Oh, sweetie, you are speaking to the choir. That annoys me to no end....and so do a lot of other things.
--Guests who obviously have pre-scripted answers to questions, and are intent on using them, whether or not they are appropriate answers for the questions they are asked.
--Talk show guests who have to make those litte "quote marks" with their fingers, to let us know they are being sarcastic or ironic. Hey, we're smart enought to catch it without your help, OK?
--This mainly pertains to sports coverage. Interviewees who insist on referring to themselves in the third person...for example
Host: Have you given any thought that you might be traded before the deadline in a couple weeks.
Me: Not really, Stan. Yeah, Yinzer Power is a Pirate, but even more, Yinzer Power is a ballplayer. Any decision on a trade is management's and not Yinzer Power's....blah, blah, blah.
Oh, and one more...sportscasters who constantly use the word "athleticism." GUYS!!!! THERE IS NO SUCH WORD!!!!! The proper term is "athletic ability..." use it.
Gee, I wonder what set me off like THAT?