Why has (my) Yahoo News Comments Disappeared?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why has (my) Yahoo News Comments Disappeared?
78 answers:
2011-12-13 07:27:01 UTC
They claim technical difficulties although it's been pointed out that they have the most savy computer people around. Rather convienent timing, if it's indeed technical. I'll admit, I look to the top rated comments to gain a feel for how Americans, at least those who use Yahoo, assess the top stories. I've noticed that often, when a news article presents an angle of an argument, yahoo comments don't reflect, and often disagree with the article's conclusions. A great example is the campaign of Ron Paul. The media will tell you that he's in third place or forth place even when certain polls will show him at the top. The Yahoo comments ALWAYS put Ron Paul on top. So which is more reliable for judging the direction of the wind in America, straw polls conducted by the same crews who feed us slanted news, or top comment votes? I trust the thumbs over the polls.
2011-12-13 06:50:39 UTC
They claim they are having technical difficulties, but I don't believe it for a second. How can they when they have some of the best IT workers in the business? I suspect pressure from a higher source. Since all comments posted are property of Yahoo!, I think they are dodging a liability bullet here. And no, I did NOT use a lot of punctuation.
2011-12-14 06:31:41 UTC
I'm not a mind reader. You will have to ask them and they are probably not telling. My guess is they didn't like some comments for a number of reasons, some good and some bad. However, they should know there is a downside to what they have done. I've switched my home page and if enough people do likewise they will suffer a loss of revenue from their advertisers.
2011-12-13 09:18:07 UTC
They got lost while Yahoo was trying to fix something that wasn't broke in the first place, no doubt. This site really hasn't been worth a darn since they removed the conversational news message boards. Yeah, I know that some of you think the whole thing is vile, but hey, that's what America really thinks. Unfiltered and uncensored. (more or less).
2011-12-12 20:20:55 UTC
The same thing happened to me. I think Yahoo just wants to post stories and hope that people will believe them without any dissenting opinion. I guess there is no more free speech on the internet about anything important. You can still comment about Kim Kardashian but nothing that will help to make America a better place.
Best Answer
2011-12-12 19:32:23 UTC
Because Yahoo is crap.
Censored By Yahoo
2011-12-15 06:04:17 UTC
Ron Paul 2012!

Yahoo and their masters are afraid of Free Speech.

If the comments are permanently gone, I'll get my news elsewhere.
2011-12-13 12:37:22 UTC
No one believes the Yahoo Propaganda or the Fully controlled Mass Media all owned by only 6 corporations and they are all owned by the Bankers running America. This which includes Yahoo, msnbc, fox , cbs, abc, just about every newspaper, magazines, Hollywood and every channel on your TV.

The people were pointing out how fraudulent yahoo stories where so now they're making believe the comments are a problem they're working on. They're just testing it out to see how many readers they can keep without the comments.

In other words they dont want the peoples voice to be heard !!! I say you never visit any news site which does not allow the peoples voice to be heard !!!
2011-12-12 20:36:58 UTC
Yahoo is taking away free speech, point blank. What can we do? Sue them?
black beard
2011-12-13 07:25:37 UTC
installing goverment spyware,,
2011-12-13 08:59:54 UTC
"It is most likely due to all the racist and hateful comments, there has even been a few threats upon some of our elected officials. This makes it a prudent move by Yahoo News because they could be made liable should something would occur and one of these threats would materialize. I love to make comments and discuss issues with intelligent people but when the comments section of any media outlet becomes raunchy most intelligent people simply avoid it. Good for you Yahoo News"

I'm sorry, but when our elected officials do criminal acts and get off without even going to trial, I'm sure people feel justified when they make those threats. Yahoo makes you sign a 'we are not responsible for anything you do' EULA on their site so they aren't responsible.

I think they realize that people communicate truths through the comments section and convince other people of the truth. Since Yahoo is owned by the six big corporations that own the media (and who are not loyal to the US, only to money and power). Look up "big six media". They were probably told to purge their comments section in order to help their corporate masters accomplish some goal or another.
2015-01-14 07:41:12 UTC
If their bias wouldn't show so much and the writing so paltry, people probably wouldn't shred the article. Liberals do not tolerate opposing viewpoints very well. People are also tired of the canned news opened everyday and served by the news media. It is literally the same general storyline from just about everybody. Especially quoting certain phrases and buzzwords. It's like listening to a robot news cast. Everybody got the same talking points early in the morning. Unbelievable.
2016-10-29 12:01:12 UTC
Every time Yahoo makes a change to the comments area of their news, they manage to make the user interface worse. If they just swapped out the code they have now for how it was about 2 years ago, it would provide a much better user experience.
2011-12-13 04:43:46 UTC
Well thank you SC J. I didn't see that anywhere on my page. But I've also noticed that my bookmarks are not editable! And just last night I tried editing some of my mail contacts and got a weird "error notice." More glitches? I have to agree with some that Yahoo is sliding downhill fast.

And to the little box that just popped up on the right of my screen: I do not have "a lot of punctuation." I have CORRECT punctuation!
2011-12-15 10:31:55 UTC
I hope this is a tech problem and not some ideological issue. However, nothing surprises me anymore. Regardless of how inflammatory or stupid some opinions may be, I still believe open discourse is an important element in a free society. The fix is simple, folks. Post your 'Political' commentary on the 'Celebrity' columns....'Occupy' them, in other words. If and when our comments are negated, move on to another forum....even if we have to create some ourselves. Try to keep it civil, grammatically correct and intelligent.....if indeed you are able.
Richard F
2016-02-08 14:17:14 UTC
I see the comment section but the link to my comments is gone. If I make a comment I can no longer see replies. I called Yahoo and they wanted direct access to my computer so I told them to get lost. Yahoo doesn't know the havoc it wreaks on its users.
2014-10-14 21:30:04 UTC
yahoo comment section has been on every news story until today oct 15 2014 when I just noticed the section is blank. also note that the news page will not let me log in as my user name. I was commenting on a story at 9pm and it was working that was 3.5 hrs ago. maybe the site is down for matienence.
2015-05-30 07:28:34 UTC
Tony P
2016-03-10 12:32:08 UTC
I stumbled on to the answer accidentally today .... When I clicked on one of the links about a sea level rising solution story it took me to news week website - stay with me this isn't about climate change - I saw news week was offering a subscription to their website for $5 a month. It was then I realized the quality of the stories is gone and the features we liked were removed. I thought what better way to get you to pay for something that was FREE than make what is FREE worthless, repetitive or about things no-one cares about. Stories about Kim - FREE and stories about things that we really care about censored and behind the pay me side of the site.
the truth
2011-12-15 13:16:21 UTC
Oh Yeah Louisiana Strep, the Left is so much more refined and really brings the level of comments way up.....Not

Anyway Ill be surprised if commenting comes back considering abcnews is now involved with yahoo. The big news organizations cant be forced to listen to those knuckle dragging regular folks and certainly not have the right to comment on their work. Its not productive when the "experts" have to explain their positions when obviously they are well ....experts. Free speech is way to messy for the enlightened. So you mere peasants be quiet as pravda has your back and tell you how to think from now on. Note..This will be the last day you can post to this question before we also remove it for questioning our expert opinions.
2011-12-14 08:13:43 UTC
Like many features Yahoo has removed from its sites in the past year, I think news comments has been removed too.
2011-12-13 05:21:47 UTC
The top story is about a woman who lost 282 pounds and is now only half of her original size. No one really felt like listening to the comments so Yahoo did away with them until this story blows over.
2016-09-22 12:08:04 UTC
This has been happening for 5 YEARS? I just noticed most of mine missing today! 09/22/2016. Why do people stay with Yahoo? Why am I? This stinks!!!!!
2011-12-13 22:32:40 UTC
Probably from all the Ron Paul support that was present. RP supporters made logical arguments on most political articles; bad news for the crooks Yahoo! supports.
2011-12-13 19:58:59 UTC
Yahoo News is not even a news source- it's a propoganda tool for our President, who is the worst President in this nation's history and yet is savagely protected by the media, making him all that more destructive.
2011-12-13 22:26:54 UTC
I wanted to comment about the woman who was beheaded in the middle east for witchcraft. I wanted to say that "it's a good thing Martha Stewart doesn't live there" but I wasn't able to write it.
2011-12-13 10:22:42 UTC
It was a top secret "demand/order" from our Government. Thanks Obama! That's why it was not advertised by Yahoo; that they were closing the comments section. It produced too much Ron Paul support, and too many people used it as a avenue of hate... mostly towards Obama and also too much "Truth" was being spread about what Obama is doing to this country. Also, Obama didn't want to hear about 30,000 comments making fun of him for asking Iran for our stealth drone back...lmao
2011-12-14 07:42:13 UTC
Yahoo gets paid according to the traffic on the site, so I'm sure they don't give a hoot what you think or post as long as you show up. If you believe Yahoo! would relinquish income just to stifle your worthless opinion, then you understand nothing about business or capitalism.
2011-12-13 16:53:21 UTC
I think it is a MS Media coordinated attempt to censor contrary political opinions and stifle dissent.

Odd that this occurred just as OWS was engaged in their west coast port shutdowns! No way to comment on that! Or their east coast anti-GS rally in NYC. Can't comment on that! Perhaps there is too much favorable commentary on the Ron Paul ascent/candidacy, and too much criticism of that blowhard Newt Gin"grinch"! Wouldn't be the first time that a media company engaged in such behavior; after all, just have a gander at Murdoch and the phone hacking scandal! Probably want everyone to go to Facebook or Twitter, where anonymity and privacy is just a pleasant memory!
2011-12-14 08:04:38 UTC
There is something deeply wrong with this country. Our rights taken away, Economic War declared on the citizens, complete voting fraud, open tyranny run a muck in the Imperial Capital DC etc.... As much as I pray not to see it, I feel something very terrible is going to happen in this country, that makes what Nazi Germany did pre-WWII look like a Green Peace effort. Am I alone in this feeling? Did the founding fathers go to war against England for less?
Max Powers
2011-12-14 18:30:00 UTC
Go to AOL and comment on their site instead. Yahoo isn't the only game in town.
2011-12-15 15:25:54 UTC
Because main-stream media is afraid of people discussing Ron Paul's idea on these comments section.
Ted S
2011-12-15 06:51:32 UTC
Far more likely than simply having "problems" are that certain powers that be, do not like having negative comments about them posted.

If government can control our comments, they can control us, and certain people that appear very disliked are running for office.
2015-05-12 18:02:51 UTC
It's probably because I express comments and views which go against their corporate and self-proclaimed political, social, and "religious" ideology; and perhaps they have been greatly influenced by or have in their company ranks people or groups which have an agenda in which they wish to promote their own and suppress the expression of dissenting points of view. I am against the posting of blatantly offensive, demeaning, and vitriolic speech but I think that the liberal and, often hypocritical, Yahoo corporate culture goes too far in suppressing some commentary while permitting others. For example, I am against the casual and frivolous use of words like "******" or "kyke", etc. which are blatantly offensive to many. Therefore, Yahoo (and many other liberal media) strike out or ban such words from their commentaries. But I find it very hypocritical when they allow words such as "f...", shi." and other (what we used to call curse words) ones which are offensive to many people who hold to a sense of decency and respect in our communications with each other. And Christians and Jews appear to be "fair game" when it comes to insults against them and their religious beliefs but, oh...don't dare say anything against Islam or Mohammed because they may come after you with a vengeance. Christians and Jews (authentic ones) don't respond with violence against those who insult them. That's why these progressive cowards will attack them with impudence but back off when it comes to Islam, the "religion of peace". If one "professing" Christian intentionally hurts others, the progressives (liberals) in our culture condemn Christianity. But, then, why wouldn't they?...they wouldn't know a true Christian if they saw one. They (the liberals) don't know what the Bible or Jesus Christ says because they prejudge it and never bother to read it and/or sometimes misquote it but all they know is that they don't like it. On the other hand, even though they also don't know what the Koran says, they act as if they would defend it and it's devotees to the death for their right to practice it, even to the demise of those considered to be "infidels". Strange that less than one tenth (0.01%) of those "professing" to be Christians do and express negative behavior toward those with whom they disagree and we attack the Christian faith. Yet, ten percent (over 100 million) of Muslims (we call them radicals) carry out terrorist attacks against those with whom they disagree and we say nothing or even try to defend Islam by saying that it's only a (small?) faction doing these things and that the majority of Muslims are not that way. Yet, the majority of "peace loving" Muslims remain silent and won't condemn those actions. But,why should they? They may also be killed also by their own comrades in the faith and they also have little or nothing to lose if Islam does triumph and conquer the infidel. So...just be quiet and keep your mouth shut.
2014-07-19 09:39:59 UTC
Why has the program stopped that alerted me to comments on my comments? Normally, I received an e-mail everyday with additional commentary to my commentary. That has stopped.
2011-12-13 22:36:42 UTC
Because too many people were complaining about the forced video-ads they had to watch before the actual article-vid would play.
o o
2011-12-13 10:56:56 UTC
For those of you who say Yahoo is taking away free speech you are wrong. This was decided years ago in the courts concerning free speech and the internet. The conclusion was, no one has the right of free speech on a site that is not public. Yahoo being a corporation is owned by shareholders, it has the right to do what they want. You have no right than those you agreed to when it comes to there terms and services or any additional contracts. Yahoo most likely removed them due to the fact it cost them money, bandwidth and therefore is not an asset but a liability. In other words, you all expect something for nothing for being a lot of nasty mean free loaders. Have a nice day!
2011-12-13 04:25:37 UTC
It seems like they have removed the ability for everybody to comment now.. Yahoo is going down hill...
2017-04-01 10:44:08 UTC
Because your opinion or desires are not what yahoo wants to here! I try to carry on a report with another commenter and when I place my reply it is not even put with the same story or magically disappears! Yahoo is breaking the law by hampering your use of Freedom of the Press!
2011-12-12 19:32:26 UTC
*This comment was removed by a Yahoo! Answers moderator*
2011-12-15 02:58:36 UTC
Yahoo has technical problems with the comment section, so they say. It is because a lot of comments are in bad taste, racist and bias. Yahoo is not going away soon, but this is a taste of the future. I enjoy the comments and if I don't want to read them, which is rare I just don't. I am sure something will happen soon as soon as next year. PS: This site is cool. It has spell checker.
2011-12-14 18:28:47 UTC
Site maintenance. Which makes sense given the volume of comments they receive.

And please disregard any of the fools screaming about censorship. Governments censor. Yahoo, as a publicly traded company, can do whatever they want with their site. BTW...the major stockholder has strong right-wing ties.

I think it may also have something to do with Reuters currently serving as the news wire source instead of the A.P
Michael M
2011-12-13 05:12:30 UTC
Yahoo says they are having problems, so I'll take them at their word, for now. I hope they are installing anti-spam guards so unrelated comments from people promoting their dating sites will be easy to remove. But I hope they aren't otherwise limiting speech.
Tony RB
2011-12-13 01:36:32 UTC
It seems they are trying to integrate their comments with Facebook.

The programming problems must be driving them nuts.

Someone gave the best answer here :
Drive 4Me
2011-12-13 17:54:03 UTC
Let's occupy yahoo
2011-12-15 12:59:04 UTC
Just look at Teddy's answer and you will see why the comments are gone - right wing extremists going crazy and acting childish.
2011-12-13 06:12:15 UTC
Ron Paul.
2011-12-13 11:03:51 UTC
You people who are screeching that Yahoo is interfering with free speech need to get a clue. Yahoo is not under any obligation to include a comments section under their news articles.

You should be thanking them, because it's probably saving people thousands of hours of time that they'd be wasting posting and reading inane comments. Happy holidays!
2011-12-14 06:05:48 UTC
Two reasons: Christmas is coming and Yahoo wants to convince you that you should be an atheist just like them because then it is easy to manipulate your opinion (not so much because God gives you wisdom), but church is a gathering place where people listen to each other. This is what communists did in the USSR. They care less about God, but they don't want you to gather in large crowds! Second reason is that they want Obama to win, since no other president wasted so much money as he did. All government contractors, Wall Street, Pharmaceuticals need Obama for useless, but very profitable for them massive contracts! Basically, Yahoo wants to brainwash you and never see another opinion! Therefore, tune out of Yahoo and go to social media. This is where real people speak real opinions!
John A
2011-12-14 18:30:09 UTC
"Let's be Real" wrote:

"I guess there is no more free speech on the internet about anything important."

I think it is YOU who needs to be real.

A message board is not an exercise in democracy. It is controlled by the management.

"Free speech" pertains to relations between the state and the individual, not to relations between individuals. If you open your mouth to your boss, you can be legally fired for insubordination. If I run a blog, I'm not under any obligation to tolerate your comments, and I can delete them as I please.
2011-12-13 04:29:28 UTC
Abuse of the system just like anything else in America and they just can't keep up.
2015-06-17 22:26:04 UTC
Since the right wing is trying to take over again and ruin my life more, they gotta turn them off
2011-12-13 07:57:46 UTC
It is most likely due to all the racist and hateful comments, there has even been a few threats upon some of our elected officials. This makes it a prudent move by Yahoo News because they could be made liable should something would occur and one of these threats would materialize. I love to make comments and discuss issues with intelligent people but when the comments section of any media outlet becomes raunchy most intelligent people simply avoid it. Good for you Yahoo News!
2011-12-13 06:31:17 UTC
American opinion in general is reflected by the majority of Yahoo comments. The comments were overwhelmingly critical of President Obama and therefore must be removed in order to advance socialism and the complete destruction of the average American way of life.

Thank you for understanding comrade.
2014-02-13 12:35:27 UTC
good question i am looking for answers to that as well but probably just a temporary glitch
The Wise One
2011-12-14 07:23:14 UTC
IRONY - We are commenting on Yahoo buuut cannot comment on Yahoo....?!?!?!!!
2011-12-13 16:37:20 UTC
If you made a racist comment it might have been removed. You should not make racist comments, they are probably against the user guidelines.
False Dichotomy
2011-12-13 11:26:44 UTC
yahoo shut down the comments because, no matter what their articles were about, all people were talking about was how awesome Ron Paul is.

Ron Paul 2012

Ron Paul 2012

Ron Paul 2012

Ron Paul 2012

Ron Paul 2012

Ron Paul 2012

Ron Paul 2012
2011-12-14 12:40:26 UTC
Just look at some of the answers to this question. That's why.
Kyle N
2011-12-12 20:10:47 UTC
People say that like it's a bad thing.
2011-12-13 18:17:18 UTC
I believe it is censoring the masses. They only want their opinion shown and no opposing views.
Mitt Robmey
2011-12-13 08:31:35 UTC
The comments were removed so all the unemployed racists and Ron Paul spammers could do something productive with their lives.
2011-12-13 05:14:33 UTC
Yahoo News comments disappeared because it was an answer to Americans' prayers. Hopefully, Yahoo News itself will also disappear along with its leftist pandering agenda.
Brian N
2011-12-13 14:18:01 UTC
The Rebublicans made em do it. All jealous because their party is **** nowadays and Obama is sure to get re-elected.
2014-08-14 14:38:13 UTC
Censorship. Big brother is watching you for the Bigger brother.
2011-12-14 18:43:20 UTC
Because the liberals wanted the conservatives to pay for it.
zoom in
2011-12-13 08:57:11 UTC
good bye yahoo .Hello google
2014-12-07 06:23:05 UTC
2013-10-13 11:28:34 UTC
2011-12-12 19:23:15 UTC
If I had to guess, they lost what little spine they had, again.
2011-12-13 07:58:27 UTC
apparently yahoo is working on it. i have a feeling it'll start working after the elections... convenient timing, dont u think?
Death Rattle
2011-12-13 05:01:40 UTC
My guess would be ,pressure from the ZioNazi's <<<
2016-01-02 05:58:13 UTC
is it too un PC for your taste?
2011-12-13 06:53:42 UTC
@helpful what size is your tin foil hat that youre wearing today?
2011-12-12 21:36:39 UTC
If you do a little bit of reading on the site, it tells you what is going on.

For those of you who can't read or think it's cool to type stupid speculations, here is their answer for you:

TO YAHOO! NEWS READERS: We're having problems with Reading Activity and Commenting features on our site. We're working to re-enable them as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.
2011-12-12 19:28:00 UTC
I think it was probably because of so many mean and nasty comments.
2011-12-12 20:21:17 UTC
Because all of the comments are critical of the boy president and his failed party.
2011-12-12 22:59:37 UTC
because of all the ignorant redneck comments.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.