2010-12-01 09:07:50 UTC
They say negative stories sell newspapers in an attention grabbing sort of way.
Because of this constant barrage of "negative" reports coming from the press the general View of government is "bad" though they do some good at times surely ?
and there are good stories like Medical breakthroughs, Science discoveries, good Samaritan stories where ppl go out of there way to help others.
Ok not really exciting BUT + reports nonetheless?
There are others and if all these "positive" stories where placed in a newspaper - even "good" stories about government would ppl read this paper?
Do we need a "good news" paper in this era of austerity ?
My sadly passed away auntie always used to say: the power of positive thinking
So if we were to read good positive stories are we more likely to help change the mood of the country; possibly help boost the economy by a feelgood factor?