Where can I email Morning Joe?
*Im Your Wifeys Role Model*
2011-02-16 05:16:45 UTC
cant find it on the msnbc website. what is his email?

link anyone?
47 answers:
2011-02-18 06:00:27 UTC Just select which show your comment is about from the drop down box.
2016-02-18 11:34:19 UTC
My friends and I were long time viewers of Morning Joe, and I am appalled at what is going on with the show. First, if there is someone that disagrees with Joe, he tries to "dog them out", and talk over them, (example) former Congressman Harold Ford, who is very intelligent, Joe talks as if he is the answer to everything, though he knew he could not be re-elected as a congressman, was it a scandal, if so, why do we trust this guy to act as if he is the best thing since" Peanut Butter". I use to think that Mika was the one to keep the show together, now she seems to have drifted away with Joe. Why weren t questions about Flint Michigan asked to any GOP candidates. Mika, What is your Worth?, we know the answer to Joe s worth
2015-03-10 08:28:52 UTC
Don't know if this will get to Mika/Morning Joe, but here goes: The final 15 minutes of the show lately has caused me to switch channels. You should make it a separate show for those interested only is women's stuff.

Also, I wish there was a way to send a simple e-mail to Morning Joe. Your websites are lacking in that regard.

Thank you for your attention.

WC Brauer (
2015-08-17 03:59:00 UTC
I am disappointed that MSNBC would make this bully the first out of the box every morning to listen to his stupid Republican daily crap .You might as well be Fox's Faux News front and center. He bring in all his discussing Right Wingers. I am so sorry that IMUS in the morning is off. We had an outlet to clear our thoughts from all the joke of the information you are ranting and ragging about every Democrat that come on the scene . It seem as though poor Mika will never find her voice on this show with this bully .No matter how he try, I have always thought he has a problem with race and women period. For God sake all the pile on about Hillary isn't going to stop her from being the first woman President of the United States. After all the Fox 's and Scarborough of this country will never win with smearing her good name.
2014-03-06 14:35:17 UTC
Hey I used to be an adamant watcher I watch from day one of the show however Joe can be overbearing and a bully and Mika who was my girl for standing up to Joe with her opinion and principles has become a yes woman or remains quite when he rants. I looked in today and of course nothing has changed regarding Joe he cuts Mika off and loud talks without allowing the opposing persons or a differing opinion in. When Nugent talked ill of our President of These United States did he defend him from the person for being Un-American NO! So the Koch Brothers who are in the business of buying Republicans to elected post in particular if its to help their corporations Big Oil, or stop regulations that will hurt there interest. Yes usually people with allot of money have causes too and they donate to them it also helps with tax write offs. Gates, Buffett they donate also! Go figure I guess today was the wrong day to tune in I'll have to wait when he is not on the show Barnicle and Willie or Roberts do just fine in their absence. They call having coffee in the morning morning joe I hope that's why the show has that name and not for Joe Scarborough!
2015-09-15 04:59:32 UTC
I was watching Morning Joe this morning, which I don't usually have time to do, but he was bragging on President Regan, and how he had gotten the Iranian American Hostages released so quickly after he was in office. Isn't it a disgrace that the real person who had gotten them released was President Carter, who had already negotiated the release before Regan was put in office. Carter has not been given one bit of credit for anything. Why? Because he is to kind and honest. Someone said the other day, the worse problem we have in this country is the media, and I certainly agree. They will do anything to make news, and they follow the money, AND THEY'RE AFRAID TO TELL THE TRUTH. Donald Trump is a disgrace to this country, but he is rich, and that rules, but it is also going to be the down-fall of this wonderful country. If he wasn't wealthy he would have been laughed out of the limelight fifteen minutes after he started talking.
2014-11-06 14:51:16 UTC
Again this am (11/6) Joe goes on about what Harry Reid has done to obstruct the Senate from passing/voting on bills. First it is nothing compared to all the Republican filibusters and the House - by the way - is sitting on 50 bipartisan bills that the Senate passed (including the major immigration bill). Also look at the House record - the dismal amount of bills the House has passed in 6 years - lowest in history. About the ones that Joe keeps referring to that Reid has not allowed a vote on, etc. - it's complicated. They aren't just sitting on Reid's desk, or being blocked or not voted on. Many of the House bills are in committee, and are hung up there - some more of them the Senate has similar bills that are being worked through - Very Few of the bills passed by the House were aimed at compromise or agreement. They were only passed to make a statement - not a law. Poison pills added - guaranteeing they wouldn't pass the Senate. (repeal Obamacare, etc., etc.) (and very few were truly bipartisan - only those that No One would vote against) Could Reid have taken a vote on some, sure. I don't think he wanted to waste time on them, as the House did wasting taxpayers time and money on trying to repeal the ACA 50 + times.

So, again, sound bite, talking point Joe isn't telling the whole story. Rarely does anyone on his side of the isle like telling the truth. Facts are very hard for them to swallow. And, yes, Mika is now Joe's good "little woman" - sitting there smiling and nodding. What a shame. At this point I only tune in once in a while to see if there's any interesting guests on. So, less and less!
2016-02-16 10:45:25 UTC
Sooo sick of theses 2! Joe must get paid by the word. The only one who talks more is Donald Trump, who should be listed as a co host since he s on so much. What s happened to MSNBC? Mika just sits there looking like an idiot. She s supposed to be a strong role model for women? Give me a break!
2015-12-21 07:39:35 UTC
Wow. where can I begin. I watched a bit of Morning Joe this morning (12/21) and watched Mika rat on and on regarding Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Not one time did Joe interrupt her, as he repeatedly does when she defends President Obama - which is rare. I don't know the strong-hold that Joe has on Mika, but it is quite noticeable. Mika, what happened to your values. Me and my family (huge crowd) will completely stop watching Joe and for those who are offended, do the same, then maybe we can shut them down.
2015-08-04 03:45:26 UTC
Joe is such an overbearing blowhard, I cant watch this show without one finger on the mute button for fear of tossing a brick through my TV. He keeps getting worse and i dont know why msnbc would kick other, better pundits off the air and keep this guy. He has become the MSNBC version of Oreilly. To pay this pompous, egotist millions each year is just amazing. As for his diatribe against Sen Warren, Joe isnt fit to polish her shoes.
2014-03-24 05:41:30 UTC
What a joke!! her facial expressions are to die for. Joe walks all over her like gum on the bottom of my shoe. lol Mika is so fake.
2016-10-04 07:23:14 UTC
Morning Joe Email
2016-03-02 18:29:17 UTC
Why does anyone listen to this guy? Check his predictions...

By Joe Scarborough

Host, ‘Morning Joe'

Even before the final votes were tallied in the 2006 elections, politicians started lining up for the 2008 presidential sweepstakes. Without further ado, let me kill Hamlet in the first act and tell you how your favorite candidate will fare over the next 12 months.


Barack Obama

US Senator Obama stands before addressng concerns of former employees and family members of two Illinois nuclear weapons in Naperville

Joshua Lott / Reuters

Barack Obama

Forget the fact this guy’s middle name is “Hussein.” Forget the fact he has been in national politics for less than two years. Forget the fact that Hillary Clinton will raise more money than God in 2007. Forget all of that, the Washington press tells us, because Barack Obama is none other than the second coming of JFK.

Yeah, right.

Barack Hussein Obama is more Johnny Bravo than John Kennedy. The vest fits and the fans scream while DC’s star-maker machinery shifts into overdrive.

Like Peter Brady’s Bravo, Obama’s shot at the top will be short lived. But since BHO is young enough, dynamic enough and (just) black enough to whip official Washington into a frenzy, expect this stupid story to stick around for a while. Soon enough though, this year’s model will be shouting, “Please give a warm Chicago welcome to the next President of the United States, Hillary Clinton!”
2014-03-10 06:08:22 UTC
Congratulations Joe, once again you soft balled a Republican candidate from Arkansas. His opponent simply said military service doesn't solely qualify someone for office and that (Crocker?) had not passed a single piece of legislation. Instead of asking what laws he passed or which he supported, you gave the guy a forum to use his time glorifying his military service. God bless him for serving his country, but he's no different than the rest of the 1% of our population doing that job. He may as well have paid for your "commercial" on his behalf. Once in a while, you should act like the reporter you profess to be and search of some facts. You're turning into The View!
2016-04-06 04:02:55 UTC
My wife (a Dem) is an avid Morning Joe watcher... and generally supports Mika s views... but Mika s smug attitude as of late and open disdain for not only Hillary.. .but now this morning s nastiness regarding Ted Cruz is even offending my wife. Mika has become very arrogant. Thank God for the other panelists on the show..especially Willy Geist, Mike Barnacle, Harold Ford and others who are far more objective and less vitriolic in their views.
2016-10-20 06:07:11 UTC
Morning Joe needs to go. When did Mika become a republican. Looks like she has become big-mouth Joe's "puppet". Joe thinks he knows everything. Nobody is as smart as Joe as he regularly tells people in his own overpowering way. These two deserve each other. What a joke.
2014-07-23 04:33:43 UTC
What a joke. You never laid a hand on the representative from Israel this morning. I'm disappointed that you all would lay down for that type of propaganda without a murmur. Why did no one ask what Hamas and the people of Gaza would get in exchange for a cease fire? The answer is exactly nothing. Quiet for quiet has never yielded the Palestinians anything but more of the same in the open-air prison that is Gaza. And they know it. What Israel needs to do is exactly what Israel will never pursue and that is create a permanent state for the Palestinians. Then quiet will mean something.
2014-01-14 09:21:31 UTC
I love Morning Joe. The volley back and forth, candied response and interesting guest along with the regular personalities on the show give news an interesting twist. That being said, I have to comment on Joe's description of people on the far left as rather "lazy, and uneducated and non motivated" as being rather narrow minded. It is like trying to categorize the far right as people in camouflage, looking for black helicopter, wanting to shut the government down! I use to be a Republican, I have always had a job, worked hard, only filed for unemployment once in the 40+ years I have worked and only until I found something else after the place where I worked closed down. I am semi-retired and still working part-time to make ends meet. I did vote for Obama and have voted Democrat for the past 10 years because I find the Republican party to be so extreme in their ideology. It is because I have worked hard all my life that I understand the current problem with the American people and the disappearing of the middle-class people!!! The Republican Party needs to step up and take some responsibility for the people in American other than the 1% who seem to be running the Republican Party, if they want to survive they have to take on the issues of the people, jobs, education and realize the American people need help. We are not a lazy, non motivated group of people, but the opportunities for the working class people are definitely limited now. College is so expensive that if you are not rich, you will be in debt most of your life trying to pay for that education and it is not a guarantee for a job!!! Since the good paying jobs were sent over seas for cheaper labor,,the only available jobs are mostly minimum wage or requires some special, specific training! The trickle down economy does not work because the wealthy are not putting their money back into the economy, it goes into bank accts. in the Cayman Islands!!! Greed is killing America. We are becoming a third word nation because of it. Most countries like Mexico and most of South America have the same kind of disparity between the rich and the poor! America has always been great because the people were people who dreamed BIG and had faith and hope in their dreams. However, if the people lose their hope and faith, and vision,,,we are no different from those third word nations where the poor live in despair!!! The people are hurting and no one but the Democrats seem to care, the problem has been they seem to timid to really fight the fight needed to bring this country back, only recently have shown some back bone!!!
Kathy Zoellner
2015-08-21 08:40:29 UTC
This morning all talk was about a federal judge and his opinion about Hillary's email. But with all the talk Joe failed to mention the judge was appointed by Reagan and Bush. Isn't that important to report too?
2015-11-20 08:23:35 UTC
I stopped watching Morning Joe. If I wanted to listen to Fox News copy cats I would just watch Fox News.
2016-09-21 16:17:55 UTC
I would like Joe interview Tom Schwartz Author of A great Deal!!!
2016-10-04 14:20:00 UTC
Mika , I know you don't like Mrs Clintoon. I know you were for Bernie, but you don't have to bash Mrs. Clinton all the time. No matter, I don't watch your show anymore anyway. Do you remember how you were first treated on msnbc. When I first watched you , it seems they never let you have anything to say. Now you have gotten very arrogant. I quit looking at it weeks ago anyway. It's too biased for Trump. Who is not qualified at all.
2015-07-28 06:30:46 UTC
I missed the show today(Tuesday), but heard all about it. Mika, the time has finally come when the conservatives are taking back what has been taken from us. If Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee are the ones to make the point SO BE IT!!!!! Neither should take anything back. They said what a lot of people think. Many of us are sick to death of being told by the news persons how to vote and who to vote for. The last 2 elections were press structured and won by the liberals. ENOUGH!!!!! This country needs to go back to our roots , or we will self destruct. The current bi-racial office holder has screwed so much up, we may never recover. Hopefully we will throw all of you out on your asses and start over. I am so sick of liberals acting so superior. Get off your high horse and start to report FACTS not your screwed up version!!! By the way, the democrat female candidate is the least qualified and hopefully leaves soon. Unless we want another liar in office, she best leave. Cherel
David N
2015-08-16 14:08:05 UTC
Somebody should tell Joe He who lives in glass house should not throw rocks! His ranting is bullish no wonder he is divorced someone should ask him about Navarre Fl office mystery where one of his female election aid was found dead. As a past resident of Gulf Breeze Fl I never heard his version of what happened to that lady who he was involved with.
2015-07-28 07:41:50 UTC
Yesterday A guest on your show pointed out that Israel has 81 nuclear weapons.! This belongs in your discussion of Iran's threat to Israel. It would be mutual distruction of both countries if either fired the first!

It supports the quality of the Iran agreement. Gilbert W. Crook
Donny Sanders
2016-03-10 16:17:38 UTC
I am so sick of the bias views of these two. I was watching them talk about muslims like they are our lovers. Bullshit! ask a few from IRAQ to come stay at your house for a week Joe and see if you live through oit. God Damn yes there are a billion muslims that hate us! Its true! Trumps not Racist hes protecting the country cause he has common sence and isnt afraid of the politics behind it. **** I hate this ****!!!!
2015-03-11 10:11:17 UTC
Mika - your contempt for Hilary is going to put a Republican in the white house. BBACK OFF. There is a big difference in discussing news and using it is a platform to bad mouth Hilary. You show your contempt for her with every expression on your face and fixation on making the daily show a full time episode to bash her again and again. I don t know where your contempt comes from - as an advocate for women you demonstrate how women "love" to trash other women. We know who you would prefer - but be realistic - she is wonderful - effective in her position and doesn t have a chance in h..... putting her as candidate would be a sure win for Republicans. You should be smart enough to know the electorate is not that liberal - wish they were but face reality. If you spend one more program completely working as a Republican hack to defeat Hillary I am through. I have turned it off early after my ire overtakes my tolerance. GET OFF IT
2015-08-04 10:54:34 UTC

Where can I email Morning Joe?

cant find it on the msnbc website. what is his email?

link anyone?
2014-03-24 11:10:43 UTC
Dear Mika, Willie, Mr. Barnicle, & Staff,

I enjoyed last weeks shows more than usual. They were more polite, informative, accurate, and compassionate (all necessary for "speaking the truth in love") than when the "git the revenuers" Joe is there. His continued absence would be a continued improvement of the show. Perhaps msnbc would arrange it.


Thomas G. Dahl
2016-01-19 04:39:57 UTC
On Morning Joe they talked about the strength of the candidates. Strength is not measured in the one who starts the fight but the one who knows how to prevent one. I would like to know yuor definition of strength.

A. McBride
2014-01-29 05:18:26 UTC
Will somebody shut Joe up. He is so out of touch with reality and his comments don't make sense!!!
2015-03-04 14:52:45 UTC
Again this a.m. I am so tired of your network allowing Joe S. to run his mouth, cut people off. lie and get red faced when confronted with the truth and put Mika down constantly - You are loosing me and I'm sure others - enough of him - please keep this an intelligent show.
2015-04-16 14:53:53 UTC
Could you guys be a little more fawning over Chris Christie than you were this morning - it was so subtle that I almost missed the gag - it was a gag, right? Because otherwise it was just embarassing
2016-10-11 06:21:11 UTC
Why the sudden turnaround from Trump criticism to attacking Clinton...if he felt that way he could have been going after her (and not Trump) for months...Is Trump no longer unqualified in his eyes? Does his sexual assault tape make him more acceptable?...or is there some darker motivation?
2015-02-12 04:45:28 UTC
Scarborough,you are a ******* jerk! You are an arrogant,disrepectful SOB! Don' t know why guest bother to give their opinion if they don' t agree with you,they are talked down to. You are a ******* bully! You turn my stomach.! Don' t know how Mika has stomached you all these years. If you' re so damn smart,why didn' you run for president?

Do you have a strategy for Isis? Hell no! All you do is criticize and belittle your guest Can' t stand your arrogant,racist ***!
2016-02-05 18:58:17 UTC
During the debate sanders slipped and said how they considered having a super pac to raise money and in a way cut short his since he considered it what makes him so much better for deciding not to and use that for leverage.
Kathy B
2014-05-30 05:45:26 UTC
Joe...take a look at this pictorial sight of the pipeline and see how you feel about the value of such a thing...
2017-03-07 17:26:43 UTC
MOrning Joe .... I enjoy but will stop watching if you, Joe don't stop the constant interrupting

of your guests ... Mike was on without this morning and each of the guests and Mike got a

chance, without interruption to say their piece. You sound like a "knot it all" and it detracts

tremendously from the intelligence I know you possess. Please cool it with the interruptions.
charles d
2017-01-23 14:06:58 UTC
Cannot determine how to contact Morning Joe, however, I would like to question why Joe Scarborough has guests since he constantly interrupts them while they attempt to be heard.
2016-06-23 13:13:17 UTC
This is the first time I've written anyone in this matter, but I'm truly disappointed in your hysteria this morning when you sc. reetched about the R's not acceding to the D's in the House. Shouldn't the House rules be followed as opposed to Harry Reid's rule in the Senate. You seem to have lost your way and are under the influence of Mica.
2014-11-19 04:38:00 UTC
Please! The current flood of Mika poses is just too much. This a great show for differing of opinions, which is refreshing. Joe is always great. Mika, as co-host good. But the montage of her is TOOOO Much.
2016-02-26 05:28:27 UTC
If MSNBC cared what its viewers thought about its programs they would provide a way for viewers to share their thoughts. Obviously, they do not care.
2016-07-06 05:19:29 UTC
turn away evey time they bring on that hack nicolle Wallace,this show is now an extension of fox news!
2015-07-15 08:53:33 UTC
I think that Ted Cruz may want to be Donald Trumps VP......Thank about it
2016-06-03 14:06:55 UTC
Mika is very confusing. She does not make her comments clear.
2016-11-01 09:06:06 UTC
Mikayouweredisgustingthis am.You ned to go.
2015-05-01 03:51:43 UTC
personal responsibility, dont have children if you cant feed them and care for excuses!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.