Is CNN fake news?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is CNN fake news?
251 answers:
2017-01-12 20:01:32 UTC
CNN is fake and while they are allowed to say things in a certain way. Its all about semantics. However CNN really sold out the past 10 years. Media and journalism use to keep us informed. Doesn't it bother you if your news source it way to biased. The didnt show the right numbers for Hillary and trump during election. Although they couldn't anticipate the silent majority. Clearly people were tired of left wings
2017-01-12 15:53:41 UTC
Pretty much. For at least 2 decades they have become nothing but an agency working for the Democratic party. Half the time they don't even know what they are talking about. Half the time they never have even close the information that is truthful but throws stories out there. Their ratings have suffered but they will still be on the air as long as advertisers get their money from commercials. The contributors on the station hardly have any credibility and nothing but "look at me I'm on tv" people with biased and untruthful facts. This is pretty much what MSNBC does on a regular basis but CNN seems to be clueless what they are even doing anymore. Even Wolf Blitzer, one of the only few people that is from planet Earth, much less the United States has turned into a mindless zombie.
2017-01-12 00:56:01 UTC
No. CNN, while biased, isn't fake news. A good example of fake news is this website I just found.

You can tell by just reading one of their headlines. "BREAKING: Charges Filed Against Meryl Streep For Soliciting Violence After Kids Throw Rocks At Trump" There's people who actually believe this SHlT.
2017-01-13 15:21:43 UTC
Pretty much all mainstream media is fake, bias and false. CNN is liberally biased and Fox News is more conservative bias. I can't think of a single news channel or newspaper that is not bias or at least balanced. I have to say though, I cannot for the life of me stand CNN. They are so bias of their reports and sometimes can't even get their facts straight.
2017-01-12 17:52:43 UTC
freedom of the media ,it allow them to published any news base on story (true or scam) .A news is true when be fully investigated and then result be inform to the public depend on approval by the NSA and government .Publishing any BS or man made story as a fact to the public is just create a public panic and tensions that may be on the purpose and favour of the particular person/persons .Posting any video or article and make a story out of it in today news is just to fill the TV program and increase the rate of watching ,which may result crises and even clashes with a messy outcomes .Personal idea of the TV host or show is not interest of the nation and when they go front of the camera they are obligated to the many protocols include national security and bridge in information that are top secrete or confidentiality .freedom of speech and leaking or bridging information are two different topics .People have right to know the truth ,but publishing the truth must be based on many facts .The national security of a nation is a high demand for government and news media are under this obligation .They are not allow to published any news unless is not investigated by authority .a news can cause civil war , divide a nation and result war or riot ,which disturb the control and public safety .All media are thinking is to make more money out of even rubbish news ,such as celebrity messy divorces or shity naked selfies or even private conversation of the president in his own peace .So news are not news until authority release it into the media for public information . For example : when NASA is release a news ,you will hear or see the source of the news that is NASA official or when government is release a news you will see or hear the speaker of the white house will tell that information front of the camera or president or other officials will speak it out .Otherwise news are just BS that has been collected from unreliable sources that may be fake or scam .
2017-01-13 21:13:15 UTC
CNN is NOT fake. They are BIASED.

There is a huge difference. They only report on the negative issues and flaws of the republican party. Fox News does the same with the democratic party as well. However, Fox News and Breitbart have been caught spreading fake news before. So this isn't a new concern, regarding dishonesty within news networks.
2017-01-12 00:47:48 UTC
I wouldn't say everything CNN broadcasts is "fake" news. But pretty much anything involving politics or black lives matter is horribly biased.
2017-01-12 20:34:58 UTC
They certainly do a lot of shady things. For example, they got caught giving the debate questions to Hillary before the debates in order to help her out. They pretend like they re impartial, but they clearly work for just one party.
2017-01-12 19:15:16 UTC
cnn = the democrat party
2017-01-12 08:09:09 UTC
not fake but very biased toward dumbocrats
2017-01-17 16:44:54 UTC
All news of fake and here's why: ever heard the old English saying, "No News is Good News". Exactly so. What the media does is to take a story and blow it up into a massive event when in reality it's just another poor darling who got run over by a speeding car. Yes it's news, but not big news. "Wham, speeding driver high as a kite on drugs raced through town in the dead of night. Thankfully, this evil monster, was only able to kill one person, an unemployed down and out person of no fixed address - blah! You've probably read and heard such.

So, what really happened?

A guy in his 20s who had been sleeping rough on the streets at night fell off the pavement (sidewalk) into the path of a carefully driven car by a local preacher. . . .well you know the rest.

I read about twenty (20) online newspapers daily - I say read, but what I mean is I look at their online links and try hard not to actually read too much of the crap they publish. A while back I found this - a way of seeing and reading the real news.

So, if you are totally fed up with the crap news on the TV in the papers and etc., you can now escape to where you can read stories without blowing your head off with the neighbors shotgun.
2017-01-14 18:10:10 UTC
CNN sets the standard for Fake News. I first commend them for being the first network to provide around-the-clock reporting when they came into existence. Expectation of a constant information flow is now expected, and CNN helped with that. However, they went off the rails with bias a while ago. Not just slathering praise for id!otic leftist policies and personalities, but also bias by omission. Last summer when Wikileak was dumping voluminous Podesta e-mails, absolute factual truth which coincidentally reflected poorly on Hillary, they completely ignored it and reported on something goofy instead.

Then they crossed the line. They were formerly propagandists masquerading as journalists, more devoted to influencing a target audience than objectively reporting facts. Then CNN Donna Brazile got busted feeding the Hillary campaign debate questions to screw Bernie. Then they picked up this completely fabricated 30-page “dossier” of complete lies and fabrications which THEY KNEW were unverified after many had tried. That is fake news defined. CNN shamelessly spews worse gossip than a sorority lunch table.

Plus I cannot stand their business model of bitter hags and homosexuals lecturing me. Candy Crowley? Christiane Amanpour the jihadi sympathizer? I cannot bear to look at them. I am reminded how much I dislike CNN everytime I’m in an airport, and I frequently write the airport management urging them to change the channel. Let’s get some FOX news conservatives babes with brains going! Jeff Zucker is a lying Sack of scheisse.
2017-01-22 03:45:09 UTC
Even if it is fake news, CNN is better than Fox News which is fake news. CNN is biased but are not a fake news station
2017-01-14 00:39:26 UTC
CNN occasionally dabbles in fake news. The most common way CNN engages in fake news is by cherry-picking in order to create an inaccurate perception of reality. For example, CNN might disproportionately report on crimes committed by one race while under-representing crimes committed by another. They are concerned about appearing like a legitimate news, so they very rarely will tell outright lies. It's more about selective coverage.
2017-01-14 16:46:06 UTC
freedom of the media ,it allow them to published any news base on story (true or scam) .A news is true when be fully investigated and then result be inform to the public depend on approval by the NSA and government .Publishing any BS or man made story as a fact to the public is just create a public panic and tensions that may be on the purpose and favour of the particular person/persons .Posting any video or article and make a story out of it in today news is just to fill the TV program and increase the rate of watching ,which may result crises and even clashes with a messy outcomes .Personal idea of the TV host or show is not interest of the nation and when they go front of the camera they are obligated to the many protocols include national security and bridge in information that are top secrete or confidentiality .freedom of speech and leaking or bridging information are two different topics .People have right to know the truth ,but publishing the truth must be based on many facts .The national security of a nation is a high demand for government and news media are under this obligation .They are not allow to published any news unless is not investigated by authority .a news can cause civil war , divide a nation and result war or riot ,which disturb the control and public safety .All media are thinking is to make more money out of even rubbish news ,such as celebrity messy divorces or shity naked selfies or even private conversation of the president in his own peace .So news are not news until authority release it into the media for public information . For example : when NASA is release a news ,you will hear or see the source of the news that is NASA official or when government is release a news you will see or hear the speaker of the white house will tell that information front of the camera or president or other officials will speak it out .Otherwise news are just BS that has been collected from unreliable sources that may be fake or scam .
2017-01-13 16:20:13 UTC
YES!!! The BLM riots and the silly, snowflake movement on campus wouldn't have happened if it weren't for them and other major news outlets. Take note how shooting blacks is no longer an issue and it isn't because it stopped. CNN"s days in the sun are over. They were rated dead LAST in a Rasmussen poll in trust worthy news. I used to watch it when I smoked pot everyday but since I got sober, I cannot watch any mainstream media and get all of my on the internet.

And what about the race problem in CA between blacks and Mexicans and Somali and blacks in MN? None of the media outlets report on this but if someone finally does, CNN will be the last.
2017-01-13 03:28:48 UTC
Well, if CNN was to make up there news they would be considered fake news, however some of there news could be true, but still considered fake.
2017-01-13 06:14:06 UTC
A lot of people are throwing around this term - "fake news" very loosely these days. Here's the deal. CNN reports real news during their 24 hour a day news cycle. But there are shows with opinion pieces just like Fox, MSN and other cable news networks. There are slants to all of the differing news orgs based on who writes the piece. But just like today- Obama gave Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom- Well this is real news. And all of the stations are reporting it. What is not news is when we get opinion piece style shows like O'Reilly with talking heads who shout at each other and voice their opinions. This is news-entertainment more than true journalism. There are stories that break sometimes without authentication and they will feature tag lines like "unverified reports" or something along those lines- Similar to the thing Trump is up in arms about right now that CNN ran... Often it is more about trying to increase ad revenue and the more sensational these stories are the more attention they get even if they are based in half truth or no truth at all. So is CNN fake news? Well do they occasionally break stories that are based on unverified reports but perhaps come from sources that might have been reputable in the past? Yes they do. As do most cable news networks. But more often than not- They run headlines based on factual stories that are circulating. If you want evidence of "real news" try to find sync in the stories that are running- Are they on multiple sources and all saying basically the same stuff? It is likely based in fact. NPR is a fairly reliable source with an occasional liberal bias- But that being said they do a decent job of sticking to the facts in reporting what is happening in the world. And the beauty of news is that you can use critical thinking and check multiple sources to see what jives and what doesn't. A good rule of thumb is to not trust your Facebook feed for your news. Use Facebook and Twitter for social contact. Use actual news sources for news. And for the love of God don't take anyone's word for anything that you aren't willing to check yourself and verify- Especially people who come at you with extreme sounding nonsense that they swear up and down is real because their cousin told them who heard it from a guy named Alex Jones...
2017-01-13 04:02:54 UTC
Conterfeit News Network
2017-01-14 06:14:59 UTC
That's is not a differenace a lie is a lie is a lie.

do you see the pattern? 3 3 3

Lieing is lieing, is lieing. Tell the truth is harder so must like to cover it up make it easier for .. not the viewers but themselves to believe and hear. If they like it you will.. right? right.

CNN, ABC, it doesn't matter who it is; it's the fact that there are people out there willing to do whatever it takes to destroy a person, someone or thing. Or to get what they want. It's wrong yes, so then is what they stand for right?; are their morals your morals? NO.

So how can you believe someone with such hatred for their fellow man?
2017-01-14 03:54:52 UTC
I think a better differential is "False News" so the real question is, Is it news if it's false? I say better no information than misinformation. So I would say if you are a NEWS COMPANY and you knowingly report false information simply for ratings than you are like the WWE... More like "News Entertainment." but not real news, in the same way that pro wrestling is not a real sport because it's closer to being a script. Personally I like my truth served across the board and with no reservations. The LEAST CNN and Buzzfeed could do is recant the story and admit they fu@#ed up.
Weasel McWeasel
2017-01-12 20:15:21 UTC
Trump called Obama a Kenyan for years. Did it make it TRUE? NOPE.

he *claimed* CNN ran with the story, about the allegations contained in the fake news,.

That *claim* is itself FAKE news, and CNN never ONCE mentioned the details of that fake report.

Mentioned NOTHING about the allegations or the details..........and were reporting on the BRIEFING he received, and what if, anything was shared with him at that briefing.

CNN posted an ON AIR challenge for him to NAME the segment where they repeated any of the details in the fake report.

He can't. What he did to the CNN reporter at the press conference, was CNN isn't guilty of what TRUMP *believes* they are guilty of.

He make a wild Azz assumption, and then charged them GUILTY of doing something.............that they NEVER did.

naturally, cons ate up the FAKE NEWS about CNN being guilty.....and repeated it AD NASEUM here Yesterday.

So prove the a the newscaster who mentioned Golden showers and hookers? DO IT.---------------Post it here.

They can't.............because it never happened.

Trump made a false,. ill -informed allegation and now firmly beleives CNN is "out to get him".

He's wrong........and can't PROVE his allegation
2017-01-13 06:25:11 UTC
CNN is fake news, there is even video footage of a reporter telling the voters what to say. I watch fox news.
2017-01-13 16:38:47 UTC
CNN is like a YouTuber who titles their videos to seem more appealing than the actual video which people call click bait, meaning CNN will report on anything true or false if it seems to get people to tune in. If CNN continues to do so i don't see a bright future for them.
2017-01-12 23:51:54 UTC
The Clinton News Network consistently reports unproven facts, takes things out of context to be against Republicans, lies to the public about the line between Republicans' opinions and Democrats' opinions, purposely conceals things from the public that they don't want you to know (because then maybe you'll vote based on real information, taking away their control of our elections), praises Democrats and insults Republicans on the basis of lies, opinions with no supporting facts, and biases polls.

Fake news reports on made up or unproven things to make major headlines that support their interests, using some "facts" (which often are untrue), or hardly using any.

I'm seeing some similarities....
2017-01-13 05:44:58 UTC
Everybody on earth commits mistakes. If CNN was wrong in their news, it will turn out to be fake but it should be evaluated if it was done as an honest mistake or intentional.
2017-01-13 21:57:17 UTC
No CNN Is Absolutely NOT Fake News just because a racist bigot and his proven army of +200k Russian trolls say so.

Use your brain
2017-01-14 04:37:49 UTC
If you're a Democrat, CNN isn't fake news. If you're a Republican, it's fake news. Pure and simple.
2017-01-15 12:55:32 UTC
I was a pretty faithful CNN viewer up until this last election. I mean, how they're still on the air is beyond me. They obviously push an agenda that real world America doesn't agree with.
2017-01-12 03:06:49 UTC
All corporate news is fake news, including CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Time, the Times, WSJ, Washington Post, etc. These are all corporate members of the CFR.
2017-01-13 02:10:15 UTC
Is CNN fake news? No. Is it biased left leaning anti USA retoric which I have lost the ability to tolerate years ago? Absolutely!
2017-01-16 06:45:18 UTC
some of cnn news are fake but most of them are real.
2017-01-13 14:36:29 UTC
Basically all the big major news networks incorporate fake news, lies, and propaganda, in order to sustain the status quo and reputation of the corporate oligarchy, I generally listen to Russia Today to get the real low down on what's happening in the west, although I wouldn't trust it on coverage of Russian news. I'm both sad and happy that Abby Martin got out of their, I used to love her reporting, but like any super money making corporation RT was corrupt as well.
2017-01-13 14:56:36 UTC
Yes! And Fox and Breitbart tell only the truth.......Bwhahahahahahahahaha!!!

Cry baby birther Trump needs grow a pair of shoulders, and stop reacting to every like story about himself like a spoiled petulant child!!! Take a leaf out of his predecessors book, if it is false, then just ignore it, and get on with the damn job!

Funny how this jerk was okay going on his months long tirade about President Obama's birth place not being born in the US, a fact that even his son in law said that Trump knew was false!!!

So screw all you idiots parroting this clown! The most unpopular president elect ever is going to get the same treatment and disrespect he gave the sitting president, or as the saying goes "what goes around, comes around" and boy he had better believe it!!!
2017-01-12 19:42:30 UTC
No, the CNN is very much real. Take everything that they say as a legitiment sorce cause that information that they give you might jst one day save your life like they did for me. one day when i was just a lad my fther flipped on the news and it said the world is coming to an end and sure enough, when i looked outside, my dog was flattened on the group. Hope this helped! R.I.P. Sausage
2017-01-14 11:23:20 UTC
Yes! Many of the news in CNN aren't correct and disort reality
2017-01-14 18:40:43 UTC
All news is fake news. They're just a bunch of idiots talking about things they know nothing about and acting like they're experts on the subject. Everything they say is based on biased opinions and stereotypes. They only tell you what you expect to / want to hear. They brand cops as evil, brand video games as the cause of all violent crime, etc.
2017-01-14 03:20:04 UTC
CNN along with the major media players have always been serving the interests of the wealthy. They have the power to marginalize, demonize and spread rumours and slander anyone that threatens their wealth and to act as the propaganda arm of the establishment. So CNN is certainly not alone in that regard.
2017-01-12 00:58:36 UTC
No, Donald Trump's remarks and Twitter feed seem to be more "fake news" than even Yahoo Answers, (that's scary).
2017-01-12 18:15:37 UTC
Is fake news the same as censored news, its not fake just bias in what they print, take 9-11 for eg.

Fox is just a little more real but again controlled by the same puppetmasters. 6 or half dozen is the same.
2017-01-12 17:31:56 UTC
Seems like most of the mainstream media is fake. I mean just look at how they reported the Iraq war. Who do you trust these days? John Pilger does a pretty good job exposing modern news networks. Google "the war you don't see" and see what up.
2017-01-13 08:24:08 UTC
CNN is a globalist propaganda news network. They'll say or lie about ANYTHING to persuade their viewers. They're a very manipulative and sketchy network. They'll lie about the simplest of things. CNN is just awful.
2017-01-14 20:37:18 UTC
Define fake. They are certainly very biased. But most media outlets are. CNN just happens to enjoy being the best and most blatant about it
2017-01-12 14:44:54 UTC
Sure is! CNN?

Communist News Network!

All these sensitive liberals are killing creativity and freedom of speech.

Grow some thicker skin to negativity.
2017-01-12 19:19:01 UTC
CNN is a reputable news agency and trumps refusal to answer questions from their reporters is stupid. It only shows how stupid he really is and that he can one attempt to control what people think through lies (much like Nazi Germany in the 1930's)
2017-01-13 20:38:19 UTC
CNN works for the Devil yes it's fake and they hate facts
Daniel Jenkins
2017-01-15 23:31:44 UTC
CNN passed the trump golden shower story as reality, yes they are fake news, not just biased.
2017-01-13 05:46:45 UTC
i don't know i don't watch it but i'll tell you theres lots of other places to get the news isn't there i mean if your watching CNN and are asking this questions makes me wonder do you think its real or do you think its fake

if you have any doubt about what there telling you just like i said do your own investigating watching other news programs and compare to come up with your own thoughts about it.
2017-01-16 07:46:24 UTC
yeah!!! the blm riots and the silly, snowflake movement on campus wouldn't have happened if it weren't for them and other major news outlets... take note how shooting blacks is no longer an issue and it isn't 'cause it stopped... cnn"s days in the sun are over... they were rated dead last in a rasmussen poll in trust worthy news... i used to watch it when i smoked pot everyday but since i got sober, i cannot watch any mainstream media and get all of my on the internet...

and what about the race problem in ca between blacks and mexicans and somali and blacks in mn? none of the media outlets report on this but if someone finally does, cnn shall be the last...
Smokies Hiker
2017-01-12 23:36:53 UTC
Pretty much "incorrect" news, and if that's the definition of "fake" news, then I guess CNN could be guilty of not making sure it is forwarding um-confirmed news to it's viewers.
2017-01-12 00:48:12 UTC
Of course not, Trump calling them "Fake news" is just Trump's acting like a spoiled Eight year old. Donald is like a Sith Lord, if you are not with me then you are against me. All hail Darth Trump.
2017-01-15 11:13:37 UTC
a lot of people are throwing around this term - "fake news" very loosely these days... here's the deal... cnn reports real news during their 24 hour a day news cycle... but there are shows with opinion pieces just like fox, msn and other cable news networks... there are slants to all of the differing news orgs based on who writes the piece... but just like today- obama gave biden the presidential medal of freedom- well this is real news... and all of the stations are reporting it... what is not news is when we get opinion piece style shows like o'reilly with talking heads who shout at each other and voice their opinions... this is news-entertainment more than true journalism... there are stories that break sometimes without authentication and they shall feature tag lines like "unverified reports" or something along those lines- similar to the thing trump is up in arms about right now that cnn ran......... often it is more about trying to increase ad revenue and the more sensational these stories are the more attention they get even if they are based in half truth or no truth at all... so is cnn fake news? well do they occasionally break stories that are based on unverified reports but perhaps come from sources that might have been reputable in the past? yeah they do... as do most cable news networks... but more often than not- they run headlines based on factual stories that are circulating... if you want evidence of "real news" try to find sync in the stories that are running- are they on multiple sources and all saying basically the same stuff? it is likely based in fact... npr is a fairly reliable source with an occasional liberal bias- but that being said they do a decent job of sticking to the facts in reporting what is happening in the world... and the beauty of news is that you can use critical thinking and check multiple sources to see what jives and what doesn't... a good rule of thumb is to not trust your facebook feed for your news... use facebook and twitter for social contact... use actual news sources for news... and for the love of god don't take anyone's word for anything that you aren't shalling to check yourself and verify- especially people who come at you with extreme sounding nonsense that they swear up and down is real 'cause their cousin told them who heard it from a guy named alex jones.........
2017-01-15 16:25:26 UTC
Of course. Cite No News
2017-01-13 18:48:11 UTC
Any news agency that promotes a fake story is fake news
2017-01-13 15:13:47 UTC
Yep it's fake news
2017-01-16 07:10:52 UTC
cnn is like a youtuber who titles their videos to seem more appealing than the actual video which people call click bait, meaning cnn shall report on anything true or false if it seems to get people to tune in... if cnn continues to do so i don't see a bright future for them...
2017-01-13 05:16:57 UTC
No. CNN needs no excuses. Unlike Trump

and his supporters before the popular vote

count in 2016 had begun.
2017-01-13 02:08:43 UTC
No I trust CNN. Trump is a jerk and a pig if someone says something disrespectful toward him he complains about it on twitter and call it fake news. Grow up trump
2017-01-12 14:01:33 UTC
It depends on your definition of "fake news." In the sense that much more has happened in 2014-2016 than Malaysian flight 370 going missing...Yes, it is very much fake news.
2017-01-16 10:14:27 UTC
Every news network is fake they exaggerate the stories so they attract attention then boom, there's an extra $100 or so on top of what they would really make if it was the full story
2017-01-14 00:05:34 UTC
You mean cliton network news.

Yes I will never trust cnn again.
2017-01-12 01:35:38 UTC
Damn right it is. CNN takes clearly bogus rumors about Trump and runs with them while repeatedly slandering Breitbart and its writers. It has earned its popular moniker "Clinton News Network" many times over.
2017-01-13 07:29:37 UTC
FAKE! Pretty much all news sources in Ameruca are fake.

Search moire reliable news sources.
2017-01-13 14:38:05 UTC
No, it's just news that favors the democrats. FOX news is the same thing except they favor the Republicans. Donald is just afraid of saying anything to CNN because he knows they might turn it against him.
2017-01-12 00:41:59 UTC
Nope, everything they reported yesterday was 100% true. They didn't report on anything contained in the documents, only that Obama and Trump received them.

If I'm wrong you are free to provide a clip of them spreading fake news and your evidence that it isn't true.
2017-01-12 22:14:57 UTC
CNN is real news.

The tweeting president-elect's blabbers are fake news.
2017-01-12 00:43:07 UTC
Of course not. Of all the cable news channels, CNN is the most objective and unbiased.

Trump does not like them because they are exposing Trump as a person who is too unstable and inexperienced to be president.

You will note that he insults EVERYBODY who criticizes him.
2017-01-14 01:58:13 UTC
2017-01-13 03:44:46 UTC
No not never CNN is not fake nor will be as every news broadcast has its own prestige and critical claim. No matter how truth they do their best to give news here or there people find some spot to ditched them whether it's BBC or discovery or CNN so CNN is the best news for whole world to watch as it broadcast and reveal truth for all worlds forget about some spot which had break a little pimple in urs as it made them more strong news maker ..and truth are always there 99.9 percent perhaps but it's people choose to look and .9 if they like
2017-01-15 17:15:02 UTC
if CNN exposes bitter truth then it is accused of fake news . if there is so much comment it can not be fake news .
2017-01-13 03:25:52 UTC
Yes it is, it does not look at sources when reporting and does not care if the news is real or fake. Take the latest news of hookers pissing on Trump, they knew the story was fake, and they reported on it anyway.
2017-01-13 06:42:42 UTC
Not "fake" news. Just politically biased (Liberal), such like how Fox News is not "fake". Again, just politically biased (Conservative). Calling either "fake" is a personal opinion based out of frustration of the other Partys views, or how that news company does their news.
2017-01-16 20:35:55 UTC
2017-01-12 17:47:53 UTC
I watch CNN everyday and it's based on reality.
2017-01-13 22:01:29 UTC
2017-01-19 19:15:20 UTC
no... cnn, while biased, isn't fake news... a good example of fake news is this website i just found...

you can tell by just reading one of their headlines... "breaking: charges filed against meryl streep for soliciting violence after kids throw rocks at trump" there's people who actually believe this shlt...
betito 17
2017-01-15 19:56:12 UTC
2017-01-13 11:48:36 UTC
yes indeed cnn is actualy FAKE news why you might ask well the answer is illuminati! illuminati controlls everything and you should know that now illuminati has existed for a long time they is responsible for the death of michael jackson yes it was illuminati and perhaps my herpies has something to do whit illumitati to but we will never know...
2017-01-13 15:28:42 UTC
Not even fake news, it's fake fake news. They outsource all their lack of journalism.
2017-01-13 01:06:16 UTC
2017-01-12 13:32:49 UTC
Is CNN fake news?

LOL > ALL MEDIA ( CNN, MSN. BBC, FOX ... ) is FAKE NEWS interested in ratings , money & more stupid followers !
2017-01-13 16:01:51 UTC
2017-01-12 06:00:46 UTC
CNN is world wide network service provider, and obviously it gives the right news.
2017-01-13 05:35:38 UTC
2017-01-13 04:07:13 UTC
2017-01-13 22:48:17 UTC
I hope trump revokes CNN's press pass and gives it to Alex Jones instead!
2017-01-15 15:21:08 UTC
2017-01-14 09:37:19 UTC
All mainstream anything is Propaganda! Come on dude. You should know better. They are all fake to make you think a certain way never trust anything on your tv. Always ask question always research never shut up. Silence Kills!
2017-01-12 23:56:43 UTC
Yes, and i am so happy my president bashed them last night for the people that they are. These guys are liars.

Oh, and if some people say Trump is a crybaby cuz everytime someone attacks him, he attacks them back. Well, I'd just like to say how would you like it if someone kept telling lies about you and could possibly ruin your life? Would you just stand there and say nothing like a little pussy *** *****. NO! You wouldn't. Trump is fed up with their bullshit. And it's about time he exposes them for what they are which is a bunch of liars. LiARS!! LIARS!!!!!!!!!!!
The Loner
2017-01-12 22:08:14 UTC
Magic 8 Ball
2017-01-13 10:10:44 UTC
You mean the Clinton News Network? Yeah, I think so. Fake as f*ck.
2017-01-13 15:40:20 UTC
It's exaggerated
2017-01-12 00:43:15 UTC
No, but Trump is a fake president-elect put into place by the Russians.
2017-01-13 05:32:40 UTC
Yes it's fake but I believe everything they're saying.
2017-01-16 08:15:55 UTC
be careful as triple j austrlia and others have no overide streaming in place channel 9 wants people to be locked away for doing good .this world is being run on addiction not on the almighty dollars addiction doesnt give babies health .gambling is not my game but be careful.alcohol is another danger .i am not saying dont have fun but taxes home budjet food and nappies come first before the gambling and is to good to not take and socialize children and adults.never touch porno as it makes people sick.
Linda R
2017-01-13 22:27:33 UTC
People need to remember this; for the last 8-years - Obama has controlled ALL American media forced them to tell lies only. Now we have a TRUTHFUL president and it's going to take people a while to stop lying and to tell the truth again.
2017-01-22 09:28:58 UTC
Some of it is fake, but people need to stop using the term "fake news" and simply call it lies.

Lies are still lies, no matter how you try to polish them.
Julie Rosh
2017-01-15 00:11:10 UTC
CNN they basically just get the most juicest gossip they can get to put on the news so yeah...
2017-01-15 09:06:39 UTC
Maybe not "Fake", but certainly not "Centrist". CNN is so far left of center it's amazing they haven't fallen off the screen yet.
2017-01-12 16:13:33 UTC
Probably. But it is way less fake then the bottom feeders called fox news
2017-01-13 14:54:34 UTC
No- you're thinking of Fox News.
2017-01-13 06:05:49 UTC
Yes. They propagate Democratic views. They're just as bad as FOX News, who also treat their own people like **** and feed people garbage news
2017-01-14 15:08:28 UTC
no , CNN is a world top level news broadcaster
pH of 7
2017-01-12 19:26:25 UTC
Sometimes it is outright fake news. That is not the usual. Mostly it is just terribly leftist biased news-like.
2017-01-13 20:28:44 UTC
Ain't fake. Biased maybe, but isn't fake
2017-01-14 00:43:28 UTC
No. Trump needs to stop attacking and realize that interacting with the media is apart of being the President of the United States.
2017-01-12 19:23:52 UTC
i work at cnn and i can confirm that all our news is 100% reall from real sources with real people
2017-01-13 01:38:41 UTC
All news is fake.
2017-01-17 05:23:27 UTC
CNN Is NOT "Fake" It IS biased, as are Fox, ABC, and CBS.
2017-01-12 23:02:03 UTC
No. Don't listen to Donald Dump
2017-01-12 21:28:22 UTC
Fake or not, what they do have is an agenda: to do whatever it takes to delegitimize, discredit and take down the next president of the US Donald Trump.
2017-01-14 02:51:50 UTC
Everything in life is fake or biased or misleading. not only news but commercials on TV . half truths.

stores mislead consumers every day. caveat emptor
2017-01-12 00:42:52 UTC
CNN has made a joke out of itself.

Their credibility is nil.
2017-01-13 04:42:08 UTC
It's always been Crap News Network, just as the competitor has always been F'cked in the Head News.
2017-01-16 16:42:11 UTC
trump called obama a kenyan for years... did it make it true? nope...

he *claimed* cnn ran with the story, about the allegations contained in the fake news,...

that *claim* is itself fake news, and cnn never once mentioned the details of that fake report...

mentioned nothing about the allegations or the details..............................and were reporting on the briefing he received, and what if, anything was shared with him at that briefing...

cnn posted an on air challenge for him to name the segment where they repeated any of the details in the fake report...

he for the life of me cannot... what he did to the cnn reporter at the press conference, was cnn isn't guilty of what trump *believes* they are guilty of...

he make a wild azz assumption, and then charged them guilty of doing something.......................................that they never did...

naturally, cons ate up the fake news about cnn being guilty...............and repeated it ad naseum here yeahterday...

so prove the a the newscaster who mentioned golden showers and hookers? do it...---------------post it here...

they for the life of me cannot.......................................'cause it never happened...

trump made a false,... ill -informed allegation and now firmly beleives cnn is "out to get him"...

he's wrong........................and for the life of me cannot prove his allegation
2017-01-13 04:23:10 UTC
neither CNN or Fox on the other news side is fake they totally blow it sometimes...ya
2017-01-13 23:33:27 UTC
Trump is a fake president.
2017-01-12 00:43:01 UTC
No, they just spew the garbage the Clinton Snowflakes tell 'em to.

The fake is in who's behind telling them crap and who's stupid enough to believe it.
2017-01-14 23:22:51 UTC
Ahh film theory watcher. But it depends on the news just do some research on other sites
2017-01-13 21:41:15 UTC
Biased AF
2017-01-12 18:15:45 UTC
If not fully fake, then VERY one sided and biased. They are bought and paid for by and for the Dems and Libs.
2017-01-13 23:06:30 UTC
Some what but it's a yes /no type of thing
2017-01-14 01:43:26 UTC
What isn't fake news?
2017-01-13 08:52:06 UTC
Yes along with the other main stream media news networks.
2017-01-14 15:14:40 UTC
Well, they are super biased. They will only show you one side of a story. They have been known to use actors in order to get "good" news.
2017-01-13 05:01:10 UTC
no but breightbart is fake news for sure.
2017-01-13 20:27:10 UTC
I don,t watch any news . Too many cover up. Their are limit to say or show it. Government control all radio and cable rules. Its sucks .
2017-01-13 23:23:22 UTC
No, they are not fake, but they're biased, as are all news channels.
2017-04-24 14:16:36 UTC
i think a better differential is "false news" so the real question is, is it news if it's false? i say better no information than misinformation... so i would say if you are a news company and you knowingly report false information simply for ratings than you are like the wwe......... more like "news entertainment..." but not real news, in the same way that pro wrestling is not a real sport 'cause it's closer to being a script... personally i like my truth served across the board and with no reservations... the least cnn and buzzfeed could do is recant the story and admit they fu@#ed up...
2017-03-30 20:23:42 UTC
no... cnn, while biased, isn't fake news... a good example of fake news is this website i just found...

you can tell by just reading one of their headlines... "breaking: charges filed against meryl streep for soliciting violence after kids throw rocks at trump" there's people who actually believe this shlt...
2017-03-30 13:43:35 UTC
well, if cnn was to make up there news they would be considered fake news, however some of there news could be true, but still considered fake...
2017-01-29 13:14:27 UTC
trump called obama a kenyan for years... did it make it true? nope...

he *claimed* cnn ran with the story, about the allegations contained in the fake news,...

that *claim* is itself fake news, and cnn never once mentioned the details of that fake report...

mentioned nothing about the allegations or the details..............................and were reporting on the briefing he received, and what if, anything was shared with him at that briefing...

cnn posted an on air challenge for him to name the segment where they repeated any of the details in the fake report...

he for the life of me cannot... what he did to the cnn reporter at the press conference, was cnn isn't guilty of what trump *believes* they are guilty of...

he make a wild azz assumption, and then charged them guilty of doing something.......................................that they never did...

naturally, cons ate up the fake news about cnn being guilty...............and repeated it ad naseum here yeahterday...

so prove the a the newscaster who mentioned golden showers and hookers? do it...---------------post it here...

they for the life of me cannot.......................................'cause it never happened...

trump made a false,... ill -informed allegation and now firmly beleives cnn is "out to get him"...

he's wrong........................and for the life of me cannot prove his allegation
2017-04-14 18:49:43 UTC
conterfeit news network
2017-02-11 06:02:22 UTC
trump called obama a kenyan for years... did it make it true? nope...

he *claimed* cnn ran with the story, about the allegations contained in the fake news,...

that *claim* is itself fake news, and cnn never once mentioned the details of that fake report...

mentioned nothing about the allegations or the details..............................and were reporting on the briefing he received, and what if, anything was shared with him at that briefing...

cnn posted an on air challenge for him to name the segment where they repeated any of the details in the fake report...

he for the life of me cannot... what he did to the cnn reporter at the press conference, was cnn isn't guilty of what trump *believes* they are guilty of...

he make a wild azz assumption, and then charged them guilty of doing something.......................................that they never did...

naturally, cons ate up the fake news about cnn being guilty...............and repeated it ad naseum here yeahterday...

so prove the a the newscaster who mentioned golden showers and hookers? do it...---------------post it here...

they for the life of me cannot.......................................'cause it never happened...

trump made a false,... ill -informed allegation and now firmly beleives cnn is "out to get him"...

he's wrong........................and for the life of me cannot prove his allegation
2017-01-30 07:35:02 UTC
yeah!!! the blm riots and the silly, snowflake movement on campus wouldn't have happened if it weren't for them and other major news outlets... take note how shooting blacks is no longer an issue and it isn't 'cause it stopped... cnn"s days in the sun are over... they were rated dead last in a rasmussen poll in trust worthy news... i used to watch it when i smoked pot everyday but since i got sober, i cannot watch any mainstream media and get all of my on the internet...

and what about the race problem in ca between blacks and mexicans and somali and blacks in mn? none of the media outlets report on this but if someone finally does, cnn shall be the last...
2017-01-24 10:31:43 UTC
yeah!!! the blm riots and the silly, snowflake movement on campus wouldn't have happened if it weren't for them and other major news outlets... take note how shooting blacks is no longer an issue and it isn't 'cause it stopped... cnn"s days in the sun are over... they were rated dead last in a rasmussen poll in trust worthy news... i used to watch it when i smoked pot everyday but since i got sober, i cannot watch any mainstream media and get all of my on the internet...

and what about the race problem in ca between blacks and mexicans and somali and blacks in mn? none of the media outlets report on this but if someone finally does, cnn shall be the last...
2017-01-24 10:04:26 UTC
Is CNN fake news?...No for sure. Those people who work there are all trying their best to be a part of a countries best interest. When there is competition it is only normal one will be on top and the other will be on the bottom.

some will tell you story and you can ride on it, like this:

CNN is NOT fake. They are BIASED.

There is a huge difference. They only report on the negative issues and flaws of the republican party. Fox News does the same with the democratic party as well. However, Fox News and Breitbart have been caught spreading fake news before. So this isn't a new concern, regarding dishonesty within news networks.
2017-01-24 00:17:39 UTC
CNN's entire broadcast team is filled with idiots who never criticize any supposed expert about their bull **** stories.
2017-01-13 06:33:13 UTC
I don't know now. After Anderson Cooper, I'll certainly be suspect of them.
2017-01-18 16:38:20 UTC
The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step ~ Proverbs 14:15
2017-01-14 20:57:04 UTC
Yes it lies about military all the time as does most main stream media. Nobody investigates before publishing anymore.
2017-01-12 00:47:05 UTC
If you don't pay attention to Clinton News Network, you're uninformed. If you do pay attention, you're misinformed.
2017-01-13 22:50:24 UTC
8 years of Barack Obama gave us Trump.
2017-01-14 02:47:25 UTC
2017-01-13 15:15:17 UTC
They don't call it Communist News Network for nuttin!
2017-01-13 02:42:01 UTC
2017-01-13 00:51:57 UTC
Isn't all news fake?
2017-01-15 20:38:02 UTC
2017-01-13 05:07:01 UTC
2017-01-15 18:23:41 UTC
Yes, is has a strong left wing bias and slants all of its "news" to suit that bias. Some is outright lies.
Someone random
2017-01-14 06:57:39 UTC
Definitely! Infowars and Alex Jones are the most accurate news sources on the internet....
2017-01-12 00:43:07 UTC

Let's make a comparison. Fox News's Sean Hannity has been caught lying four times, now, that I saw. I watch Fox News somewhat regularly. I've NEVER seen them provide proof the CNN lied about anything.

Asker says, in comments, that it's ok for Sean Hannity to lie. Look at how unbelievably stupid Republicans are, below.
2017-01-13 04:46:21 UTC
Yes! Always fighting for their special interests and corporate donors who are trying to shove their libtard agenda up our a**es!!
2017-01-14 01:28:54 UTC
They're negative
2017-01-18 00:38:04 UTC
HOw can it be fake when all channels report the same headlines
2017-01-12 23:53:23 UTC
No such thing as "Fake News", that would be like dry water 💧, or honest politician 👲.

2017-01-13 13:54:28 UTC
2017-01-12 00:42:21 UTC
Is Donald Trump the most honest person in the world?

Same answer.
ron h
2017-01-13 00:16:46 UTC
Are you suggesting that DT lies and tries to redirect questions to something he's made up?
2017-01-13 04:05:31 UTC
cnn is actually the best news.
2017-01-13 03:44:31 UTC
Very biased and fake.
2017-01-12 00:47:31 UTC
the only "fake" part is how it presents itself as a "news" organization while it is, in reality, simply a for-profit seller of audience affirmation...

...this has been true of most other "news" outlets as well...including FOX...since the formation of the mega-media corporations in the 1990s..

for example... did you know that CNN International in Europe and Asia has consistently broadcast editorial content critical of American foreign policy for the last 8 years? A couple years back a CNN "journalist" called American airstrikes in Syria "reprehensible" during a NEWS segment....

when was the last time you heard that kind of tone coming from the Atlanta or DC studios?

now many will say that's not "fake"'s just good "business sense" because they are presenting what their target audience wants...

right...... and isn't THAT a problem?
The Patriot
2017-01-13 16:21:33 UTC
they are investigators of fake news.
2017-01-12 01:03:51 UTC
Yes. It's hate propaganda.
2017-01-12 00:41:29 UTC
Nick N. Ame
2017-01-14 21:33:01 UTC
In the presents of Fox News you can ask this question !!?
2017-01-16 01:46:39 UTC
2017-01-16 23:40:11 UTC
The majority of channel news are.
2017-01-13 21:50:54 UTC
most news stories are exaggerated for publicity purposes but the site itself is real
2017-01-14 06:33:34 UTC
2017-01-13 07:16:42 UTC
Yep pretty much
2017-01-13 08:38:19 UTC
Its crap news as I always called it the Clinton News Network..........long before Hillary ran for her FAILED campaign!!!!
2017-01-16 00:10:54 UTC
They choose which news to give you,
stan c
2017-01-15 21:55:36 UTC
Almost all of the news now is biased. sensationalism sells ads.
2017-01-12 00:41:35 UTC
No, it's not.
2017-01-18 13:56:48 UTC
75% yes
2017-01-14 00:40:25 UTC
2017-01-13 23:38:44 UTC
Is their any unbiased, legitimate news network up their?
2017-01-13 20:18:21 UTC
Mir Quasem
2017-01-13 04:46:54 UTC
No. It has world wide acceptability.
2017-01-13 22:30:08 UTC
Never heard of it
2017-01-12 04:42:43 UTC
ahhh, NO, it leans slightly to the left of the middle, not as much as claimed especially by our childish new President.
2017-01-13 02:33:31 UTC
Well if it is, we would always watch it at school back in elementary lol
2017-01-13 00:17:53 UTC
They are almost done,and closing shop
Jan C
2017-01-13 03:14:41 UTC
Not all the time.
2017-01-13 18:38:48 UTC
2017-01-12 23:55:23 UTC
2017-01-14 15:35:17 UTC
i came accross a youtube vid revealing the possibility
2017-01-12 00:46:08 UTC
Yes, so is Fox
2017-01-13 23:24:59 UTC
It's tilted the same amount that FOXNEWS is,.. just in the other direction.
Tad Dubious
2017-01-12 20:34:20 UTC
Nah. Mosly nah, pretty much.
You Know . . .
2017-01-13 22:47:41 UTC
Believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see.
2017-01-14 13:17:20 UTC
2017-01-12 23:52:51 UTC
Nope. Sir...
2017-01-13 16:31:07 UTC
Yes along with MSNBC and all the other liberal propaganda stations
2017-01-15 05:23:46 UTC
I would kind a say yes?
2017-01-13 04:27:03 UTC
Sort of
2017-01-15 02:42:15 UTC
That really depends on what they report.
2017-01-13 06:04:03 UTC
Pretty much
2017-01-12 00:41:52 UTC
fake would be an improvement !!
2017-01-13 23:49:07 UTC
Seems like it.
2017-01-12 10:15:14 UTC
The stuff they talk about really happened
broken princess
2017-01-13 18:37:45 UTC
Nothing that has been found can prove it is
2017-01-13 15:15:05 UTC
I don't know.
2017-01-15 14:36:04 UTC
Why do the birds keep on singing?
2017-01-14 03:27:41 UTC
They are just biased
2017-01-13 05:21:26 UTC
2017-01-12 04:15:16 UTC
Yes, they lie.
2017-01-14 18:15:34 UTC
2017-01-13 16:33:23 UTC
2017-01-12 20:34:58 UTC
2017-01-12 15:18:58 UTC
Kevin Strong
2017-01-12 19:48:51 UTC
Sometimes it definitely is.
2017-01-13 20:19:11 UTC
LOLZ. Have you only just noticed ??
2017-01-16 13:45:23 UTC
99% True !
2017-01-15 22:56:29 UTC
depends on your perspective.
2017-01-12 16:28:06 UTC
occasionally .
2017-01-14 01:05:45 UTC
2017-01-12 19:12:56 UTC
some of it
2017-01-13 05:52:05 UTC
The question is, who is honest?
2017-01-14 22:42:52 UTC
James M.
2017-01-14 17:04:42 UTC
jason w
2017-01-14 15:38:49 UTC
2017-01-14 11:39:10 UTC
2017-01-13 18:44:05 UTC
2017-01-13 16:06:54 UTC
2017-01-13 10:04:37 UTC
2017-01-13 02:33:01 UTC
2017-01-13 01:58:24 UTC
2017-01-13 03:59:34 UTC
Of course NOT !

2017-01-15 01:42:17 UTC
No. Not at all.
2017-01-12 23:50:55 UTC
2017-01-13 10:41:31 UTC
isnt all media full of crap?
2017-01-13 15:30:49 UTC
Yes they are like Nazi propaganda just lies lies lies lies
2017-01-14 16:16:05 UTC
yes... do not doubt me!
2017-01-13 04:13:17 UTC
2017-01-14 07:57:14 UTC
not really
2017-01-13 18:00:34 UTC
2017-01-12 23:14:12 UTC
2017-01-14 07:30:31 UTC
2017-01-13 05:55:47 UTC
2017-01-12 00:48:08 UTC
2017-01-12 23:57:13 UTC
yes it is !!!
April M
2017-01-13 14:33:27 UTC
2017-01-13 21:18:13 UTC
2017-01-12 13:08:01 UTC
AFFIRMATIVE ! ! ! ! ! !
2017-01-13 17:18:51 UTC
2017-01-13 08:44:22 UTC
2017-01-13 09:37:00 UTC
I dunno
2017-01-13 00:22:14 UTC
2017-01-13 05:58:18 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.