The BBC are woeful in their lack of permitted feedback and debate. Cherry picked stories are allowed and comments which are heavily moderated with a Stalinist zeal may get through. Even then the "boards" do not operate in away that allows debate; single comments with an editor making "picks" which seldom coincide with the "top-rated" and many comments censored, although that is called, moderated at miniBeeb in post-1984, Oceania. No debate, no questions. I can understand the BBC do not want to have their reputation damaged by all-out warfare on message boards but the current system is very poor. I am from Scotland, I have never seen a single story that was open to comments of any kind, never mind debate. It's lamentable and when you think about it, the BBC sorta has bigger scandals to worry about than someone calling David Cameron a cocksnuffling wanker on a message board.