Fox isn't digging, it's just repeating republican innuendos.
It can't even find a picture or witness of Obama and Ayers even in the same room, much less "palling around."
About as deep as they go is to read his books, and try to warp whatever is in there.
If they did the same "fair and balanced" thing to McCain's books (not written by him), they'd find he admits he was a goof-off at the Naval Academy, was in combat for only 40 hours during his whole career, crashed four planes due to negligence, and broke his arms while ejecting because he had not memorized the ejection procedure.
And if you want to talk about his association with shady types, McCain admits to being close friends with G Gordon Liddy, Watergate burglar, a convicted felon, who still promotes shooting federal agents in the head. He's on tape voluntarily saying he admires Liddy's values. You won't see this on Fox News.
They also won't mention McCains association with a certain European billionaire scam artist, of which there are pictures. Or his long friendship with Charles Keating, $300 billion lS&L oser, flying with him on his plane to long vacations in the Bahamas. You won't hear this on Fox news.