19 00:54:07 UTC
well all are biased... if you want true news from the states watch BBC News and you'll know the truth...

if you want news from UK watch France TV5, if you want news from France watch Spain Antena3, and so on and on....
2008-04-18 21:44:00 UTC
BBC World is the best available in the US.

If you go to the BBC website you can listen live to Radio 4 which is a heavyweight current events and politics channel.

CNN seems middle to slightly left, MSNBC is broadly left/liberal and FOX is just a joke with an extreme Right wing slant evident in the people such as O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Anorexic Anne who simply tell lies (but of course they are appealing to the lower end of society!)
2008-04-18 21:25:05 UTC
It varies based on which show you're watching. The Fox News Channel show Special Report with Brit Hume has very little bias. There have been studies done that compare that show to the regular news from other channels, and they found that it was the least biased. But other shows on Fox are pretty biased.
good guy
2008-04-19 08:39:02 UTC
the BBC's the british broadcasting isn't influenced by american perspective so is able to just report the news...few watch it, but it's the least biased.

For american channels i gotta say MSNBC, because they have both sides on in a discussion (conservative republicans and liberal democrats) about events...they are a bit slanted, but at least they have both sides represented.
2008-04-19 08:08:02 UTC
I think that they all have a certain degree of bias. But to me, Fox is the least.
El Esplendido
2008-04-19 05:58:28 UTC
hmmm hard question, its hard to look for a news with absolute credibility. i guess the least is CNN, just a hunch
2008-04-19 01:14:50 UTC
FOX,CNN,NBC,ABC,CBS= ridiculous stations...try to watch BBC or

you may get a part of the hidden story.
2008-04-19 00:45:32 UTC
Johnny U
2008-04-18 22:43:05 UTC
everyone thinks fox is right leaning but in truth, they are really the most center. it's just that abc, nbc, cbs, cnn, msnbc, nytimes, washingtonpost, npr have been left for so long, people really thought that was fair news. when fox came along 10-12 years ago , people were not used to somebody sympathizing with the right for the first time in history so naturally they felt it was right-wing. but if you look at the ratings, it is killing all other cable news combined. well, there must be some dems watching it too to get those kinds of numbers.
2008-04-18 21:58:24 UTC
I'm a Republican or a conservative however you want to slice it, and even I steer clear of FOX news, they are pretty (the most bias). They find the most obnoxious people they can, who are only qualified to moan and complain but offer no solutions. That gives people like me who have the best intentions at heart a poor portrayal.

This being said I still won't watch CNN & Friends, but i give them credit for allowing my Conservative mentor Glenn Beck on. I also give credit to MSNBC for giving Dennis Miller a show.

You probably will never find that unbiased network, they all work to accommodate one demographic.

But to answer your question FOX is the most bias and givers us conservatives a bad rep....BAD FOX NO....NO....NO!!!!!
The Josh
2008-04-19 01:06:53 UTC
FOX is the most biased.
Joshua B
2008-04-19 10:18:13 UTC
because they are human, they are going to be biased - it's unescapable. the best news services aren't afriad to admit their leanings.
2008-04-19 12:26:21 UTC
They are all a "hot mess" but I still prefer CNN.
2008-04-19 09:44:26 UTC
Definitely Fox. I prefer MSNBC.
2008-04-19 08:05:55 UTC
I would agree with some of the answerers - comedy central!
2008-04-19 06:13:42 UTC
Certainly not CNN.

Probably C-Span or FOX
2008-04-19 05:39:04 UTC
2008-04-19 05:14:06 UTC
None of them really, I say BBC America. I try not to watch much since it's all so depressing.
2008-04-19 02:18:23 UTC
there all biased of course, however CNN is the best of a bad bunch...
2008-04-19 02:16:39 UTC
All of them use some biased, its in there nature? But at the least i have to say Fox (:
David H
2008-04-19 01:45:23 UTC
I'd say Headline News, they focus more on court cases than political stuff.
2008-04-18 22:47:01 UTC
late night hosts (Leno, Letterman, Kimmel, Ferguson, Colbert, etc...). They don't care, just as long as they can make people LTAO. News is comedy anyway. These big American networks don't cover real crises going on in the world. Look at international news and see for yourself.
2008-04-18 22:38:23 UTC
these days bias is the least of the problems. cnn, fox, cbs, nbc,abc they are all sheep these days...none of them believe in uncovering stories- they are all one big gossip machine- a self perpetuating mess. i am a liberal but cnn's views are so far from representing a liberal bias or pov that it is scary. i wish they were more liberal. fox news...i can't say, as i am not a conservative but i would be suspect of them as well. i doubt that they represent conservatives any better than cnn represents liberals...

basically, i wish you good luck; we are living in a dark age.
2008-04-18 21:57:39 UTC
I used to think CNN was the least biased--but maybe it's because I watch the Latin American CNN...

Just watch them all and reach your own conclusions...
2008-04-19 10:25:31 UTC
fox news is the best
2008-04-19 09:38:59 UTC
In order of reducing bias:

2008-04-19 08:35:55 UTC

fox is the most biased news station ever.
Think Different
2008-04-19 08:25:05 UTC
PBS and BBC, sadly most Americans get there news from TV and most are not home when it comes on.
2008-04-19 06:20:28 UTC
Either PBS or CNN.

Fyi, I assume that you meant "network" when you wrote "station".
2008-04-19 05:52:25 UTC
i am not a believer of what most media tries to manipulate us to believe but if i chose one closest to truth i think fox is closest.cnn(communist nonsense network) is banned for they lie about everything
2008-04-19 04:56:54 UTC
they are all biased

CNN - clinton news network

fox is biased too but i prefer it to the others

almost all are left wing
Don M
2008-04-19 00:56:53 UTC
None. They are all in the Poloticians and Governments control.
2008-04-18 23:48:45 UTC
probably none, which is why i try to get my news from different sources, such as new york times, bbc news, the guardian, cnn, msnbc, euro news.
2008-04-18 22:54:12 UTC
I would have to say CNN, fox is the most biased
2008-04-18 22:51:05 UTC
Good luck, I'd like to know too cuz they all seem to be biased, but I would say FOX is the worst. It really is blatant the way they villify the left.
2008-04-18 22:18:51 UTC
You need to look to the BBC for less bias. Corporate dominated domestic media refuses to cover stories that may hurt their financial interests. Stories are simply ignored. Some of the most important ones are:

- Contamination due to depleted uranium.

- 9/11 Commission white wash.

- Media controlled elections and fraud.

- US aggressive foreign policy and violations of international law.

Noam Chomsky is a good starting point for US foreign policy since WWII. Ralph Nader documents domestic policy problems leading to a culture that is controlled by corporate interests.

I'd also check out the use of depleted uranium for military armor and munitions. It's very effective, but when the material is impacted it burns throwing small particulate uranium oxide into the environment (which is extremely toxic). There is an unprecidented increase in cancer incidents and birth defects among Middle Eastern populations as well as US service men and women.

Worldwide the rates are increasing as well.
Annoynomous A2
2008-04-19 10:25:53 UTC
2008-04-19 10:07:44 UTC
CNN! U will find Independents on this channel.
2008-04-19 09:38:11 UTC
For news, not news talk shows, Fox.
2008-04-19 06:44:14 UTC
My answer would be that they are all part of a controlled and managed system. Blessings
2008-04-19 06:01:05 UTC
I have to go with CSPAN and CSPAN2.

See the speeches and votes for yourself and not filtered through any ones interpretations.

Good question...
2008-04-18 22:23:28 UTC
All this major networks are biased. Fox is beyond biased. It doesn't even qualify as news. CNN is probably the most balanced of the major networks. CNN definitely has conservative and liberal commentators. That's why CNN is number one. I switch between CNN and MSNBC.

CNN - Clinton News Network, Fox - Attack News Network (far right), MSNBC - Obama News Network, ABC - Obama Bashing Communications, & CBS - Never Watched Network.

C-Span is the least biased.
2008-04-18 21:40:53 UTC
As many users have written, every station is biased in one way or another - I just don't think that the bias always fits along the traditional left/right boundaries everyone wants to think it does (with the exception of FOX, which is almost self admittedly all conservative.)

I think that the bias of most media outlets is simply to serve themselves, so it depends who is in charge and who can benefit their business one way or another.

Who has the least bias? CSPAN obviously, NPR, and most international media sources (BBC, etc.)
2008-04-18 21:16:22 UTC
I prefer Internet news sources, like the Associated Press website. You get to pick what you read instead of them selecting what you get to know for you!
2008-04-19 07:50:19 UTC
NPR.... it is the best. They just state the facts-- there is really no bias in any of their reports. You can decide for yourself who is right.

Which is, of course, the Democrats.

Stainless Steel
2008-04-19 05:46:46 UTC
BBC and Reuters, everything else is controlled by the jewish lobby in the US.
2008-04-19 05:05:46 UTC
Fox is least by default, Because CNN is worst.
2008-04-19 03:28:46 UTC
Al Jazeera
2008-04-19 00:36:32 UTC
if you look up al jazeera on the web. I believe that it is the only news organization that prides themselves on bringing the truth. They have no sponsorships and no financial backing so its 100 percent news! fox news is probably the MOST bias.
this is my avatar
2008-04-18 22:21:57 UTC
creepy, when i clicked on this you had 187 answers... WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!

they are all biased. none of them are to be trusted with the whole truth, because none will grant you that... me personally i try to avoid the news and only watch the weather... thats all thats really worth watching in my opinion.
2008-04-19 06:56:37 UTC
I find BBC and CBC the least biased.
2016-08-16 02:59:04 UTC
I was wondering the same thing myself yesterday
Minty Inty
2008-04-19 09:21:33 UTC
i think they alre all slightly biased, but in my opinion fox is the least
2008-04-19 08:46:31 UTC
I think Fox and CNN are the least bias.
2008-04-19 08:25:00 UTC
CNN they have a huge rep to mantain
2008-04-19 08:06:35 UTC
Fox News they have representatives from both sides.
2008-04-19 07:55:05 UTC
I think Fox is the least... but i wouldn't really know that much...
2008-04-19 04:06:36 UTC
BBC which we don't have easy access to like the others.

NPR for radio news
2008-04-19 01:57:10 UTC
FOX=conservative, CNN/NBC/ABC/CBS
2008-04-19 01:20:26 UTC
Fox, at least has both sides represented.

Hillary wont appear on Fox.

I don't think Obama will either.

A lot of Democrats won't.

I have wondered . . . Why?
David W
2008-04-19 01:19:38 UTC
2008-04-18 23:23:15 UTC
Only thing they talk about on the news is.... Crime & Fires & Crooks

Even though, they never really talk about the important issues... Thats where the Internet comes into play
2008-04-18 21:21:52 UTC
MSNBC for American is least biased. Fox is biased and their reporters have been known to verbally attack their interviewees. The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) has to be the least biased out of all the news companies in the U.S. especially because the reporters don't get to emotionally involved or too vocal about issues on which they report. I would say this is easier for them to do though because they are not directly affected by what happens in the States and have less influence on Americans. The BBC conducted a study that found that many stateside reportages showed an overwhelming amount of patriotism and bias by American reporters especially when talking about the war on terrorism.
Jacob S
2008-04-19 10:05:12 UTC
cnn I think is the best but. thats just my opinion
2008-04-19 07:15:45 UTC
I always thought FOX was, but you're right, they all lean one way or the other.
2008-04-19 06:03:25 UTC
this is a tough question, I think CNN tries to be the most unbiased, but in reality they all are.
2008-04-19 05:40:26 UTC
cnn i think isn't AS biased
2008-04-18 23:28:12 UTC

Sure, they are a bit tree-hugger, but they're up front about it.

Also, the absolute best: BBC World Service.
2008-04-19 05:08:44 UTC
Animal Planet Channel ! :P
2008-04-18 21:10:53 UTC
Well I think that Sky News on Foxtel or ABC News are the least Biased at least here down under.
2008-04-19 09:22:26 UTC
All are biased FOX is less so.
Theresa C
2008-04-19 00:41:00 UTC
In my opinion I would say Fox
Arnold D
2008-04-18 23:18:47 UTC
in my opinion, bbc world is least biased
2008-04-18 21:48:55 UTC
cnn is usually pretty good but they have turned into the clinton news network as of late but there are still like cafferty and king who are fair
2008-04-18 21:29:47 UTC
All is somewhat biased. However, I DO believe that CNN is least biased of the major news stations. Fox News is more than a majority of conservatives, and MSNBC is more than a majority of liberals, though both do have a few opposite contributers. CNN generally has many hosts with different view points, regardless of their political affiliation. However, 'fake news' like you would see on Comedy Central is biased against, saying that, it is actually completely unbiased, though it is obvious the political affiliation of the hosts.
2008-04-19 09:50:02 UTC
BBC. International coverage and they offer you diverse perspectives.
2008-04-19 09:05:58 UTC
I'd say Fox... it leans more to the right, which is good, but they sill do have a liberal staff.

just not a new studio full of liberals :)
2008-04-19 05:10:49 UTC
CNN I think. Don't let the media think for you. It's not they're job.
2008-04-19 04:26:38 UTC
all are biased and equally.

news comes out of the belief of the editorial board and that is it.
2008-04-18 23:09:01 UTC

Followed by PBS.

Then NPR.

How the hell are people answering Fox?
2008-04-18 22:26:46 UTC
none of the news channels are to be trusted with the whole truth, because none will ever grant you the whole truth.

i just try to watch the weather and avoid the rest.
2008-04-19 09:48:43 UTC
like jason said. but i think that the local news is more trustworthy. but if you need bigger news use cnn.
2008-04-19 09:34:57 UTC
all are biased unfortunately. all they want is money irrespective of the victim
2008-04-19 09:04:39 UTC

Fox is VERY biased
2008-04-19 08:51:50 UTC
C-Span or Which ever one can fix the internet first.
2008-04-19 08:13:54 UTC
Not sure which is the least bias - C-SPAN ?, but the MOST bias is Fox!
Cassie W
2008-04-19 07:00:59 UTC
Fox 4 sure..
2008-04-19 00:42:57 UTC
I believe FOX is less biases and they show it as opposed to the other news stations!
2008-04-18 23:24:54 UTC
CNN. They have Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs which should cancel out any liberal bias.
2008-04-18 22:02:35 UTC
I like BBC which is from England but it's the only good news and it's on PBS.
2008-04-19 08:56:42 UTC
all news is biased sadly
Beat the odds
2008-04-19 08:06:54 UTC
Fox makes no effort in hiding bias. (Right conservative)
teresa c
2008-04-19 07:03:26 UTC
Fox is the least... I love watching Greta
2008-04-19 06:11:27 UTC
fox is most biased
2008-04-18 23:51:40 UTC
Fox news is the least liberally biased.
Margaret S
2008-04-18 23:27:09 UTC
Eric the Red
2008-04-18 21:57:50 UTC
Well I'm not sure about the least biased station but I know that FOX is definitely the MOST biased of them all...




they canceled Firefly... bastards
2008-04-18 21:22:40 UTC
I honestly don't think there is. Not from what I've seen. I've went on a similar search. The least biased group that I've found is the National Public Radio.
2008-04-19 09:26:00 UTC
Fox is the least MSNBC is the worst.
2008-04-19 09:16:13 UTC
i agree with the above answer
2008-04-19 07:22:04 UTC
in my opinion..i like CNN better, just to me they seem to tell it like it is, especially when it comes to politics. my fav show is the situation room with wolf blitzer, and i like jack caverty bits on the show
karena p
2008-04-19 04:57:17 UTC
I think FOX is probably the least bias...
2008-04-19 00:37:01 UTC
Probably CNN. Definitely not fox..
2008-04-19 00:06:41 UTC
BBC 1 or Dave :P
2008-04-18 22:22:48 UTC
I feel that MSNBC is least biased and I know that a lot of people will scoff at that.

The fact of the matter is that over 90% of traditional media is controlled by 7 corporations. MSNBC is not one of them. On top of this, they also do a very good job at telling you where they are biased.

While the CIA and NSA may be glued to CNN all day, it and Fox News are two of the most heavily biased networks out there.

Sadly though, in this day and age the government has a firm grip on the news you do and do not hear. Freedom of the Press does not exist anymore. It is impossible to be unbiased when you cowtow to a government and look to that government for tax incentives, tax breaks, and to regulate your commerce.
dyslexic dog
2008-04-18 21:50:07 UTC
I like CNN. They aren't all that liberal, they barely even covered when Lawrence King was shot in a classroom for being gay at 15.
2008-04-19 10:02:12 UTC
yeah all of them are biased

especially CNN everytime i turn it on it seems to be a huge liberal slant on everything
Mujahid H
2008-04-19 07:07:51 UTC
CBC Newsworld or the BBC if you get them in the states
2008-04-19 04:54:58 UTC
I like Fox because they are less liberal than others. I'm not sure I'd call them conservative, it's just that they are not so liberal so liberals think they're conservative. But I like them best.
Jason R
2008-04-19 01:47:57 UTC
I think Fox is least biased.
2008-04-19 03:10:48 UTC
I dig C-Span heavily
2008-04-18 23:04:55 UTC
Every single one is a Liberal front group, except FOX. So I would say FOX is the least bias.
Desmond D
2008-04-19 09:11:02 UTC
American news is Dumbed down.
2008-04-19 08:40:23 UTC
Hey I'm passing out "finger foods" while we ALL wait for Yahoo to WAKE UP!!!

Oh yeah..and I'm looking for all the single FEMALE hotties!

2008-04-19 03:35:21 UTC
FOX they will put both sides on equally. you wont see a conservative on the other liberal networks thats for sure..pitiful
Patrick W
2008-04-19 02:10:50 UTC
Fox News is the Least Biased.

If they do have a Bias it does lean more to the right

However they do show more from both points of view.

you will get to see stories that the other networks don't show.

Their motto is "We report you decide" and I would say it's accurate.

If you want to hear stories that are not reported on the main news channels I recommend listening to Conservative talk radio, whether you are a conservative or not you will hear more stories that are conveniently left out.
2008-04-19 00:16:30 UTC
CNN is horrid. I tune into Democracy Now when I can. I never got into NPR.
2008-04-18 22:39:02 UTC
I find the NBC nightly news to be ok. I try to get news from all sources though, and then make up my mind how I feel about certain issues.
Coolio A
2008-04-18 22:30:53 UTC
CNN=liberal. FOX=conservative. least biased? CSPAN or MSNBC
2008-04-18 22:19:46 UTC
Probably... well, if I have to pick a news station, CNN. But honestly, I'd go with Comedy Central -- sadly, the Daily Show and the Colbert Report actually seem to do a better job of breaking down and analyzing the news these days (and poking fun at the absurdities of it, from both sides).
fred g
2008-04-18 21:45:12 UTC
There is no question (repeat0 NO QUESTION that FOX is EXTREMELY biased. Please, people have to use the brain God has given to see that FOX leans so hard right, it makes Rush Limbaugh look moderate. I think the two least biased are NPR or BBC.
2008-04-19 07:29:41 UTC
cnn definitely
2008-04-19 06:40:35 UTC
2008-04-19 06:17:48 UTC
i dont know they all seem the same to me but my personal favourites are bbc and cnn
2008-04-19 04:16:17 UTC
Watch BBC. They are reasonably neutral.
2008-04-19 01:57:59 UTC
I think they are all biased.
2008-04-18 21:21:30 UTC
you said they're all a lil biased? a lil? A LIL? WAKE UP! they're not a lil biased lmfao, they're 300% biased and talk out of their azz
2008-04-19 08:27:01 UTC
Your best bet is the BBC - don't watch American news.
2008-04-19 08:03:32 UTC
Fox "Fair and Balanced".
2008-04-19 06:43:03 UTC
For overall least bias it is fox.The others are not news but propaganda only
2008-04-19 10:02:51 UTC
CNN i hate them
2008-04-19 06:14:02 UTC
CBS... They still have the legacy of Walter Cronkite to live up to...
2008-04-19 05:07:07 UTC
Fox, of course. Fair and balanced is their motto after all.
2008-04-18 23:27:17 UTC
FOX News
iNsTaNt pUdDiNhEaD
2008-04-18 22:25:48 UTC
First of all, Fox is not a news station. As for being least biased, perhaps CNN, but as you say, they are all biased, and the reason for that is that none of them practice real journalism anymore. A good example of that fact would be the antics of Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos with their Democratic Presidential candidates' "debate" on ABC. So sad that they put forth "gotcha" questions for the first 45 minutes, rather than asking the candidates about real issues, so that viewers could determine where the candidates stand and how they differ. A real journalist should be objective and detached, as well as incisive and thorough. There are so few of those anymore.
2008-04-18 21:33:22 UTC
interesting question! =(sadly all of them are biased to their own country... but im my opinion i think BBC

wat do you think?
i love you Nick Jonas!!!
2008-04-19 06:43:29 UTC
all new sis the best because the news is never wrong because they make sher the new is correct...
2008-04-19 06:22:30 UTC
cnn and local news
pauls s
2008-04-19 06:20:44 UTC
in my opinion depending on sercumstances

with best wishes
2008-04-19 03:31:42 UTC
Fox is the worst.

NPR is the most fair.
2008-04-19 00:50:24 UTC
fox is the most biased
2008-04-18 23:13:26 UTC
least biased is fox, most biased is cnn and cbs
Boomer Wisdom
2008-04-18 22:41:28 UTC
Fox. It allows liberals. The others restrict themselves to socialists and adolescent toilet humor, with no toleration for anything "not of the party line."

I prefer watching Deutsche Welt, combining it with internet sources from around the world, lots of reading, and occasionally listening to the old shortwave. It all gets filtered and run through critical analysis. I fear this last task has become a lost art, but it is most crucial.
2008-04-18 21:52:12 UTC
I think CNN is the least biased. Fox takes the cake for one sided, to the right reporting.
2008-04-18 21:09:45 UTC
2016-07-31 07:04:14 UTC
I'm not sure
semper fi
2008-04-19 09:05:46 UTC
they are all biased

deal with it
Bob Dylan ♪
2008-04-19 01:28:36 UTC
FOX reports the news, not make it up.
2008-04-19 01:13:06 UTC
2008-04-18 22:14:22 UTC
Any station that has to make the claim that they're "fair and balanced" just isn't, so FOX news is totally out.

As far as the standard "commerical" news stations I think MSNBC is by far the best choice. Even they're liberal talent (Olbermann) and their conservative talent (Scarbrourgh) (sp) give appropriate credit to the other side of the isle when it's warrented. I would like to see them get rid of Pat Buchacan though.

CNN isn't too bad as far as bias, but seems to be moving notably to the right more in the last couple of years.

As far as purity (non bias), probably CSPAN, PBS and the like.
sam j
2008-04-19 08:37:32 UTC
I say cnn. they put all of the dirt on tv.
2008-04-19 08:35:11 UTC
i would say wsbt i get alot of info about the world there
2008-04-19 06:08:31 UTC
This is not a question this is a joke

thanks for the laugh
2008-04-19 03:22:17 UTC
They're all paid by the same people.
2008-04-19 01:18:40 UTC
None of them is up to the you to decide.
Lee G
2008-04-18 22:11:10 UTC
If you mean political bias....I feel NBC and ABC are probably the least amongst the majors.
2008-04-18 20:59:54 UTC
News wires are easily the least biased.
2008-04-19 10:17:04 UTC
I guess FOX
2008-04-19 09:46:22 UTC
2008-04-19 08:49:23 UTC
2008-04-19 08:43:51 UTC
FOX in my opinion
2008-04-19 08:30:27 UTC
2008-04-19 05:26:39 UTC
2008-04-19 00:53:24 UTC
all news depending on announcer
2008-04-18 23:42:42 UTC
all yank news is biased, try bbc world news
2008-04-18 22:00:40 UTC
IMO, that would be MSNBC that is the least biased.
Big Richard Cheney
2008-04-18 21:47:04 UTC
haha they asked for the LEAST biased one not the most so all the people answering FOX are sadly mistaken.

And btw the "left-wing" media is about as leftist as the conservative corporations that own them.

And btw one more thing to keep in mind, NOTICE my username, I do NOT listen to any of the news on tv, I get my news from the Internet.
2008-04-19 08:03:16 UTC
I'd have to go with C-span... but really, they are all bought and sold.
2008-04-19 06:06:25 UTC
headline news skims the headlines and don't get to preachy
2008-04-18 22:29:46 UTC
C-SPAN!! There's ZERO commentary. Its just congress in action. You watch, you make up your own opinions (and then probably fall asleep due to boredom).
RacEr ChiCk
2008-04-19 02:20:45 UTC
in my opinion i think cbs isnt as biast as the rest.
2008-04-18 22:23:17 UTC
The LEAST biased is CNN. It gives in depth coverage and makes notes on opinions that are not directly affiliated with CNN.
2008-04-18 21:30:15 UTC
I've been looking at a lot of these answers and I can't believe some people answered FOX. It may be hard to think of an answer to least biased, but the answer can't be Fox. What are they? Stupid?

I got a thumbs down....apparently, they are stupid.
2008-04-19 06:57:40 UTC
sure aint FOX, every time I watch it...its the conservative view

all the way
2008-04-19 02:44:24 UTC
cnn tries not to base any thing on oppinion they trie to stick to fact only
2008-04-18 22:24:50 UTC

definately not fox. They are the MOST BIASED . they have that horrible horse looking woman Greta Van Susteren + that Brett Michaels looking makeup wearing man Sheppard Smith.

Along with Karl Rove , Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity

They are far from News they are a propaganda machine.
2008-04-18 22:07:40 UTC
I thought it was odd but I read all the the postings before my reply and the over all choice was that Fox News was the least bias, and that it had been hid because of low ratings. Well I agree that Fox is the best, and so ya'll know I am a right-winged, gun tot'n, conservative, independent minded, USA love'n, God fear'n, tax pay'n, Baptist, Capitalist. And if y'all don't like it that's your problem. I will respect your rights and fight anyone to keep them and expect the same in return. There I'll turn the soap box over to the next one. Thanks for read'n it.
2008-04-18 22:05:56 UTC
msnbc, fox is the worst far to the right and cnn leans left but is still more fair than fox
2008-04-18 21:34:35 UTC
Even though all are biased I would say CNN is the least - hands down over FOX.
2008-04-18 21:18:39 UTC
They are all biased to some extent. CNN is the least biased on average, by which I mean, they always make an effort to provide opportunities for democrats and republicans. But some of their hosts like Lou Dobbs, Jack Cafferty are full of opinions and have major agendas. I find that someone like Wolf Blitzer editorializes less than the Fox newsreader like Brit Hume (who also provides opinions - I've never seen anyone ask Wolf for his opinion on anything).

Fox and MSNBC lean pretty far right/left with little attempt at balancing.
2008-04-19 09:14:12 UTC
it has to be cnn! msbc is very biased!!
the cooliest name imaginable
2008-04-19 07:02:07 UTC
the cental of comedy
2008-04-19 01:43:33 UTC
i think it is (cnn)is the best but all of them are good

try to see this site
2008-04-18 21:32:04 UTC
MSNBC. Its moderate in my opinion. And it has a mix of conservatives and liberals. Tucker Carlson and Scarboarough (sp?)- Conservative. Olbermann- Liberal. Matthews- moderate liberal.

So you have a mix and I find it to be moderate when all of them are balanced (and put together). Hope this helps. ^^
2008-04-19 09:43:16 UTC
PBS !!!!!!! ,but the're always begging 4 $$$$$$!
2008-04-19 08:02:24 UTC
for all the people who said cnn is conservitive, your stupid.
2008-04-19 07:42:28 UTC
they have their own styles of broadcasting, being unbiased as much as possible.
2008-04-19 07:39:43 UTC
I think MSNBC gives you more viewpoints.
2008-04-19 07:25:11 UTC
YOUR nation or MINE?

Get your head out of your butt, there are more than just Amercians on Yahoo! lol
2008-04-19 06:53:35 UTC
so i was wondering if you were actually going to read all these answers. lol. yahoo sucks.
2008-04-19 09:34:50 UTC
I am not sure. They all put spins on things.
2008-04-18 22:31:19 UTC
I like whatever NBC broadcasts. They touch a little bit of everything I think.
2008-04-19 09:26:56 UTC
fox it s fair and balanced
2008-04-19 08:49:19 UTC
Al-Jahira! I am laughing!
2008-04-19 07:39:30 UTC
2008-04-19 07:23:41 UTC
The one that is goodest
2008-04-19 07:06:54 UTC
One that is not run my democrats. They lie and exadgerate.*
2008-04-19 06:43:32 UTC
i think fox is the least!
2008-04-19 05:39:35 UTC
bloomberg boring channel. who see that channel? old people and businessmen.
2008-04-19 02:35:57 UTC
honestly, I would have to say "The Daily Show"
2008-04-19 01:10:37 UTC
all owned by the same guy
Afghan Prince
2008-04-19 00:50:48 UTC
I'll get back to u on that one.
2008-04-19 00:27:51 UTC
npr the very best..forget the rest
2008-04-18 23:05:39 UTC
I just know FOX is the worst
2008-04-18 22:02:18 UTC
Fox News...because they do really try to present all the news. There are some individual news hosts that are a little more biased....Like on Hannity and is set up for Hannity to be the Right and Combs the Left.....and they both are emphatic about what they believe....but most shows always put on both sides, and try to avoid the "spin"....which they don't always do. That's why O'Reilly calls it "the spin stops here"...because he sends his own people out to find out the facts....and he will confront "spinners" to get the truth....and that's why some won't go on his show.

If you watch that station often, you begin to see what shows they choose, if they want to get by without answering hard questions. Like a lawyer...but not very people who go on there get by with a lot. But they hate to go

on O'Reilly's show. So far he can't get Hillary to go there, and Obama keeps "promising"...but hasn't shown up either.

I do think some of the other stations are now trying harder to have both sides....but it is in the comments that you see the will be presented from a biased point of Keith Oberman....and some of the CNN people. It is not hard to see if you really pay attention. The difference between the stations is interesting to watch....and the main stations like channel 7 ABC is just awful.

I started listening to Rush Limbaugh when I heard Gloria Alred just raving about Rush. It made me curious to see what she was so mad about. I thought "if she hates him that much, there must be something I want to hear"...and I started listening to him. I'm not a steady radio listener....but I did find out about him through her! He is deliberately contraversial...and funny...and usually has a point to consider.

He doesn't have mindless idiots listening to him...people think for themselves, which is what the liberals hate.
2008-04-18 21:51:00 UTC
News wise Fox, once you get into the hosts of various "shows" they get biased because the hosts have agendas. In other words you can get non biased news from any one of the national news channels... for about 4 minutes a day.
2008-04-18 21:32:51 UTC
I'd have to say PBS. Fox is ridiculously biased and NBC can lean to the left sometimes.
2008-04-18 22:45:24 UTC
Fox News reports you decide. All the other news is on the left
2008-04-18 22:27:31 UTC
what up with the system son
2008-04-18 21:28:10 UTC
In MY opinion, if you talk to a conservative they will say Fox. If you talk to a liberal, they will say CNN or MSNBC. I don't consider myself either. I'm conservative in some areas and liberal in others. I have to go with C-SPAN and NPR. I do read/watch/listen to all. That is a part of my daily routine. I basically listen to both sides then form my opinions from that.
2008-04-19 07:22:51 UTC
2008-04-19 06:58:21 UTC
2008-04-19 04:17:31 UTC
they all have an agenda, however, since FNC is so more closely scrutinized i would say them.
2008-04-19 03:54:30 UTC
2008-04-18 21:43:05 UTC
Fox is most biased as it being reublican {conservativ} NBC is liberal {democrats}. CBS is least biased and was not able to host any of the presidential debates. and ABC is questionable. CNN is flooded with agelical and jewish lobby members. so one of biggest biased. NPR is considered "TOO liberal" buy conseratives.
2008-04-19 09:54:50 UTC
npa and the bbc
✿❃❀❁✾ Stef ♐ ✿❃❀❁✾
2008-04-19 09:03:54 UTC
2008-04-19 08:19:14 UTC
the Cartoon Channel is

and the others, in order of bias from least to worst





rara avis
2008-04-19 01:12:46 UTC
Canadian news
2008-04-18 23:14:13 UTC
pshhh does it matter

they are all controlled and owned by the Republicans

slushpile reader
2008-04-18 22:16:38 UTC

only the most die-hard rush-heads ever accuse it of being biased.
2008-04-18 21:33:32 UTC
I prefer OFF
Sandy R
2008-04-18 21:30:22 UTC
The major news outlets, NY Times, Wash Post,

CBS, ABC, NBC etc. are shameless cheerleaders for the Democrats regardless of who is in power. They are not in the business of providing information as much as pushing their agenda.
♠ Spade ♠
2008-04-19 08:49:22 UTC
CNN by far.
2008-04-19 07:41:53 UTC
none all

scum bags
2008-04-19 07:11:21 UTC
The better question is "Who admits their bais?"
2008-04-19 06:24:39 UTC
comedy centeral
2008-04-19 03:39:38 UTC
I think they all have a rather naked bias.
2008-04-19 01:48:38 UTC
Fox is conservative
2008-04-19 00:21:57 UTC
yea, they ALL have an agenda. all biased.
2008-04-19 06:21:49 UTC
ABC then CNN
2008-04-19 05:48:35 UTC
2008-04-19 02:27:08 UTC
biased in what respect-- i feal all are o.k.
2008-04-18 23:17:10 UTC
The one that you favor
2008-04-18 22:06:17 UTC
In my opinion, CNBC lol
2008-04-19 06:22:06 UTC
NPR, PBS, C-Span
joseph h
2008-04-19 04:13:53 UTC
c span thats all
2008-04-19 03:14:14 UTC
aljazeera is the least biased i think..
2008-04-19 01:27:15 UTC
Pa Chewy Chomp
2008-04-18 23:38:18 UTC
C-SPAN, hands down!
2008-04-18 23:12:07 UTC
Fox is the biggest and best *body slam*

please answer this!! asap!!!
Who Dat ?
2008-04-19 04:49:24 UTC
Zd L
2008-04-19 02:21:42 UTC
all of them
2008-04-19 02:20:22 UTC
The answer is "C".....ALL the above..see the site below.......
peterpaul r
2008-04-19 00:16:10 UTC
Fox News; they give equal opportunity to all sides.

Most biased? NPR,BBC,NBC....all severly Left Wing;

They favor socialist ideas...that's where government

controls your life.
2008-04-18 22:37:30 UTC
PBS. Seems that way anyways. Sure isn't FOX!
2008-04-18 21:39:31 UTC
CNN is not bad, actually i only find a few very biased, FOX, man they are pretty bad, sometimes CBS
2008-04-18 21:19:24 UTC
strangely now it's CNN that has the least they seem to have mixed there conservatives and liberals on there show to try to balance them(there are more liberals than conservatives). there is the Lou dobbs program "conservative" and on the the main prime time news there's Jack cafferty so there is a little attempt to neutrality
2008-04-18 21:16:56 UTC
well your not going to get a least biased show becuase there would alwas be a second opinion. in my case, i would go with nbc.
2008-04-18 23:10:07 UTC
Anything that isn't fox.

But I'd vote for either MSNBC or CNN
Sami V
2008-04-19 07:36:30 UTC
2008-04-19 05:46:14 UTC
Kenneth J
2008-04-19 04:39:35 UTC

They report it all regardless of who or what its about
Erm ...
2008-04-19 00:20:34 UTC
Fox - it's right there in the slogan - "Fair and balanced"
2008-04-19 00:04:43 UTC
Fox News because theyare upfront with their bias unlike the rest of the networks
2008-04-18 23:25:16 UTC
yah..seems none are unbiased. its a real shame
2008-04-18 23:18:50 UTC
Fox, by far
2008-04-18 22:36:46 UTC
They are all the Same... Thats why I watch SportsCenter!!!

2008-04-19 09:16:07 UTC
2008-04-19 09:07:11 UTC
2008-04-19 08:35:24 UTC
CSPAN and PBS....hands down
Scott R
2008-04-19 08:34:14 UTC
MSNBC. They have both conservative and liberal hosts.
2008-04-19 06:37:19 UTC
2008-04-19 02:59:29 UTC
almost all, but BBC is better
2008-04-19 01:12:25 UTC
Fox, those mother *******
day bid sue guy
2008-04-18 23:31:44 UTC
does AL-JAZEERA INT'L counts? or maybe you can accept BBC as an answer...
2008-04-18 23:29:15 UTC
omg!!!! i cannot stand fox news..all they do is fight. and dont evenn get me started with that bill oreily sh*t. he says his just delivering news but in some twisted way he is making his opinions sound like thats what people should believe in to..ugh its sooo reatarded idk how neone watches that station.

so to answer ur question i like cnn way better than that other one.
Elisabeth R
2008-04-19 08:20:53 UTC
I'd say NPR
2008-04-19 07:45:09 UTC
2008-04-18 22:52:14 UTC
From my own perspective -- Fox News presents the LEAST bias -- more of just the facts of the stories, and I tend to watch that channel the most

CNN is one of the WORST -- the BIAS is VERY OBVIOUS -- and it is not in a good way. I can't even stand listening to that channel because it is SO obviously OFF tilt that there is no truth (and you can't find facts) behind what they present as 'news'.

ALL News Stations are biased ... (Again, my personal opinion) -- I think that is a part and parcel of the way that not only are these 'reporters' trained .. but they are also hired/retain their positions by 'toeing' the line of BIAS that is present in the Media Organization itself.
2008-04-19 09:23:54 UTC
Jimmy Crapped Carn
2008-04-19 08:34:25 UTC
sadly none
2008-04-19 07:22:06 UTC


2008-04-19 07:11:21 UTC
They're all scum. Don't watch any of em.
2008-04-19 05:50:20 UTC
PBS or C-SPAN for sure.
Gio K
2008-04-19 01:45:28 UTC
2008-04-19 00:44:21 UTC
Mr Pink
2008-04-19 00:37:30 UTC
2008-04-18 23:36:09 UTC
2008-04-18 23:28:10 UTC
I think FOX is, but you could say my answer is bias too.
2008-04-18 21:33:07 UTC
if you negative in energy then stay out the vicinity
2008-04-18 21:25:50 UTC
I'm not sure Fox is the most!!!! I do watch occasionally the one where they have a couple of people usually via satellite argue back and forth about different matters...that can be entertaining at times~~~and can actually get some truth out of their debates as well.
2008-04-19 06:34:19 UTC
i go with C-Span
2008-04-19 01:47:22 UTC
I like FOX.
2008-04-18 22:42:13 UTC
Fox News is the least.

MSNBC/NBC NEWS is the worst by far.
2008-04-18 22:10:03 UTC
C-Span, then PBS
2008-04-18 22:06:52 UTC
Fox is almost always correct on the issues.

CNN is about 1/2 the time.

NBC is a joke. No educated person watches NBC.
2008-04-18 21:59:41 UTC
have to go with c-span
Who Am I?
2008-04-18 21:23:49 UTC
the food network...everyone has an agenda
2008-04-18 21:17:00 UTC
National public radio!!
2008-04-19 07:30:11 UTC
2008-04-18 21:59:46 UTC
Fox News

Fair and Balanced
2008-04-19 10:33:47 UTC
2008-04-19 09:12:41 UTC
2008-04-19 08:25:13 UTC
WooleyBooley again
2008-04-19 07:46:01 UTC
2008-04-19 06:02:47 UTC
2008-04-18 23:16:57 UTC
FOX is defs the most, CNN probably less...
2008-04-18 22:19:15 UTC
Fox is the absolute worst. All American press leans that far to the right they have fallen over and show no sign of wanting to get back up.
2008-04-18 22:06:35 UTC
Fox is the LEAST biased, there was actually a UCLA study on this.
2008-04-18 21:47:28 UTC
BBC is really the best
Tom K
2008-04-18 21:33:57 UTC
CSPAN. Because they have the least room to be.
Frank Johns
2008-04-18 21:32:57 UTC
CNN because they got into troble with the Chinese!
2008-04-18 21:06:12 UTC
Really all of them are but Nancy Grace on Fox I believe is extremely biased and I try to stay away from her.
2008-04-18 21:04:46 UTC
all are biased
charcoal rules
2008-04-19 06:32:08 UTC
2008-04-18 23:54:03 UTC
what they said
2008-04-18 21:59:09 UTC
CNBC. They just talk about money.
2008-04-18 21:38:45 UTC
Pravda (i.e, "Truth"), Moscow, Russia.

With Soviet Union deceased this feed is safe enough.
2008-04-18 21:26:02 UTC
It's funny that you mention the two worst examples in your questions.

Fox is practically owned by the White House and CNN has quite a conservative slant to it.

I would say the best one would have to CBS. Since their beginning, they have provided pretty non-bias reporting; especially in the days of Walter Cronkite. Walter is probably my choice for the best journalist ever!
2008-04-19 09:02:17 UTC
2008-04-19 08:24:35 UTC
ivan i
2008-04-19 08:20:40 UTC
2008-04-19 06:49:41 UTC
2008-04-19 05:36:49 UTC
2008-04-18 22:22:19 UTC
I think CNN.
2008-04-18 22:01:39 UTC
2008-04-18 21:36:31 UTC
Fox News. Especially that Sean Hannity, he is SO open minded, he just accepts everyone for who they are and never resorts to personal attacks...
2008-04-18 21:17:21 UTC
Assessing bias is too subjective. They are all biased to some degree. Only fools (liberals) would think otherwise.
2008-04-19 10:02:04 UTC
2008-04-19 09:29:09 UTC
2008-04-19 08:39:19 UTC
2008-04-19 08:15:49 UTC
2008-04-19 07:37:17 UTC
2008-04-19 07:24:42 UTC
2008-04-19 00:27:31 UTC
richard t
2008-04-18 22:43:20 UTC
2008-04-18 22:15:20 UTC
The Oracle
2008-04-18 21:51:49 UTC
2008-04-19 07:45:47 UTC
Sexy house music
2008-04-19 09:57:39 UTC
2008-04-19 08:48:20 UTC
2008-04-19 06:14:22 UTC
2008-04-19 06:07:58 UTC
Марияна от България
2008-04-19 05:06:49 UTC
2008-04-18 23:05:23 UTC
both are equal.
2008-04-18 22:07:49 UTC
fox news gives u the news. cnn and abc and all those others are liberal and show you one side. fox is conservative but when it comes to news they give it to you
2008-04-18 21:34:44 UTC
Fox News
2008-04-18 21:25:35 UTC
They are all really biased try CSPAN.

FOX is really biased (conservative) and NBC, and ABC NeWS are very Liberal Biased.
2008-04-18 21:16:17 UTC
Every news channel is somewhat biased.. FOX news is the most biased being republican.. the best news you could watch for honesty would be PBS or listen to NPR they are pretty much neutral
2008-04-18 21:15:12 UTC
CNN. Now, when it comes to American politics, they tend to be bias towards Republicans. Other than that, CNN is a reliable news source.
2008-04-18 21:14:20 UTC
Rush Limbaugh lol
Kim P
2008-04-19 09:47:58 UTC
2008-04-19 05:44:15 UTC
2008-04-19 02:58:59 UTC
2008-04-19 01:23:21 UTC
2008-04-19 00:47:34 UTC
James M
2008-04-18 22:20:05 UTC
2008-04-18 21:34:36 UTC
NPR it's wonderful
2008-04-18 21:09:18 UTC
2008-04-19 09:01:58 UTC
2008-04-19 08:55:21 UTC
i sharpen
2008-04-19 08:14:54 UTC
2008-04-19 07:23:37 UTC
2008-04-19 06:35:16 UTC
2008-04-19 06:09:41 UTC
FOX BY FAR!!!!!!!
2008-04-19 04:24:27 UTC
Black Snow Hates Yahoo
2008-04-19 02:55:22 UTC
The BBC?

IDK I dont have cable & my antenna tv cuts out every fourth word so.......
2008-04-18 23:33:07 UTC
FOX!!! They are the only news station who tells you the WHOLE TRUTH! unbiased, and PROVEN if enough of us read any books, we would all know that.. DONT LISTEN TO ANY OF THESE OTHER KOOL-AID DRINKERS!! FOX LISTENS TO BOTH SIDES, BOTTOM LINE.
2008-04-18 23:08:50 UTC
2008-04-18 22:51:20 UTC
The Godless Heathen
2008-04-18 22:08:09 UTC
2008-04-18 22:00:36 UTC
all of em.
2008-04-18 21:29:28 UTC
FOX. The fair and balanced slogan is followed- interview with one partisan is balanced by interview with other side partisan- sometimes have both sides partisans present, usually have rebuttal time made available. This is unlike NBC that refuses rebuttal time if the side NBC supports may lose face. Fox is cussed at by Lieburals because they allow both sides to confront each other- the Lieburals lose often when they can't control questions by media and opponent can immediately counter false statements- the Al Gore caught in LIE is good example.
2013-12-11 20:25:48 UTC
to those uninformed liberals who demonize fox… please.
2008-04-19 08:45:15 UTC
Mojo Seeker Of Knowlege
2008-04-19 06:36:04 UTC
2008-04-19 04:51:49 UTC
2008-04-18 23:16:26 UTC
2008-04-18 22:28:44 UTC
Fox News is the most balanced. The media is pro Obama and Hillary is getting treated like a conservative in the press and on all of the networks except Fox.

Media Study (1st Link)

Clinton Surrogate praises Fox News (2nd Link)
2008-04-19 09:26:52 UTC
2008-04-19 07:44:04 UTC
2008-04-19 07:06:10 UTC
betotron don
2008-04-18 23:58:30 UTC
2008-04-18 23:37:53 UTC
Patti Wray
2008-04-18 23:02:17 UTC
2008-04-18 22:42:19 UTC
NPR, I agree....
2008-04-18 22:41:23 UTC
2008-04-18 22:40:36 UTC
2008-04-18 22:05:15 UTC
BBC - lol
2008-04-18 21:47:41 UTC
CBS is unbias
2008-04-18 21:28:41 UTC
2008-04-19 04:54:02 UTC
2008-04-19 04:35:36 UTC
2008-04-18 23:49:24 UTC
2008-04-18 22:45:10 UTC
2008-04-18 22:34:37 UTC
2008-04-18 21:49:48 UTC
fox the balance view
2008-04-18 21:38:16 UTC
Fox is the least biased, as it is the only news channel that is NOT radical left wing.
2008-04-18 20:58:39 UTC
ABC nightly news is the most professional, by far. BBC is the best unfiltered news source availble.
2008-04-18 23:11:35 UTC
no nickname
2008-04-18 22:31:30 UTC
FOX is the least biased.
Andrew K
2008-04-18 20:57:18 UTC
Honestly, whoever said Comedy Central is probably right. The Daily Show and Colbert Report are the only shows that report actual news rather than opinions.

Fox is the worst by far, I realize that I do lean a bit left, but it's just complete right-winged facism 100% of the time. Half the time, it's just random hardcore conservatives spouting their mouths off on issues they know nothing about. I get especially steamed whenever I see them bashing a video game that no one reporting the story has ever even researched, much less played.

CNN is bad, they do lean left pretty hard, but not AS bad.

C-SPAN or NPR is probably the best legitimate news source you can find today in America. Maybe try reading a newspaper?
2008-04-19 07:39:34 UTC
Walter T
2008-04-18 23:46:39 UTC
2008-04-18 22:31:36 UTC
Fox, because they'll actually tell both sides of a story. Msnbc is very one-sided.
2008-04-18 22:30:49 UTC
really sad but it seems to be Fox news...which is still biased as hell...
2008-04-18 22:22:30 UTC
FOX all the way---------and if you dont agree then you are biased!
2008-04-18 22:19:07 UTC
CNN,...I'm just loyal to that station for most my news....not really sure why
2008-04-18 22:01:51 UTC
fox.....then again i dont have cable.
julie t
2008-04-18 21:54:35 UTC
2008-04-18 21:49:46 UTC
is Y!A frozen?????????
2008-04-18 21:38:16 UTC
Dude From Cali
2008-04-18 21:34:48 UTC
Fox News is most reliable.
2008-04-18 21:20:53 UTC
2008-04-18 21:16:40 UTC
I would say Fox is the least biased then CNN
Mason F
2008-04-18 21:15:26 UTC
Well the most biased by far is FOX news. They are the reason that george bush won the last election.
2008-04-18 21:11:43 UTC
Fox is horrible...I believe cnn is the least biased
2008-04-18 21:07:02 UTC
It's trendy to say Fox is biased. Fox is sometimes a little too socially conservative but for the most part it isn't as offensively biased as CNN, and especially MSNBC. But it's not cool to call the left-biased stations biased, so not a lot of kids do these days.
2008-04-18 20:57:36 UTC
Your best bet is BBC America News
2008-04-18 22:29:06 UTC
i'd say fox, they sorta go to both opponions on each issue. (sometimes)
2008-04-18 22:28:06 UTC
2008-04-18 22:00:57 UTC
FOX...the best.
loco scorp
2008-04-18 21:48:23 UTC
FOX hands down!
2008-04-18 21:47:56 UTC
Feroz K
2008-04-18 21:43:53 UTC
It's FOX
2008-04-18 21:24:45 UTC
Fox News - It brings people from both sides of the table in, and evenly unlike the other so called news stations.
Dean C
2008-04-18 21:20:14 UTC
2008-04-18 21:18:49 UTC
lol if people are republican they say FOX if they are a democrat they will say one of them other things

so... im going to say FOX

what can i say at least FOX gives both sides
2008-04-18 21:14:04 UTC
People who say Fox are so ridiculous, and ignorant. Just like Mr. Bill O'Reilly himself. No spin zone my a$$!!!!
erick c
2008-04-18 21:03:33 UTC
Iam O
2008-04-18 20:56:47 UTC
none.. the media is controlled.. that's how we get those opinions.. someone's gotta pay those salaries.. if you're not bought, you're a freelancer.. and until then no one is going to listen.

who's shirt you wear?
2008-04-19 10:21:04 UTC
idk what biased is haha
2008-04-18 21:27:07 UTC
In this order "fox news"~"abc news"~"cbs"~"cnn"
2008-04-18 21:25:06 UTC
2008-04-18 21:20:05 UTC
Fox, without a doubt.
2008-04-18 21:11:15 UTC
There is a reason why Fox is highest rated cable news channel.
2008-04-18 20:51:37 UTC
Univision (if you coun't spanish language news of happenings in the united states)
2008-04-18 20:51:03 UTC
Fox is the least biased by far!
Henry H
2008-04-18 21:25:22 UTC
Fox-Hannity and Combs - fair and balanced............
2008-04-18 21:11:33 UTC
It's clearly plain as day that Fox News is the least biased by far! It's the ONE channel that gives the facts! ABC and CBS especially might as well be TV!
2008-04-18 21:09:53 UTC
Fox News is the least biased.
2008-04-18 21:09:40 UTC
CNN!! surrrrrr
Lucifer Sam
2008-04-18 21:07:59 UTC
courtney w
2008-04-18 21:03:06 UTC
i don't no which is the least but Fox is very biased
2008-04-18 21:00:44 UTC
.bill.o. riley. in my opion?
2008-04-18 20:59:47 UTC
IMO, Fox is the is most biased, CNN the least.
2008-04-18 20:59:34 UTC
they all are the same.....................
Joseph, II
2008-04-18 20:56:55 UTC
They're ALL -at least aLITTLE biased... -But CNN, the Least, in my Opinion.
Bo T
2008-04-18 20:56:50 UTC
Try Howard Stern .
Mitchell Cott
2008-04-18 20:55:53 UTC
Fox has to be the least biased for me. im not srue why, it just catches my attention. they dont really give opinions, they just ask hypothetical questions, and tell the story word for word. it makes it better to listen to.
2008-04-18 20:55:08 UTC
The media is terrible no matter which channel you watch. It use to be just news, they told it like it is. Now you turn on the news channels, it's like watching a Gossip Program! It's really a toss up with me on CNN and FOX. I find myself switching back and forth.
2008-04-18 20:55:01 UTC
That would be Fox.
2008-04-18 20:49:24 UTC
FOX=conservative, CNN/NBC/ABC/CBS=left, liberal....

It is sad, but acutally, I do not know any news channel which is unbiased in our times....
Experto Credo
2008-04-18 20:49:17 UTC
I think they all have a rather naked bias
Pablo E
2008-04-18 22:27:49 UTC
fox news is the fairest. they just tell it how it is without a left wing spin.
2008-04-18 22:15:31 UTC
Alan B
2008-04-18 21:52:10 UTC
2008-04-18 21:05:53 UTC
Fox, they have liberals, conservatives and independents on staff in equal numbers
2008-04-18 21:04:20 UTC
2008-04-18 20:57:38 UTC
Remember Vietnam
2008-04-18 20:57:17 UTC
Fox is the least biased. Nuff said.
Truth is elusive
2008-04-18 20:56:47 UTC
All of them are biased in one direction or the other. There are a few shows that are fairly unbiased. I think Hannity/Colmes is the least biased since each takes an extreme position on opposite ends.
2008-04-18 20:56:39 UTC
fox news is a little bit better than the others
We are all screwed
2008-04-18 20:56:00 UTC
depends on the reporter and the information but I like Fox
2008-04-18 20:55:57 UTC
Fox is the least biased. The rest are all promoting leftist propaganda.
2008-04-18 20:53:48 UTC
CNN because they care about everything in the USA .Even the Elections Democratic or Republican. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-04-18 20:52:55 UTC
All news is biased, but CNN is supposed to be the best we have.

Fox leans towards republicans and NBC is more democrat.
ep kid
2008-04-18 20:50:00 UTC
Fox gives you both sides. CNN and MSNBC lean towards the left.
2008-04-18 20:49:45 UTC
David G
2008-04-19 08:50:26 UTC
*Blind Snooker Shot (Angel)©
2008-04-19 06:52:14 UTC
I do not know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-04-18 21:26:01 UTC

CNN is a spokes channel to Al Quada

ABC, CBS,and NBC are far left reporting
2008-04-18 21:05:57 UTC
2008-04-18 21:05:53 UTC

and Liberals are confused when they watch FOX because they are not use to seeing the conservative side of a story.
2008-04-18 21:04:09 UTC
2008-04-18 21:02:31 UTC
2008-04-18 21:02:18 UTC
It's Stickboy!
2008-04-18 21:01:20 UTC
I'm impressed at how good FOX is at molding the brains of its feeble minded audience. All the major national news stations are heavily biased, but I'm shocked anyone would suggest FOX as the least...
2008-04-18 20:56:57 UTC
bbc and npr

wow so many of these idiots are saying fox, it is funny how they think that the station that supports the bull*hit they believe in is UNBIASED; if they had any idea about the truth about how desperately incompetent they are compare to the rest of the world when it comes to education and common sense in general they would go crazy
2008-04-18 20:56:54 UTC
Definitely CNN. They have Glenn Beck on the right, Lou Dobbs in the middle, Wolf Blitzer on the left......don't even know where everyone else stands, they try not to let it show. Very much unlike Fox, where almost everyone expresses a right wing bias.
2008-04-18 20:53:42 UTC
They are all biased but CNN is the worst. I don't think there is a least. :(
2008-04-18 20:52:52 UTC
Ditto on the NPR.
2008-04-18 20:51:14 UTC
Not a one. They all have a side. The Associated Press and Reuters News Agency are good.
2008-04-18 20:50:12 UTC
I Like Fox
2008-04-18 20:48:32 UTC
im sure they all are going to be a little biased (fox news more than some!) so i would say cnn

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.