That is fake and we should not release the real one.
My thought is we should not.
Below are my reasons:
1) Since he was shot in the head. Most than likely most of his head is blown up, meaning, you will probably see some of his bran and skull.
2) Because it is a gruesome picture, we will definitely inflame the extremist in that region, resulting in more killings.
3) My main reason though is because of how gruesome it would be to see blown off head of a person.
If you do not believe me then search for blown up face from China's execution of political prisoners.
Would you want the world and our children to know America's "might" with the picture of a Blown up human head or face?
In addition we have to know that his dead body won't show bruises or cuts or little blood...but his face would be blown off. No Head ! No face ! Skull and some of his brain exposed.
That is what the picture will show.